Sell me on windows 10....

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Oh dear God.

Free speech means the government can't jail you for expressing yourself. (Though, they can, really, if you express certain things.)

It has NOTHING to do with what you're allowed or not allowed to say on privately owned forums or in privately owned places by the owners.

Please... for your own sake, never use the words "free speech" again until you learn what they mean.

Obviously I wasn't speaking about it in constitutional terms. This site will be quite lame if only Windows can be discussed as an option. Windows itself is less of a problem compared to the market dominance it has. World needs alternatives. Imagine if your local wine store had only one generic wine manufacturer to choose from.

This is the situation now, everyone drinks the generic stale product.
Obviously I wasn't speaking about it in constitutional terms. This site will be quite lame if only Windows can be discussed as an option. Windows itself is less of a problem compared to the market dominance it has. World needs alternatives. Imagine if your local wine store had only one generic wine manufacturer to choose from.

This is the situation now, everyone drinks the generic stale product.
Free speech is a fictional concept invented by humans. There are no other terms but constitutional (and, of course, equivalent policies held by other countries, of which I am not familiar.)

Linux is fine. It's not for everyone, no matter how much you think it should be. Windows is also fine. I won't try to convince you to use it, though.
Obviously I wasn't speaking about it in constitutional terms. This site will be quite lame if only Windows can be discussed as an option. Windows itself is less of a problem compared to the market dominance it has. World needs alternatives. Imagine if your local wine store had only one generic wine manufacturer to choose from.

This is the situation now, everyone drinks the generic stale product.

The issue at hand really has nothing to do with Linux so much as it does with staying on the topic started by the OP. Your Linux intrusion into a question about Windows 10 would be the same as me interjecting that "Windows 10 is great!" in a thread where someone was asking which Linux distro would best serve his needs - off-topic and unwelcome in that venue. EVERYONE knows Linux is out there, especially on a PC enthusiast forum such as this. Even my wife has heard of it! It's not like you're drawing attention to a brand new and completely 100% compatible alternative solution that might not otherwise have been considered by the OP. It is almost certain that the OP of THIS thread is aware of Linux and arrived at the conclusion that it will not meet his needs in his particular use case for that particular machine. Hell, he may already be using it on a different machine where Linux is the best option for the job at hand - plenty of us do that, ya know...

TLDR - Hijacking threads is not the way to promote your preferred product, no matter what it is. It just makes you (and by extension, your preferred product) look like an asshole.
No one's hijacking threads.

The OP has used Linux in the past, Linux is a viable option and the OP is asking to be 'sold an operating system'! If you don't like people highlighting alternatives to Windows there's an ignore function or the option to leave the thread and stop posting.

This is the 'operating systems' forum, discussion is centered around operating systems in general and discussions evolve. You're all big boys, if Linux isn't for you, ignore the discussion and move on. Perhaps you could all use some intelligence and sway the discussion back to Windows in a friendly manner?
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I've personally enjoyed my switch from 7 to 10. Everyone harping on about the "spyware" parts of the OS are conveniently omitting that those things only happen if you associate your user account with a Microsoft account, which is not required. Beyond that, five minutes and a guide on YouTube for services.msc will show you how to disable the rest.

That aside, it's just generally a faster, "snappier" OS than 7, which I like. To each their own on tastes, of course, but that's my 2¢.


The spyware issue with Windows is by no means limited to associating one's account with a Microsoft account. Associating your account with a Microsoft account simply makes it even worse.
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The spyware issue with Windows is by no means limited to associating one's account with a Microsoft account. Associating your account with a Microsoft account simply makes it even worse.
...and like I said, the remainder can easily be addressed in msconfig.

At least we're back on topic.
...and like I said, the remainder can easily be addressed in msconfig.

At least we're back on topic.

The rest can be disabled from within msconfig?! Not really. Can the joke of an updater be improved?

This thread never went off topic. The OP asked to be 'sold' an OS, in order to be 'sold' an OS you have to provide alternatives and the OP never stated that alternative operating systems were specifically out of question.
The rest can be disabled from within msconfig?! Not really. Can the joke of an updater be improved?

