Would you quit your job to finish your videogame backlog?


Fully [H]
Jun 7, 2008
So would you just quit your job and just start playing the rest of your games.
Considering this don't have much to lose really and lots of quality games.
You can think of it as shallow but a job just conditions you to work until you cant.
Do you have a plan after this vacation stint? Do you have a sufficient amount in savings? Are you changing careers? Is there something going on in your personal life?

Yeah my job sucks I don't plan on being totally sedate.
Yeah my job sucks I don't plan on being totally sedate.

Most jobs suck, I've found that they get exponentially worse when your personal life sucks too.

If you have a good plan and fair amount of money in savings, go for it. Find something new. Worst case scenario you can get something part time to help supplement.
Most jobs suck, I've found that they get exponentially worse when your personal life sucks too.

If you have a good plan and fair amount of money in savings, go for it. Find something new. Worst case scenario you can get something part time to help supplement.

He works at Walmart.... Sooooooooooooooooooo nope.
I play games via remote streaming at work. Some weeks I get more gaming done at work than home :confused:.

Doesn't help with the backlog. I've actually been putting off more games over the last 2 years because I've been delaying upgrades due to GPU (mostly), Memory and CPU pricing issues.
I have mad skills....
As a one-eyed, peg legged ship captain, I can actually say I have quit my job so I could increase my backlog.
So if the user is a teenager quitting his grocery store job for extra money above his allowance so he can play videogames on mommy's dime. Sure live it up while you can.
The rest of us like things like housing and food and cloths. Yes you can study up for wilderness training and go all homeless and eat off fishing and the land if you want to go oldschool but the statistical possibility of a person lazy enough to quit to game says if you try it you will die. Also not a very good game.. do I get to eat today.. when was the last month I had a bath? Unless of course you are a 1%er kid and never had to work in the first place. Then kudos game away.
i'd quit my job to play fucking leaners all day if i could.

you know that game where you try to get playing cards to lean against the wall?
I quit my job, during college, at Winn-Dixie back in 1999 to play Everquest. Not sure if that counts. I wouldn't do it now though.
Would I? Not a chance. Could I? Easily.

Humoring the OP, I’d have to in order to catch up. Far too many great games I haven’t yet beaten, much less even started.

Beside the point, I think it’s all in moderation; there are far more interesting things to do before dying (just one example of many: I need to see nearly every country before I croak). Plus, I love waking up to go to work every day, dream job for sure.
So would you just quit your job and just start playing the rest of your games.
Considering this don't have much to lose really and lots of quality games.

I mean.. if I was still single and worked at Wal-Mart like you do (did?) maybe, lol. I can say that too because I actually worked at Wal-Mart in high school for a year as a stockman and cart pusher.

I make exponentially more now and my job allows me to be able to afford virtually any amount of games and hardware that I want, so it would be counter-intuitive to quit my job to play video games. Not to mention that I have a family of 4 (including myself) that depends on me for their own well-being. I've actually been chewing away at my back-log a decent bit here lately though; just played through Wolfenstein A New Order last week and am playing through Bioshock (remastered) this week. Also playing through Zelda BotW a bit before bed every night as well.
True story .....some guy was working at Walmart for about a year he quit when the Nintendo Wii came out just so he could play that thing.
True story .....some guy was working at Walmart for about a year he quit when the Nintendo Wii came out just so he could play that thing.
I was a main tank in a top 20 World of Warcraft guild years and years ago. I was single, no kids, easy job with lots of vacation, and a paid off house. I'd bang out 80h a week playing. But these other guys went to some extreme lengths. Divorce, losing custody of kids intentionally, quitting work then cashing in 401k to pay bills only to lose their house, etc. It was bad.
I would, for a few months anyway.
At least that's what happened last year - I was unemployed June through October after getting laid off.
With severance and savings I didn't need to worry about money, it was great - I haven't felt so chill and eager to do things in years, even stopped smoking for a few months.
But realistically it's not possible for any extended period, the real world will catch up to you.
Ya'll need to start having kids.

No. Fuck that.

Honestly, I really don’t think I could fit kids into my life as it is, period. It just doesn’t seem possible while trying to do everything else (main job and semi-management of my own businesses is easily eating up 85% of my day, every day).

I was a main tank in a top 20 World of Warcraft guild years and years ago. I was single, no kids, easy job with lots of vacation, and a paid off house. I'd bang out 80h a week playing. But these other guys went to some extreme lengths. Divorce, losing custody of kids intentionally, quitting work then cashing in 401k to pay bills only to lose their house, etc. It was bad.

I miss WoW so much. Debating hopping into some Classic a few hours a week now that’s it’s out; everyone I know is coming back.
Ya'll need to start having kids.

why? lol there's no upside to kids and only compromises.. i'll leave that to the people that give a crap about that stuff.

what makes games or any sort of hobby fun is the limited amount of time you get to do it...if you quit your job and played games 8 hours a day then it would start to feel like a job and get boring

or you might be playing Eve Online.. ;)
what makes games or any sort of hobby fun is the limited amount of time you get to do it...
True in most cases I think, games are an escape for a lot of us, so without other responsibilities weighing down it's just less of a relief. It'd be interesting to see the occupation folks have and which games they enjoy, because it seems if you have an annoying job, the more annoying games are played less, and vice-versa... since I started doing a lot more design work with architects/civil something like Sim City doesn't play as well, I'd rather do something that requires no brain cells like blasting baddies. On the other hand, when I'm doing the tedious monotonous stuff at work, the games I enjoy are the more brain-twisting ones. So, without a job at all... I just can't imagine it, nothing in life is stressful enough to provide a contrast. Maybe if you lived with a girl or kids that stress you out, then gaming is a more attractive thing?