WoW; 4th expansion Mists of Pandaria

The more i think about it i just cba. Like when i started playing again in Cata i joined a 10 man guild cleared 10/11 then some silly drama split the guild apart and i quit again.

Just the same old routine, get to 90, do a bunch of dungeons and gear up. then Do heroics. Then hope you can find a half decent raid team. i even got sick of raiding just a paltry 3 nights a week in Cata. I used to do 5 a week in TBC.

Guess my mindset just changed over time. and tbh if you aint raiding then it's pointless playing the game unless you enjoy leveling alts and getting utterly pointless achievements that no one could give a flying shite about. Ive always disliked PvP on WoW so i suppose i will give MoP a miss.
me too. I can see how people might play one xpac and be done with it. But buying xpac after xpac, year after year is kind of strange imo.

if someone started playing this game at 18 and played it for 7 straight years, they just missed their whole early 20's. they look back when their 60 and think, wow, i sure was dumb.

Or, "when there 60 and think, "WoW, I sure was dumb."
Guess my mindset just changed over time. and tbh if you aint raiding then it's pointless playing the game unless you enjoy leveling alts and getting utterly pointless achievements that no one could give a flying shite about. Ive always disliked PvP on WoW so i suppose i will give MoP a miss.

This was my problem. All I have EVER wanted to do was join a raiding guild, but no one would ever give me a chance. I could never get geared for raids since I couldn't run them, so no one would let me try. I did manage to get in a guild once where I was an off tank, but half the time, half the people wouldn't show up so I never got to try anyway.

I have only experienced like 2% of the end game (raids) which makes me so sad. I spent so many hundreds/thousdands of hours and never even got do any of the raids except for the first boss or two in a couple of them.
This was my problem. All I have EVER wanted to do was join a raiding guild, but no one would ever give me a chance. I could never get geared for raids since I couldn't run them, so no one would let me try. I did manage to get in a guild once where I was an off tank, but half the time, half the people wouldn't show up so I never got to try anyway.

I have only experienced like 2% of the end game (raids) which makes me so sad. I spent so many hundreds/thousdands of hours and never even got do any of the raids except for the first boss or two in a couple of them.

You just have to know what to look for. When I looked for a guild, the biggest thing I wanted was a well established guild who has been around for a while. I wouldn't bother if they didn't have an active guild forum and at least a year of being together as the guild. Don't waste your time with reform guilds either, they will probably jump ship again when things get rough. You also should look for a guild in your character range, meaning you can't just hit 85 then apply to the top raiding guild on your server. Find one that is in the middle of progression who might be recruiting. Work hard too. Don't go in with greens and expect to be carried into your gear. Do everything you can to get the best gear you can get without them. You won't last long being "that guy" who's raiding main doesn't even have dungeon gear and plays his alts 90% of the time. People see it and don't like "that guy".

Ive been in the same guild for over 5 years and have no desire to change anything.
It's been the same story for the last 3 expansions. Seriously you can do a search for the threads here on hardforum and see almost a cut and paste version of your post.

Burning crusades - "spaceships? Aliens? Horde get paladins? Me and my friends have been playing for 2 years and we won't buy the expansion". Release day comes and breaks records.

Wrath of the lich king - "bc was good but were done. Really blizzad? Another expansion? Me and my friends are done. This games going to flop. Warhammers going to kill wow". Release day comes and it breaks records.

Cata - "flying in old word? Death wing? What a crock of shit. Swtor is going to kill it anyways so me and my friends are going to play that. screw wow". Release day comes and it breaks all the old records yet again.

Were there millions of subs lost between those expansions? Many of us have moved on from WOW completely, and some have even cancelled their WOW accounts due to being shit on by Blizzard in regards to Diablo 3. I'm sure WOW will see a bump in subs when MOP is released, but they will pull nowhere near the numbers they have previously, and I'm almost willing to bet they don't break 10 million subs right after MOP's release. All this new expansion will be is same shit, different wrapper, but this time it will be catered to children under 10, and the Asian market.

This will be the first expansion for WOW I don't buy. In my eyes Bliz has kind of jumped the shark tank, and like I said in another thread I'm willing to bet at some point in MOP's lifetime subs will be cut to near half. There are just too many other options for players right now that don't involve tossing away $15 a month for not alot of content. Honestly think about it, how much level 85 content did we get with Cata? Did it justify the box plus sub cost for its lifetime?
I'm going to get it. I still enjoy the game, though not as much as I did the first few years of its existence.

