More DOOM Gameplay Footage

idkfa = armor / weapons / health
iddqd = god mode
idclip = clipping off

all = afaik (or remember) :p
As much DOOM as I played, even though it doesn't look bad, I have to say I think I've outgrown that phase. Its a bit too cartoonishly violent for my tastes now.
For those trying to say that it won't look this good, I seriously doubt that it won't. This is id, it's a new engine, and I'm sure it will look very close if not the same. This isn't Ubisoft. I know some people don't like Tech 5, but it's actually a solid engine, and can look incredibly beautiful. Tech 6 should be a good increase in visuals I would think.

The thing people complain about with Tech 5 is use of low-res textures in some cases, and yes, this has happened in several games on the engine. I really don't think it's a limitation of the engine though. It's art direction. Aside from that, the lighting even though it's done differently always seems to look better to me. Subjective yes, but I don't get the same impact from say an Unreal engine based game, or even CryEngine most of the time. (though I have seen some good output from that one too I'll admit)

I'm playing The Old Blood right now, and really, for just a pure action shooter, it's pretty close to perfection on Tech 5. Add some higher resolution textures for a few things, and whatever other improvements Tech 6 brings, and I don't think Doom 4 will be far from the demos at all. Hopefully I'm not proven wrong, but I have a pretty good feeling about it. People seem to nitpick id games more than others (or maybe I just pay more attention to it because I like their games :D ) but I don't know exactly what people want. It looks like a good solid id shooter to me. You either like them or you don't. I'm not seeing anything in these videos to suggest that this won't be a good entry in the id library.
As much DOOM as I played, even though it doesn't look bad, I have to say I think I've outgrown that phase. Its a bit too cartoonishly violent for my tastes now.

I'm not terribly fond of the little melee cinematics for similar reasons. The rest of it looks quite solid though, and I think I'll enjoy it a lot. id gets a lot of things spot on as far as gunplay mechanics.
I'm not terribly fond of the little melee cinematics for similar reasons. The rest of it looks quite solid though, and I think I'll enjoy it a lot. id gets a lot of things spot on as far as gunplay mechanics.

Yeah, drop the melee cinematics, speed up the pace 30%, add 50% more enemies. Then I'm in!
is the AI really supposed to be that bad? Yeah it looks pretty but for those that say the gameplay looks good I'm not quite sure what you're referring to? :confused:

Yes, the AI is supposed to be that bad. It's still a little ways from being released. I'm fairly confident that it will get better. If not, well.... shit.

Gameplay? It didn't show a whole lot. If this is the big part of it, it'll get boring fast. I want to be overwhelmed at times. I want to see a barrel, shoot it and have the whole room go up, breaking a wall that unleashes a horde of baddies. I want to walk into a room with the bad guys turned away from me, unaware of my presence, until I shoot one then all hell breaks loose.
This Doom comes with a fairly simple to use level editor called Snap Map so if it is too bright for you make your own levels that are dark.
Historically iD games have lived up graphically to what they show before release, and I don't think the graphics here are mid-blowing so it'll likely look like this on a good system.

Also, most people seem to think they do good AI as well, but demons in original doom are understandably dumb as fuck. Think about it. Why would they care if they die or not? They are already from hell. They probably want to die. They seem to enjoy killing each other for some petty reason like another demon scrapped against them on accident, so I guess when they see you they get excited like a kid on christmas and come running towards you in hopes for the chainsaw.
Historically iD games have lived up graphically to what they show before release, and I don't think the graphics here are mid-blowing so it'll likely look like this on a good system.

Also, most people seem to think they do good AI as well, but demons in original doom are understandably dumb as fuck. Think about it. Why would they care if they die or not? They are already from hell. They probably want to die. They seem to enjoy killing each other for some petty reason like another demon scrapped against them on accident, so I guess when they see you they get excited like a kid on christmas and come running towards you in hopes for the chainsaw.

