Update iPhone to iOS 10 instead of 11?


Jun 10, 2015
I am seriously considering getting an iPhone SE for my pre-paid cellular service. I received some gift money, and the price they are being offered is hard to pass up.

I am certain that out of the box, the phone will have an older version of iOS installed, and will need updated. Reading about iOS 11, I am unsure if I want to update to that version, but I have been using at work a 5s with 10.3, and I like the way it works. Is it possible to update from whatever will come out of the box (8, 9, etc), to not the latest available? I'd like to know if it is possible before purchasing.
The answer to your question is: no.

Apple does what is calling "signing" for release versions. And generally will only leave the last 1-3 updates of iOS "signed" to download and use from their servers. iOS 10.3.3 roll back is already gone. And even if it wasn't, software update generally forces you to go to the latest version.
So if you read that linked article, you'd have to download an earlier version of iOS from a third party (since you don't already have it downloaded yourself) and it would have to be a version that is currently still signed by iOS servers in order to move to it.

With that, your options are more or less to: move to faster hardware, or just stick with whatever version the SE comes out of the box with. Which, believe it or not, actually might be some version of 11. It would be pure luck in terms of what version of iOS you get.
Thanks for the link and info. iOS 11 isn't a deal breaker, but if I could make sure I had 10.3.3, I'd quit thinking and just go get the thing! Guess I'll have to put a little more thought into it before I buy, but probably not much more.
You might think Apple has 50,000 of these phones rusting away in a warehouse somewhere, but Apple's supply chain is notoriously efficient, and they can typically have a few days (or hours) of available stock. So they go through stuff really fast. Every day you wait, the chances it will come preloaded with iOS11 go up substantially.
I got the phone last night. Came from the carrier. It was already loaded with 10.3.3, so I'm happy! Now to figure out all the new-fangled tech! I'm upgrading from a flip-phone :eek:
You got super lucky! Enjoy.
Thanks. I am already "enjoying" the experience. Here's my "Newegg style" review so far:

Improved sound quality on calls
Can listen to music
Usable camera
Slightly better contact access and management
Ability to back up contacts!

Not as easy to initiate phone calls as a flip phone
Lot's of features I really won't use
Not as good battery life as the flip phone

Other thoughts:
Receiving and disconnecting calls is not nearly as bad as it was on the old Android phones I have used. Not quite as easy as the flip phone, but definitely not a hassle
It currently is not prompting me to upgrade to iOS 11, which I find odd, but I am certainly fine with. Might be a vendor lock. As long as there aren't any big security vulnerabilities found on 10.3.3, though with my limited usage, security may not be much of an issue.

The iOS 11 update appeared as available today. Still going to hold off on it for now.
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