I believe more people are bored of the game play style than the lack of content. A new expansion will only bring back those who left for lack of content not those looking for different game play. That is why I went to Tera. I am not saying Tera is better than WoW, it just offers a combat system in a MMORPG that is not offered in any of the other "WoW clones".
You just have to know what to look for. When I looked for a guild, the biggest thing I wanted was a well established guild who has been around for a while. I wouldn't bother if they didn't have an active guild forum and at least a year of being together as the guild. Don't waste your time with reform guilds either, they will probably jump ship again when things get rough. You also should look for a guild in your character range, meaning you can't just hit 85 then apply to the top raiding guild on your server. Find one that is in the middle of progression who might be recruiting. Work hard too. Don't go in with greens and expect to be carried into your gear. Do everything you can to get the best gear you can get without them. You won't last long being "that guy" who's raiding main doesn't even have dungeon gear and plays his alts 90% of the time. People see it and don't like "that guy".

Ive been in the same guild for over 5 years and have no desire to change anything.

that is so QTF. The raids are setup in progression. You cant just jump in with a new character at max level, unless you are in a guild that seriously needs that class and severely overgears/overpower that raid and willingly run you through for gear.. WoW is setup in baby steps. Get the best gear you can from regular dungeons, then move onto heriocs. After getting the best gear possible from heriocs move onto raids. This all done in cohesion with getting the best gear from Crafting, justice points gear/valor gear, reputation gear vendors and honor/conquest points gear. If you know how to play your class, and have respectable gear, there is no decent guild/ random group that will kick you out unless they have way to many of that class in guild.
If someone wants to get back into WoW, I'm giving my account away. 3 85's rogue, death knight, warlock. PM me if you want it. Rogue is ilevel 389, lock 347, death knight 333, good account with plenty to do still. I'm tired of this game and want to give someone else joy for MoP
I cancelled my account in February, couple months after I geared up my two main Tanks in Patch 4.3 Haven't played in 6 months.

Not sure I even want to go with MoP, yes I do enjoy leveling up in the brand new zones, and running the new Level 90 dungeons a few times, and try out the new Raid a few times, but then I get instantly bored after that. I am not one to run the same Raid over and over and over...yawn :rolleyes: I think I am done with WoW. We will see come release if I buy it, will wait for real players reviews here first.
I cancelled my account in February, couple months after I geared up my two main Tanks in Patch 4.3 Haven't played in 6 months.

Not sure I even want to go with MoP, yes I do enjoy leveling up in the brand new zones, and running the new Level 90 dungeons a few times, and try out the new Raid a few times, but then I get instantly bored after that. I am not one to run the same Raid over and over and over...yawn :rolleyes: I think I am done with WoW. We will see come release if I buy it, will wait for real players reviews here first.

Same, and I mostly do the same thing, run the dungeon's a few times, run a few raids then quit.

Then I come back and try to level another alt, get to the dungeon's I already ran then quit, its a vicious cycle :(
I know I sound crazy when I say this, but I actually kind of miss some of the grindy aspects of WoW. The whole system became so streamlined that you only had to look at a few designated areas for progression, and they all had daily caps on them. This made things more convenient for casual players, but too restricting for regular players and above. My favorite parts of each expansion were the early parts where there were more things to grind out at my own pace. Once all that was over, the ball was in Blizzard's court, which they resolved by incorporating artificial daily limits. We like to follow the path of least resistance, so naturally when we depleted our daily quota, we either idled in town or logged out.

What I miss most about grinding is that I was essentially "living" in a specific zone while I worked on goals. I got to know the lay of the land, learn good farming spots, and sometimes competed with others. It was important to know because it was required to complete my goals. Cata had a few ideas to get people back into the world again, but since all the good stuff is concentrated around daily quests, dungeons, and raids, there was still very little incentive to spend more time in a zone than it took to do the daily quest.

I've only felt like I was getting to know the zones in vanilla WoW, and TBC. I still vividly remember being a fledgling level 60 mage with no 100% speed mount, grinding out encrypted twilight texts in Silithus, while keeping an eye out for Alliance and Chinese farmers lol.
I know I sound crazy when I say this, but I actually kind of miss some of the grindy aspects of WoW. The whole system became so streamlined that you only had to look at a few designated areas for progression, and they all had daily caps on them. This made things more convenient for casual players, but too restricting for regular players and above. My favorite parts of each expansion were the early parts where there were more things to grind out at my own pace. Once all that was over, the ball was in Blizzard's court, which they resolved by incorporating artificial daily limits. We like to follow the path of least resistance, so naturally when we depleted our daily quota, we either idled in town or logged out.