:D Made me laugh. Yeah, they're pretty dumb, but then, yeah... the whole point of these games is wholesale demon slaying. It would be nice to bump up their intelligence a little bit though. At least for the greater demons. The lesser ones, like imps and such should be pretty stupid as they're basically animals and cannon fodder.
i HATE the weapon selection process that is SO CONSOLISH... everthing else looks good
i HATE the weapon selection process that is SO CONSOLISH... everthing else looks good

I'm hoping that one can simply select the mouse wheel on the PC. Hopefully that selection only applies to gamepad use. Otherwise, yeah, it's looking pretty good.
I bought Doom III when it was new. What a mistake. I tried to play it for 15 minutes, then got bored to the darkness and overall mood of the whole game. I simply hated it.
I bought Doom III when it was new. What a mistake. I tried to play it for 15 minutes, then got bored to the darkness and overall mood of the whole game. I simply hated it.

It's not even dark in the first 15 minutes. :rolleyes:
It's not even dark in the first 15 minutes. :rolleyes:

In fact, one can play nearly the entire game without ever using a flashlight. There are only a few small sequences where you even need it at all.
idkfa = armor / weapons / health
iddqd = god mode
idclip = clipping off

all = afaik (or remember) :p

idkfa actually gave you all keys as well as all ammo, armor, and health.
idspispopd = no clip in Doom 1. idclip is no clip in Doom 2.
idchoppers = gives chainsaw and a message "Doesn't suck - GM".
idmypos = shows your map coordinates
iddt (while in automap) = once shows all map lines, twice shows all objects as green triangles.
idmus, followed by a number = plays different level music
idclev, followed by episode number and level number (Doom 1) or map number (doom 2) = changes maps
idbehold, followed by a letter, gave you the following powerups:
a = allmap
s = berserk kit (strength)
i = invisibility
v = invulnerability
l = light amplification goggles
r = radiation shielding suit
I can think of a few things this game will absolutely need in order for me to be happy with it.

1) Quicksave/Quickload, and savegame slots. I absolutely hate checkpoint saving.
2) Manual weapon selection. The wheel is straight from Wolfenstein: The New Order. It's really no different from mwheel up/mwheel down selecting weapons in Quake 3, so that's not a "consolitis" feature. It just works well on both platforms, but I want to bind keys.
3) MORE GRAPHICS CONTROL! For the love of God, PLEASE give us more options than just "Low, Med, High, Ultra"! And don't pull the "turning off vsync because the game is running too fast!" crap from Wolf either.
4) No broken Day 1 release. Bethesda, please learn from Rage.
5) Command console, so we can optimize since the default settings always seem to suck in any PC game.
6) Remember that PC gamers have more horsepower, so don't give us a bunch of low-resolution textures when we can push things to the limit. I have 32GB of system RAM for a reason, dammit! USE IT!

Those are my bare minimum requirements. Don't disappoint me, Id. There's definitely room to polish this and improve, but I love the direction this is taking, so please do NOT screw this up for us!
I am one of the biggest Doom fans, but this game seems a bit cartoonish for my tastes. I am not sure how appropriate letting the protagonist be some sort of super soldier will be to the franchise.
Watched the video, and I can safely say, this is just pre-rendered video.

Player controls are too smoothed in the video, there is no graphical anomalies, no frame-rate hiccups, etc.

Same shit as when the PS3 came out with it's "real" game-play footage.

I think they went slow on purpose, to avoid texture pop-in, or it was real time but macro'd maybe?

Also, when the chainsaw is picked up, it has a shadow on the wall and then the shadow
vanishes when the player "picks it up".