This thread never went off topic. The OP asked to be 'sold' an OS, in order to be 'sold' an OS you have to provide alternatives and the OP never stated that alternative operating systems were specifically out of question.
You're right, how silly of me. You're clearly trying to sell OP on Win10 by presenting other, inferior options. How could I have been so blind?

The "joke of an updater" is certainly not without its issues, but are we talking about privacy concerns here, or would you like to move the goalposts a little further?

If OP wanted Linux, he would have asked to be "sold" on Linux. Your tinfoil-hat fanboying makes the whole penguin crew look bad.
You're right, how silly of me. You're clearly trying to sell OP on Win10 by presenting other, inferior options. How could I have been so blind?

The "joke of an updater" is certainly not without its issues, but are we talking about privacy concerns here, or would you like to move the goalposts a little further?

If OP wanted Linux, he would have asked to be "sold" on Linux. Your tinfoil-hat fanboying makes the whole penguin crew look bad.

Inferior options?!

Do you see why users of alternate operating systems have the attitude they have with an attitude like yours as a Windows user?

The OP asked to be sold an OS, in order to sell someone anything you have to weigh the pro's and con's of every option - The fact that discussion isn't biased towards your preferred OS is irrelevant. Furthermore, the updater is a joke and must be highlighted if the OP is considering Windows 10.

Get off your soap box and participate in discussion as a civil and mature member of [H].
Inferior options?!

Do you see why users of alternate operating systems have the attitude they have with an attitude like yours as a Windows user?

The OP asked to be sold an OS, in order to sell someone anything you have to weigh the pro's and con's of every option - The fact that discussion isn't biased towards your preferred OS is irrelevant. Furthermore, the updater is a joke and must be highlighted if the OP is considering Windows 10.

Get off your soap box and participate in discussion as a civil and mature member of [H].
I use both Windows and Linux on a variety of machines. I like both for different use cases. Your sarcasm meter could do for a calibration.
No one's hijacking threads.

The OP has used Linux in the past, Linux is a viable option and the OP is asking to be 'sold an operating system'! If you don't like people highlighting alternatives to Windows there's an ignore function or the option to leave the thread and stop posting.

This is the 'operating systems' forum, discussion is centered around operating systems in general and discussions evolve. You're all big boys, if Linux isn't for you, ignore the discussion and move on. Perhaps you could all use some intelligence and sway the discussion back to Windows in a friendly manner?

But THIS PARTICULAR DISCUSSION is about migrating from Windows 7 to Windows 10. The OP never asked anything about migrating to Linux or any other OS family. He even states in a later response that Linux will explicitly not serve his needs in this particular case (so why has Linux been dragged on in this thread for an additional 2 pages of comments??). He wanted the pros and cons of moving from WINDOWS 7 to WINDOWS 10. Thus YOU are off-topic, and hijacking the thread. And I am no longer going to be an enabler for your threadjacking . If you are too blind to see what you are doing as threadjacking, even despite clear explanation from multiple people, then there really is nothing else I can say to you about it. Good day, sir.

For general clarity - I am in no way anti-Linus. Hell, I really liked OS/2 and BeOS back in the day. But none of these have a place in THIS discussion.
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But THIS PARTICULAR DISCUSSION is about migrating from Windows 7 to Windows 10. The OP never asked anything about migrating to Linux or any other OS family. He even states in a later response that Linux will explicitly not serve his needs in this particular case (so why has Linux been dragged on in this thread for an additional 2 pages of comments??). He wanted the pros and cons of moving from WINDOWS 7 to WINDOWS 10. Thus YOU are off-topic, and hijacking the thread. And I am no longer going to be an enabler for your threadjacking . If you are too blind to see what you are doing as threadjacking, even despite clear explanation from multiple people, then there really is nothing else I can say to you about it. Good day, sir.

For general clarity - I am in no way anti-Linus. Hell, I really liked OS/2 and BeOS back in the day. But none of these have a place in THIS discussion.

No, it's not about 'migrating' to anything.

The OP specifically stated 'SELL ME ON WINDOWS 10'.

Selling something to someone means exploring all alternatives - The OP never specifically stated they were in no way partial to the possibility of an alternate OS, that was something assumed by certain users including yourself.

I use both Windows and Linux on a variety of machines. I like both for different use cases. Your sarcasm meter could do for a calibration.