What I miss most about grinding is that I was essentially "living" in a specific zone while I worked on goals. I got to know the lay of the land, learn good farming spots, and sometimes competed with others. It was important to know because it was required to complete my goals. Cata had a few ideas to get people back into the world again, but since all the good stuff is concentrated around daily quests, dungeons, and raids, there was still very little incentive to spend more time in a zone than it took to do the daily quest.

I've only felt like I was getting to know the zones in vanilla WoW, and TBC. I still vividly remember being a fledgling level 60 mage with no 100% speed mount, grinding out encrypted twilight texts in Silithus, while keeping an eye out for Alliance and Chinese farmers lol.

I miss chinese farmers. They were replaced with bots. A sign of things in real life to come? :( Back in 2004 when WoW first came out the first level 60 on my server was a chinese farmer. I would talk with him and one night late at night while leveling I got too tired and he was just killing stuff over and over in Azshara. I asked him if I could group with him and put him on follow and go to bed, he agreed and I got like 7 bars from it. Was good memories. He had some "off time" to play if he met his gold quota and I'd invite him to PVP and he had a great time. Guy was working there to save for college.
If someone wants to get back into WoW, I'm giving my account away. 3 85's rogue, death knight, warlock. PM me if you want it. Rogue is ilevel 389, lock 347, death knight 333, good account with plenty to do still. I'm tired of this game and want to give someone else joy for MoP

It's a shame you're leaving :(.
Hey anyone else gotten into this beta like 150 times (scam emails) like me?
I dont remember the last time I played WoW, sometime back in Cata. I miss vanilla though.
Got to 90 on beta.. the leveling experience is even faster then cata.. kind of stupid honestly. I really dont enjoy the asian/panda theme. Im not a huge lore person or anything but NONE of it makes any sense at all.
So I thought this might be interesting. Who can tell me where exactly I am in this pic?

Got to 90 on beta.. the leveling experience is even faster then cata.. kind of stupid honestly. I really dont enjoy the asian/panda theme. Im not a huge lore person or anything but NONE of it makes any sense at all.

Leveling is always faster for beta so you can access and test other content faster. It will be toned down a bit at retail.
Got to 90 on beta.. the leveling experience is even faster then cata.. kind of stupid honestly. I really dont enjoy the asian/panda theme. Im not a huge lore person or anything but NONE of it makes any sense at all.

In cata beta I was 85 before leaving hyjal, also when they rolled us back I was 85 before finishing under water area as wel
I want to say you are in the underground area near kharazan tower?

Sounds like a solid guess, but I feel like I've seen that area in 3-4 different zones, it's really difficult to tell since the designers reuse areas and then basically change just a few things.
Because as we all know, anecdotal evidence is the truth! :rolleyes:

I think it is different this time around. I have also been playing pretty hardcore since Vanilla and MoP is ending it for me. I have actually been playing on a Classic/Vanilla EMU and re-living some of the glory days; remembering why it was that I loved WoW in the first place.

Seriously, go back and look at some of the original dungeons; Blackrock Depths, Blackrock Spire or Stratholme. The dungeons were huge and epic in scope. You generally didn't even clear the whole place, rather just certain areas. If you bothered to do the quest and get the key for BRD you could open the gate near the zone in for a short cut. Where is that now? All the new content feels like an amusement park ride / cattle chute.
I think it is different this time around. I have also been playing pretty hardcore since Vanilla and MoP is ending it for me. I have actually been playing on a Classic/Vanilla EMU and re-living some of the glory days; remembering why it was that I loved WoW in the first place.

Seriously, go back and look at some of the original dungeons; Blackrock Depths, Blackrock Spire or Stratholme. The dungeons were huge and epic in scope. You generally didn't even clear the whole place, rather just certain areas. If you bothered to do the quest and get the key for BRD you could open the gate near the zone in for a short cut. Where is that now? All the new content feels like an amusement park ride / cattle chute.

I think when you look at the ENTIRE game from beginning to now, the biggest thing that's missing is basically what you just stated: large, in-depth dungeons that had that rich feel that made you giddy and excited to be there, even if you've been there 5-6, or even 10-12 times.

Questing with friends and all that is fun, raids are great, but the best thing about this game is grabbing 4 other people and going through a immensely epic dungeon, from beginning to end. Ever since Wrath, the dungeons just felt too easy, too quick, and nobody wanted to dilly-dally. Shame really. Nothing new I'm saying of course, it's been a complaint for a long time. I remember taking HOURS to complete the Black Rock dungeons, no one was in a rush, and everyone had greens and blues all the time, y'know, when epics were actually epic. We took food breaks, bathroom breaks, cleared EVERYTHING, and still wanted more. It boggles my mind why nobody reads these comments scattered all over forums and blogs. People want this stuff back, regardless if you're a veteran or a new player, if you've been exposed to it, or are about to be exposed to it (for new players), you'll fall in love with it. Nobody wants a quick game to play that has the "MMO" genre attached to it, we want to spend hours and hours exploring areas and beating the pulp out of difficult enemies with friends.
Sounds like a solid guess, but I feel like I've seen that area in 3-4 different zones, it's really difficult to tell since the designers reuse areas and then basically change just a few things.