IF this is what the game will look like, I'm excited. Though, like the rest of everyone here, I'll wait until it is out to make sure it is the real deal.
throw in some hardware accelerated physics-based blood for me to splatter the ceilings with, and im in.

otherwise, it doesnt look bad, but kinda has that been-there, done-that feel.
Probably true, but you will notice they will say "this is actual game play running in real time on the game engine"
And likely it is; modern gaming engines are capable of cranking out graphics at that level but there is no way consoles and mid to low end PCs and laptops capable of delivering playable frame rates.
So often they develop the game that kicks as and pushes the envelope on the graphics front. They have to drop all the high end quality out for a descent frame rate on consoles.
MOST OF THE TIME, even though the game is developed on a high end PC; instead of a direct port, they will ship a console port for PCs so it will run on low end units. :mad:
I don't know why in the heck they do not release PC version in 2 levels. The standard PC version and a high end dedicated gaming rig version that actually delivers on the demos they show.
HECK, have the installer run a bench test before installing and delivering a report of how will it will run. If you buy the high end version and try go install it on a low end PC, it flat out tells you IT WON'T BE PLAYABLE. End of story.

I have to think the MAIN REASON they deliver console ports to PCs is because trying to get a high end version to SCALE across the broad spectrum of PC specs out there is near impossible to do while delivering high end graphics on maxed out settings and still good performance on low end PCs.

You absolutely CAN do that, in many cases. Even the Witcher 3 (using the user.settings, and other ini files)... thing is, those settings would never have run on reasonable hardware (TITAN X+) in many of the game's areas and scenarios. They could run those settings with a very high-end SLI setup for the demo at E3, but more important than the hardware, was the controlled demo in a very specific part of the game that wasn't as demanding. I'm surprised how many people in here don't understand this. There isn't some huge E3 conspiracy to engender pre-order's with slightly prettier graphics than the game will release with... that strategy isn't needed at all to get pre-orders. It's the traditional retailers (GameShit) that force pre-orders down peoples' throats, by training them that they won't order enough product for the demand unless you pre-order... and yes, they really do that. They order enough for the pre-orders plus a certain, small percentage extra units. It's definitely GameShit's fault mostly.
I can think of a few things this game will absolutely need in order for me to be happy with it.

1) Quicksave/Quickload, and savegame slots. I absolutely hate checkpoint saving.
2) Manual weapon selection. The wheel is straight from Wolfenstein: The New Order. It's really no different from mwheel up/mwheel down selecting weapons in Quake 3, so that's not a "consolitis" feature. It just works well on both platforms, but I want to bind keys.
3) MORE GRAPHICS CONTROL! For the love of God, PLEASE give us more options than just "Low, Med, High, Ultra"! And don't pull the "turning off vsync because the game is running too fast!" crap from Wolf either.
4) No broken Day 1 release. Bethesda, please learn from Rage.
5) Command console, so we can optimize since the default settings always seem to suck in any PC game.
6) Remember that PC gamers have more horsepower, so don't give us a bunch of low-resolution textures when we can push things to the limit. I have 32GB of system RAM for a reason, dammit! USE IT!

Those are my bare minimum requirements. Don't disappoint me, Id. There's definitely room to polish this and improve, but I love the direction this is taking, so please do NOT screw this up for us!

:rolleyes: Annnnnd you think system memory is used for textures, or that anything over 16GB is remotely useful...
:rolleyes: Annnnnd you think system memory is used for textures, or that anything over 16GB is remotely useful...

:rolleyes: Annnnnnd you like to make blanket statements that cover unreleased software that while yes, it's unlikely, could potentially make use of more resources? I don't see making a request to the great PC game ether to make use of available resources as problematic. If someone's got 32GB, then a well written piece of software should be able to use that to cache some resources. (and to a degree, many do, just not as far as 24-32GB... YET...) It's a reasonable request that available system resources be put to use on PC games.

In some contexts it's not necessary. In some contexts the devs are just too lazy. In others they would if they could. If any dev is up to maybe squeezing a bit more out of things (even without Carmack) it's id I think, or maybe Starbreeze or their ilk, but who knows. Still no reason to be dickish about it.
The shells that he reloaded the double barrel with, the primers had already been struck. Just sayin....but awesome to have that level of detail. :)

Demo'd with a controller: Check
Consolitus: Check
Controller wheel for weapon selection: Check
Melee, console, god of war style moves: Check
I'd bet money there will be quick time events too.