Good for you, so do I.
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I'd say people are stupid. This stems from observing the fact that there is constant complaining about windows doing this windows doing that - and nobody is doing anything about it except for perhaps using another version of Windows.

Nothing will EVER improve this way, folks. Microsoft owns you.
I'd say people are stupid. This stems from observing the fact that there is constant complaining about windows doing this windows doing that - and nobody is doing anything about it except for perhaps using another version of Windows.

Nothing will EVER improve this way, folks. Microsoft owns you.
Linux is a valid alternative. I see. So if I switch to Linux exclusively, it'll never do anything I don't like or understand, and all my software, personal and professional, will work flawlessly and integrate seamlessly with the software used by others.
Linux is a valid alternative. I see. So if I switch to Linux exclusively, it'll never do anything I don't like or understand, and all my software, personal and professional, will work flawlessly and integrate seamlessly with the software used by others.

You won't be forced to do anything, won't be spied upon and you will have full control over your computer. Further more if everyone just keeps using Windows Microsoft has no reason to do anything except find ways to further exploit the users and monetize them.
You won't be forced to do anything, won't be spied upon and you will have full control over your computer. Further more if everyone just keeps using Windows Microsoft has no reason to do anything except find ways to further exploit the users and monetize them.
I don't care about any of those things if my Linux computer won't run the software I want (games) and need (work) it to run. I don't care about any of those things if there are no drivers for some of my hardware and peripherals.

You wanna "explore all the alternatives" to Windows? Let's explore them in their entirety, and not just your selling points.
honestly until the "fall 2017 creators update" windows 10 has been pretty trouble free for myself... I'm trying to remember but I did an upgrade that i feel like was ~ok but finally decided to do a clean install anyways.. been quite awhile ago... however since the creators updates I have had some issues (most of which I have finally ironed out mostly I think** / hope).
You won't be forced to do anything, won't be spied upon and you will have full control over your computer. Further more if everyone just keeps using Windows Microsoft has no reason to do anything except find ways to further exploit the users and monetize them.

I'll give you that you won't be "spied" by the OS (maybe...), but that's about it. Do you use a browser? web app? sorry but you are being "spied"
I'll give you that you won't be "spied" by the OS (maybe...), but that's about it. Do you use a browser? web app? sorry but you are being "spied"

Spying at OS level is a no go, anyone that advocates spying at OS level that cannot be fully disabled really needs to pull their head out of the sand.

Spying at OS level is a no go, anyone that advocates spying at OS level that cannot be fully disabled really needs to pull their head out of the sand.
Let's say I was willing to give up my games and ability to work from home if you could prove to me that my operating system was sending personally identifiable information to Microsoft.

I think you'd be hard-pressed to do that, given that I don't provide any portion of my information to my operating system, but I'm certainly willing to humor you if you'd like to try.
Let's say I was willing to give up my games and ability to work from home if you could prove to me that my operating system was sending personally identifiable information to Microsoft.

I think you'd be hard-pressed to do that, given that I don't provide any portion of my information to my operating system, but I'm certainly willing to humor you if you'd like to try.

We all use what is the most suitable considering out usage scenario. I'm in no way trying to force you to use anything but Windows 10, but what is important to yourself may very well not be so important to the next person and they may very well be able to switch from an OS like Windows 10 to something alternate. Once Microsoft see people shifting away from their OS, they may very well start listening to their users and give them complete control over their OS the same way they had control over Windows 7 without the spyware.

If you think the consumer can't vote with their wallet, lets consider the debacle going on at EA ATM regarding Battlefront 2 - The consumers were able to affect EA's share prices upon growing a pair and saying no to underhanded tactics.

If you're trying to imply that Windows 10 does not send personal information to Microsoft, I'd safely claim that in your scenario, ignorance is bliss. All things considered, Windows 10 is a fairly substandard OS compared to the one it's replacing - The amount of troubles I'm encountering on client machines as a result of the last update is a joke.
We all use what is the most suitable considering out usage scenario. I'm in no way trying to force you to use anything but Windows 10, but what is important to yourself may very well not be so important to the next person and they may very well be able to switch from an OS like Windows 10 to something alternate. Once Microsoft see people shifting away from their OS, they may very well start listening to their users and give them complete control over their OS the same way they had control over Windows 7 without the spyware.

