Powers off during gaming


Aug 24, 2014
This has started today, and before today, has never happened. PSU was purchased 6/15. Three years without issue.

960 EVO
Asus Maximus Hero mobo
Win 10, fully updated

Temps are fine, CPU never hits 50c, GPU doesn't even have time to get hot enough before it's crashing now. Temps are usually fine in the 70s but it's powering off in the 50s now.

This has happened in two different games now.

So before I run out and buy a PSU when it's probably not the PSU, what other logical guesses are there? Upon Googling most results show it's someone running some offbrand PSU, so I feel like my situation is different.

I unhooked everything and made sure everything was plugged in properly. Dust in the case is basically non-existent.

My gut wants to say thermal paste, but temps are fine..? I'm in a 100 year old building, and they've started hooking our sprinkler system up to city water yesterday. Could that be related? It's the only variable I can think of. I'm not on a battery backup, would getting one solve that, if it were the problem?

I know troubleshooting sucks, so thanks in advance for all the help.
Mobo... RAM... it can be anything... I had this problem once when I bought a refurb mobo... Have to replace everything one by one and see which one is the culprit...
You should have a UPS anyway so get that first. If still have issues then swap out video card. Also try just 1 stick of RAM and see if issue goes away.

Good luck!
Thanks guys.

PSU came in, still rebooted. Tried plugging it in to a different outlet and unplugging almost everything else

Boots in, gets in to game

hear: crackle
Smell: burning plastic
See: a small trail of smoke

Freak out, unplug from wall. I don't see anything wrong but it's pretty obviously the video card seeing as how I'm booted in with onboard graphics.

This thing is 10000000000% shot right? Like, don't even plug it back in and mess with it? It's weird, the GPU temps were reporting 50c and I had the fans at 100% and it was only TF2 and I was just sitting there, this game is only somewhat demanding, so something is definitely wrong.

The card wasn't overclocked or anything, power % in MSI afterburner was 100% and the GPU and RAM were set to +0
Card was burning hot, too. At least the Heatsink was.
It's an EVGA 980ti SC that I bought from a member here ages ago. Maybe I'll get lucky with the warranty.
Thanks guys.

PSU came in, still rebooted. Tried plugging it in to a different outlet and unplugging almost everything else

Boots in, gets in to game

hear: crackle
Smell: burning plastic
See: a small trail of smoke

Freak out, unplug from wall. I don't see anything wrong but it's pretty obviously the video card seeing as how I'm booted in with onboard graphics.

This thing is 10000000000% shot right? Like, don't even plug it back in and mess with it? It's weird, the GPU temps were reporting 50c and I had the fans at 100% and it was only TF2 and I was just sitting there, this game is only somewhat demanding, so something is definitely wrong.

The card wasn't overclocked or anything, power % in MSI afterburner was 100% and the GPU and RAM were set to +0
Card was burning hot, too. At least the Heatsink was.
It's an EVGA 980ti SC that I bought from a member here ages ago. Maybe I'll get lucky with the warranty.

I was under the impression that it was powering off, as said in the thread title and OP, not rebooting, anyways....NO! do not try to boot with that card installed, and I'm not sure that card would still have a warranty on it as well. Do you happen to have a back up GPU?
you smoked the pixies, its done. ive heard good things about evga warranty, maybe youll get lucky.
I had four days left on the warranty.

Yeah pretty nuts. Ifffff they accept the RMA and it all goes well, what will be my replacement card? Don't want to get my hopes up but

You'll get another 980Ti. They aren't out of stock on them.

I sent a 980Ti in last month for RMA and got a 980Ti replacement.

I got another one, maybe two more that I need to send soon. Not sure how much time I have left on their warranty, but I know it's getting close.
So even if you've determined it's the video card, I'd use this opportunity to strip down the system and just test it with cpu+ram+boot drive and then add components one at a time examining each one for any evidence of damage. It would be bad if it was something else that in turn caused the gpu to die and then you get the replacement and the same thing happens to the replacement.
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Well seeing as how hes using the system with the intel hd graphics... I think he'll cover that.
Shipped the card off today. $30 UPS Ground! I checked EVGA's website and they don't list the 980ti anymore, only the 960, so unless they have a few in the back just for such purposes, I'll be getting a 10xxxx

Upon reading some thread on Steam forums, it looks like the most likely candidate is a 1080, with a 1070 or maybe 1070ti being a close second and a 1080ti being a real longshot, though there are people who RMAd a 780ti and got a 980ti so who knows.
I am sending my 980Ti Hybrid off soon as I get my RMA number from them. I have two of them in SLI, so lets hope they have another one.
They don't give much in the way of feedback once the card has been sent off but I have received my own card back to me(I can tell by a scratch in the sticker) and it is fixed. I'm guessing a bad capacitor and they just soldered on a new one. Way beyond my technical ability but overall pretty damn happy.

Those two weeks were hell.
Get a replacement install it.

If it stops doing it then walla prob solved.

If it continues you got another problem.

Or buy a cheap power supply tester.
This is happening again. I'm on Linux, too.

More to the point though, what the fuck? Twice in four months? It hasn't caught on fire yet but I wouldn't doubt it. Something else has to be causing this, right? I pulled out the little EVGA cable adapter thing, one less variable at least. Everything was fine up until Sunday.
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Glad you figured this out. Were you able to warranty the power supply too?
Hm? PSU is going fine, the video card is all that died, and I'd say at this point it is not figured out at all. Video card is in a drawer right now. EVGA said they won't repair it.
Sorry, didn't see your post about the recent problems on linux. When you pulled the video card did that solve the problem? Or is it still shutting down?
So after pulling the card and using only the igpu you've got no issues? Or do you still have issues when gaming?
Sorry didn't see this.
No issues at all, even long sessions of gaming. Just issues with the difference between that sweet 980ti horsepower vs onboard graphics! :eek:

I can't even get it to stay online anymore, and since EVGA isn't helping anymore, I figured why not pull the block and see if there is anything obvious. Before I run out and get another graphics card I'd like to make damn sure it's the card and not something else.



They're a little blurry but I don't see anything too obvious? I never know what to look for, though. The only thing I see that might be off is some of the thermal paste has gone off the die and on to the surrounding area, but I'm guessing this is super standard for factory applications given how much of it is everywhere.
I've messed around with my MSI 980Ti a lot and when I initially pulled the heat sink off, the TIM application was way worse than your picture above, it was like the dried aftermath of a kink film. In hindsight I should have taken a pic before cleaning it up and applying MX4.