I used to ghost cheat to get in that area, it was a really interesting area they had there, too bad they never used it.
Or there was an island south of Tanaris that you could swim/ghost walk to. Had a few mobs and empty buildings.
Or there was an island south of Tanaris that you could swim/ghost walk to. Had a few mobs and empty buildings.
There were a few areas like this, in vanilla you could levitate walk to hnorthrend, it took 90 minutes, but if you wanted to see a huge flat area with a map that had no barriers it was pretty cool!

also with the alliance city and the underground throne room (originally contemplated as a low end raid), few others out there, I just found the one by kharazan interesting because it had "the butchers den"
That was going through my head but why would that be special?

oh dude this is the little grave area behind khaz or whatever. the one with the underwater chains and shit.

damn they totally shouldve used that zone. i remember walking through and thinking it was so bad ass
Vanilla had so much hidden awesome in it; there were a lot of hints at future expacs within the game. For example, Outland existed in the game at launch (lot of youtube videos of people exploring it) as well as the Emerald Dream, which sadly is looking like it may never actually make it into the game.
That screenshot looks like the entrance to Upper Black Rock Spire. Did I win?
Vanilla had so much hidden awesome in it; there were a lot of hints at future expacs within the game. For example, Outland existed in the game at launch (lot of youtube videos of people exploring it) as well as the Emerald Dream, which sadly is looking like it may never actually make it into the game.
Remember the peices the outside dragons dropped that combined into a quest peice that brought malfurion for a brief moment who then told you about the emerald dream? God I miss stuff like that.
That second is in the Dwarven area, the Dun Morogh tunnels.
Remember the peices the outside dragons dropped that combined into a quest peice that brought malfurion for a brief moment who then told you about the emerald dream? God I miss stuff like that.

Blizzard can't even do stuff like this anymore. 2.5 months before it release, Blizzard would have all of the resources for it in the game files which would get picked apart and posted on sites like MMO-Champion. Then 6 weeks before release it would be in a beta which everyone would see and spam screen shots around. When the content finally hit the live game, everyone would know exactly where all of the dragons live, when/how to fight them, and what items they dropped. When going after the dragons, people in the guild would continuous link the entire loot table from an add on they have.

Someone would then finish collecting the items, summon a NPC no one cares about, get a quest item, then everyone would call them a n00b because there is another item in XYZ heroic dungeon that has 2 extra hit rating over the quest item. And the n00b callers would already have the item.
Blizzard can't even do stuff like this anymore. 2.5 months before it release, Blizzard would have all of the resources for it in the game files which would get picked apart and posted on sites like MMO-Champion. Then 6 weeks before release it would be in a beta which everyone would see and spam screen shots around. When the content finally hit the live game, everyone would know exactly where all of the dragons live, when/how to fight them, and what items they dropped. When going after the dragons, people in the guild would continuous link the entire loot table from an add on they have.

Someone would then finish collecting the items, summon a NPC no one cares about, get a quest item, then everyone would call them a n00b because there is another item in XYZ heroic dungeon that has 2 extra hit rating over the quest item. And the n00b callers would already have the item.

LOL, that's exactly WoW for you. At least nowadays it is.
Blizzard can't even do stuff like this anymore. 2.5 months before it release, Blizzard would have all of the resources for it in the game files which would get picked apart and posted on sites like MMO-Champion. Then 6 weeks before release it would be in a beta which everyone would see and spam screen shots around. When the content finally hit the live game, everyone would know exactly where all of the dragons live, when/how to fight them, and what items they dropped. When going after the dragons, people in the guild would continuous link the entire loot table from an add on they have.

Someone would then finish collecting the items, summon a NPC no one cares about, get a quest item, then everyone would call them a n00b because there is another item in XYZ heroic dungeon that has 2 extra hit rating over the quest item. And the n00b callers would already have the item.

we were doing this before regardless, it wouldn't be any different. Every mmo has some way you can slipstream the information out of a patch and parse out the information.

Butt what wow has done before is not even let us download the zone information files keeping the place a complete secret. But yea beta testers will still try to ruin it.