If you think the consumer can't vote with their wallet, lets consider the debacle going on at EA ATM regarding Battlefront 2 - The consumers were able to affect EA's share prices upon growing a pair and saying no to underhanded tactics.

If you're trying to imply that Windows 10 does not send personal information to Microsoft, I'd safely claim that in your scenario, ignorance is bliss. All things considered, Windows 10 is a fairly substandard OS compared to the one it's replacing - The amount of troubles I'm encountering on client machines as a result of the last update is a joke.
I'm sorry, I missed the part where you tell me exactly what information my machine is sending to Microsoft that I can't turn off.
I'm sorry, I missed the part where you tell me exactly what information my machine is sending to Microsoft that I can't turn off.

Odd? It's right there?

Since everyone can accept the fact that MS is spying on it's users as a result of Windows 10 and the latest round of updates relating to Windows 7 and Windows 8/8.1 and everyone else can accept the fact that this is a 'feature' that cannot be fully turned off, I tell you what...

....How about you find evidence that Windows 10 is not spying on it's users as I don't really give a shit.

As it stands now, the OS is a UI mess - A mishmash of touch and desktop, not excelling at either. Furthermore, the updater is a broken joke doing more harm than good while giving the end user very little control whatsoever over their own machine and the only real benefit from the perspective of a gamer considering Windows 10 is DX12, which is a waste of time.

This thread has nothing to do with your needs, the OP asked people to sell him on the possibility of Windows 10 as his daily driver OS - That means considering all possibilities, no matter what you believe an awesome OS to be.
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Odd? It's right there?

Since everyone can accept the fact that MS is spying on it's users as a result of Windows 10 and the latest round of updates relating to Windows 7 and Windows 8/8.1 and everyone else can accept the fact that this is a 'feature' that cannot be fully turned off, I tell you what...

....How about you find evidence that Windows 10 is not spying on it's users as I don't really give a shit.

As it stands now, the OS is a UI mess - A mishmash of touch and desktop, not excelling at either. Furthermore, the updater is a broken joke doing more harm than good while giving the end user very little control whatsoever over their own machine and the only real benefit from the perspective of a gamer considering Windows 10 is DX12, which is a waste of time.

This thread has nothing to do with your needs, the OP asked people to sell him on the possibility of Windows 10 as his daily driver OS - That means considering all possibilities, no matter what you believe an awesome OS to be.
You make claims (re: the spying) that suggest you're more knowledgeable than the layman regarding the subject. Invited to demonstrate that knowledge, however, you change subjects to subjective aspects (the UI, for instance) that you simply don't care for. Keep on pushing that goalpost, buddy.
You make claims (re: the spying) that suggest you're more knowledgeable than the layman regarding the subject. Invited to demonstrate that knowledge, however, you change subjects to subjective aspects (the UI, for instance) that you simply don't care for. Keep on pushing that goalpost, buddy.

Where did I claim to be more knowledgeable?

There's a lot of assumptions in this thread.
Where did I claim to be more knowledgeable?

There's a lot of assumptions in this thread.
Like the one about Windows spying on users in ways they can't disable, for example.

Full disclosure, buddy. I'm not even that technically astute, as power users go. I'm taking the notion that all telemetry can be disabled on the authority of a person I trust, who has shown me how to do so.

If you've got that bomb to drop, if you can prove to me that he is wrong and I am wrong, fire away. Wipe the smug grin off my face and shatter the worldview of another Microsoft slave.

Until you do though, I'm going to assume you actually don't know, and you're just repeating clickbait headlines because it was cool to hate Microsoft in the 90s, so it must still be cool now.
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Like the one about Windows spying on users in ways they can't disable, for example.

Full disclosure, buddy. I'm not even that technically astute, as power users go. I'm taking the notion that all telemetry can be disabled on the authority of a person I trust, who has shown me how to do so.

If you've got that bomb to drop, if you can prove to me that he is wrong and I am wrong, fire away. Wipe the smug grin off my face and shatter the worldview of another Microsoft slave.

Until you do though, I'm going to assume you actually don't know, and you're just repeating clickbait headlines because it was cool to hate Microsoft in the 90s, so it must still be cool now.