I don't know, i'm more disappointed than hype.

Dont forget slowing down time so you arent challenged with any stressful decision making. In Doom if that cacodemon is bearing down on you and you need to decide between plasma gun or rockets you fucking have 1 second to make up your mind. Nowadays everything is handicapped so you can basically play the entire game on 1 life.
Fuckin hell. You have to have quick eyes and be lookin for that sort of thing to begin with. :p

Na, just one of those things you teach yourself to notice. Loading a gun with bad ammo isn't actually loading it. :)

Watch the whole trailer with the family. EVERYONE liked it. My 15 year old, which has never been interested in the franchise was sold from the first melee move. And if the graphics are not there (Skyrim spoiled him) he will not play it.

I am looking forward to this. I don't think id will roll out a console port on this title for PC gamers. If anything we can thank Rockstar for showing the world how much more money there is to be made from IP in the PC realm if you do it right just like in GTA V.
Yeah, I don't think they're going to screw this up either.

Also, as far as the weapon selection thing, as has been pointed out in the other Doom threads this is how it's handled in Wolfenstein, which when using the mouse is fast and painless. I think it's slower with the gamepad because you're holding a stick while you're selecting. Using a mouse/kb it's quick and simple (at least in The New Order and The Old Blood.) I wouldn't worry about it.

I think the graphics look really good. If there's one thing id knows how to do it's huge industrial settings with gigantic machinery, which just looks incredible up close. I'll sit and stare at the machines in Doom 3. Usually long enough to get attacked because of it. :D
Visuals looked good, I just hope there's more open environments like in Doom 2.

It looked like they were going to go that route with the original version that they scrapped, so I'm not sure if this one will have any of that or not. From what I've gathered, (or think I've gathered :D ) this is yet another re-telling of Doom, not to Doom 2 what Doom 3 was to Doom 1, but the same as Doom 3 was to Doom 1 only just called Doom. :D
From what I've gathered, (or think I've gathered :D ) this is yet another re-telling of Doom, not to Doom 2 what Doom 3 was to Doom 1, but the same as Doom 3 was to Doom 1 only just called Doom. :D

Uh what? You mind re-typing that a different way? I can't make sense of it.
Uh what? You mind re-typing that a different way? I can't make sense of it.

That's why I put a :D on the end.

I think many (myself included) expected the new game to be like Doom 2.

Doom 3 was supposed to be a retelling of Doom, and not really a sequel to the first two. id said that way back.

So, what I was saying (in an attempted humorous way) was that the new Doom that got scrapped was suppose to be Doom 2 in the same way that Doom 3 was supposed to be a new Doom (1). (even though it had a 3 on the end...)

But, since they scrapped that one, I don't think the new Doom is going to be that "Doom 2" rather it will be just another retelling of Doom overall.

This is my theory at least.
IIRC Doom 4 was going to be hell on earth, then they scrapped that idea. They say this new Doom isn't a sequel, yet isn't a reboot. The marketing guys are probably being morons as usual. This looks like a simple reboot.
IIRC Doom 4 was going to be hell on earth, then they scrapped that idea. They say this new Doom isn't a sequel, yet isn't a reboot. The marketing guys are probably being morons as usual. This looks like a simple reboot.

Yeah, not even necessarily a bad thing, but call it what it is. It certainly looks like some kind of industrial or science or both complex ending up in hell at some point, which sounds like Doom 1 and 3 to me.
Gotta day it was a good demo of the game, but I never liked the Doom series for some reason. Probably because of the pointless run and gun shooting without a solid storyline and characters.

What I am most excited about is Fallout 4, Battlefront, Dishonored 2. Those titles have me very excited.
Dude, put back in that fast movement, rocket jumping, and letting us deathmatch in some awesome arenas and I am game. The video go me excited and I was not expecting to be.
Looks like dogshit. Deadspace meets Doom 3. No thank you but just like Duke Nukem, somethings better left alone.