Well, you're the master of assumption, relish in it.
Like the one about Windows spying on users in ways they can't disable, for example.

Full disclosure, buddy. I'm not even that technically astute, as power users go. I'm taking the notion that all telemetry can be disabled on the authority of a person I trust, who has shown me how to do so.

If you've got that bomb to drop, if you can prove to me that he is wrong and I am wrong, fire away. Wipe the smug grin off my face and shatter the worldview of another Microsoft slave.

Until you do though, I'm going to assume you actually don't know, and you're just repeating clickbait headlines because it was cool to hate Microsoft in the 90s, so it must still be cool now.
Best you're going to get is the basic telemetry level (unless you're running one of those third party does-who-knows-what-to-your-computer programs):
Microsoft said:
* Security. Information that’s required to help keep Windows, Windows Server, and System Center secure, including data about the Connected User Experience and Telemetry component settings, the Malicious Software Removal Tool, and Windows Defender.
* Basic. Basic device info, including: quality-related data, app compatibility, app usage data, and data from the Security level.
* Enhanced. Additional insights, including: how Windows, Windows Server, System Center, and apps are used, how they perform, advanced reliability data, and data from both the Basic and the Security levels.
* Full. All data necessary to identify and help to fix problems, plus data from the Security, Basic, and Enhanced levels.

And (unless it changed recently) dark design patterns at install mean most users get Full by default. PDF crash while filling out your taxes, it could get slurped up by some telemetry thing to determine if there is a problem with the file and your SSN + financial data could go with it.

Digested by ZDNet, if they're ok enough -
There you go, cheers Frobozz.

Can we get back on topic now?

For the OP, I think it's pretty simple if you're a Windows user. I think it comes down to if you think you'll want to use Windows on that computer after 2020, or if there's some killer feature from them you'll want to take advantage then you're going to go to Windows 10. Otherwise, use 7 if it gets the job done.

Things to keep in mind -
If you build a new computer with new parts - probably going to have to go Windows 10 due to 'unsupported hardware' tomfoolery.
Come 2020 Windows 7 support expires and this issue becomes a non-issue (unless you want to run something unsupported)
Windows 10 up/down/sidegrade period is ending soon.
Sourcing an OS from a pirate site is just asking for trouble.
Best you're going to get is the basic telemetry level (unless you're running one of those third party does-who-knows-what-to-your-computer programs):

And (unless it changed recently) dark design patterns at install mean most users get Full by default. PDF crash while filling out your taxes, it could get slurped up by some telemetry thing to determine if there is a problem with the file and your SSN + financial data could go with it.

Digested by ZDNet, if they're ok enough -
Thanks for taking the time, Frobozz.

I'm shaking in my boots now, knowing that Microsoft... knows what hardware I'm using.

According, at least, to the ZDNet article, you can prevent any personally identifiable information from being collected without even disabling any services.

Thanks for taking the time, Frobozz.

I'm shaking in my boots now, knowing that Microsoft... knows what hardware I'm using.

According, at least, to the ZDNet article, you can prevent any personally identifiable information from being collected without even disabling any services.

So if you're ok with all that, then I guess you're good to go.
As the telemetry for Windows 10 is encrypted, and Microsoft isn't about to let anybody see what's actually being sent as part of the telemetry full-scope, then we're only left with the option to trust they're not doing anything untoward with the data whatever it actually does contain. Nobody outside of Microsoft aside from perhaps the FBI or the NSA has seen such data and they could be looking at it 24/7 because of FISA warrants and other methods of forcing Microsoft to do this without being able to say a peep about it publicly due to gag orders issued from a FISA judge or court body so, again, not something that can be fully trusted.

I don't trust anybody that much, not even my wife so, at least with her and most of the rest of the world we have the option to reveal or not reveal specific data points as we see fits - Microsoft has effectively removed that voluntary aspect from the Windows 10 user's purview and as such the operating system itself simply cannot be trusted to any logical or rational degrees.

Making it more than that is simply idiotic. As I've said for decades now and continue to state when needed: Windows is Microsoft's operating system and they will do whatever they want with it, the end user be damned.
As the telemetry for Windows 10 is encrypted, and Microsoft isn't about to let anybody see what's actually being sent as part of the telemetry full-scope, then we're only left with the option to trust they're not doing anything untoward with the data whatever it actually does contain. Nobody outside of Microsoft aside from perhaps the FBI or the NSA has seen such data and they could be looking at it 24/7 because of FISA warrants and other methods of forcing Microsoft to do this without being able to say a peep about it publicly due to gag orders issued from a FISA judge or court body so, again, not something that can be fully trusted.

I don't trust anybody that much, not even my wife so, at least with her and most of the rest of the world we have the option to reveal or not reveal specific data points as we see fits - Microsoft has effectively removed that voluntary aspect from the Windows 10 user's purview and as such the operating system itself simply cannot be trusted to any logical or rational degrees.

Making it more than that is simply idiotic. As I've said for decades now and continue to state when needed: Windows is Microsoft's operating system and they will do whatever they want with it, the end user be damned.

Are we sure MS aren't going to give anyone access to telemetry? With the exception of Apple there aren't many tech companies that don't cave to three letter government agencies.

Personally, I'll stick with an OS that respects my privacy. Having said that, Windows 10 has glaring issues outside of privacy alone.

Essentially what you're saying, I'm just being agreeable.
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Like the one about Windows spying on users in ways they can't disable, for example.

Full disclosure, buddy. I'm not even that technically astute, as power users go. I'm taking the notion that all telemetry can be disabled on the authority of a person I trust, who has shown me how to do so.
Citation needed. How specifically can "all telemetry be disabled", and why are you cowering behind some lame secrecy about how to do it? Spill.

Sounds like some grade-A bullshit.

As facts go there is no official way to disable telemetry in 10 - not even in Enterprise SKUs - they still leak data. Garage hacks and third party tools that break after every forced windows update aren't any guarantee, only a best guess.
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Citation needed. How specifically can "all telemetry be disabled", and why are you cowering behind some lame secrecy about how to do it? Spill.

Sounds like some grade-A bullshit.

As facts go there is no official way to disable telemetry in 10 - not even in Enterprise SKUs - they still leak data. Garage hacks and third party tools that break after every forced windows update aren't any guarantee, only a best guess.
Correction on my part, I was referring to telemetry containing personally identifying information. I know that even trimmed down, it still sends crash data and basic operating condition data... which I'm already guessing is a point on which we'll disagree. I don't consider that to be "leaking data."

No, I'm not "cowering behind some lame secret." I mean, at least it's not a secret if you have an internet connection. There's a few videos on YouTube listing the options to toggle and the services to disable. The closest any get to "garage hacks and third party tools" is a registry edit to disable Cortana and a powershell command to uninstall the Windows Store.

The last one I used is billed as an "optimization guide" by the channel TechYesCity on YouTube. Guy releases a new one with most yearly updates, covering anything that's changed.
Correction on my part, I was referring to telemetry containing personally identifying information. I know that even trimmed down, it still sends crash data and basic operating condition data... which I'm already guessing is a point on which we'll disagree. I don't consider that to be "leaking data."

No, I'm not "cowering behind some lame secret." I mean, at least it's not a secret if you have an internet connection. There's a few videos on YouTube listing the options to toggle and the services to disable. The closest any get to "garage hacks and third party tools" is a registry edit to disable Cortana and a powershell command to uninstall the Windows Store.

The last one I used is billed as an "optimization guide" by the channel TechYesCity on YouTube. Guy releases a new one with most yearly updates, covering anything that's changed.

* Security. Information that’s required to help keep Windows, Windows Server, and System Center secure, including data about the Connected User Experience and Telemetry component settings, the Malicious Software Removal Tool, and Windows Defender.

* Basic. Basic device info, including: quality-related data, app compatibility, app usage data, and data from the Security level.

You really need to read what Frobozz posted - It's sending far more than just crash data, even when set to the lowest setting of Basic mode.

Connected user experience is Microsoft for 'your personal data'.
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You really need to read what Frobozz posted - It's sending far more than just crash data, even when set to the lowest setting of Basic mode.

Connected user experience is Microsoft for 'your personal data'.
The connected user experience client is one of the services that you can disable.
Why would the telemetry data be encrypted if all it contained was some hardware statistics. And why would Microsoft do all it can to disable hacks that try to stop the telemetry.

Just smell the coffee already.
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