Dark Souls Will Eat Skyrim's Face @ IGN

Well, that was a fun read. He brings up some interesting things, I rather like the DLC comment. Unfortunately, one is one the PC while the other is not. :)

Not a fan of either game - not my cup of tea; however, I found the comments rather amusing. smh.
Sir, you're preaching to the choir here, I've already preordered my Collector's Edition for the PS3 last weekend.

I can't wait for it to arrive in my mailbox, it will be a great day.

I always said that Dark Souls would be my personal game of the year, I certainly wasn't bullshitting, and I'm glad there's others that feel like I do.
I could give a shit less about multiplayer......

I would probably give this a go if there was a PC version.
I'll be buying both. But to be honest, I feel like I'll enjoy Dark Souls more. I've never actually managed to finish any of the TES games. While I like the open world feel of them, that also tends to lead me into getting totally sidetracked until I completely forget my purpose in the game and end up burned out on side quests. Also, unless Skyrim's combat is significantly improved from Oblivion, I'll probably get tired of it about halfway through (while I put 100+ hours in Demon's Souls and still wasn't sick of the combat).
I could give a shit less about multiplayer......

I would probably give this a go if there was a PC version.

I understand the part about multiplayer because RPG multi was so garbage or omitted in previous RPG games, unless you played Demon's Souls to see how it was implemented. Dark Souls seems to have taken it to the next level.

No PC version is defiantly a negative for Hard users, but hey, most probably have at least a PS3 or 360 to complement PC gaming anyways.
I understand the part about multiplayer because RPG multi was so garbage or omitted in previous RPG games, unless you played Demon's Souls to see how it was implemented. Dark Souls seems to have taken it to the next level.

No PC version is defiantly a negative for Hard users, but hey, most probably have at least a PS3 or 360 to complement PC gaming anyways.

I don't own a console right now, I'll probably pick up a PS3 when Twisted Metal comes out for it. Maybe I'll pick it up and play it at a buddies house.
From Software has created one of-if not the-most hardcore action RPG experiences on modern consoles. PS3 owners had a taste of this with Demon's Souls, but 360 owners have yet to experience any such pain and reward in a video game.

An entire generation of gamers raised on Halo and Call of Duty has never trudged through an epic journey like this, something on the scale of intricacy and difficulty of Castlevania II: Simon's Quest. Dark Souls is Zelda, all grown up, evil. From Software is effectively making the first truly modern advancement in classic hardcore gaming, following closely on the hardcoreness of Demon's Souls. The developers have created one of the final bastions of classic action adventure in an industry dominated by short campaigns that play themselves and offer easy rewards.

Dark Souls features no hand-holding. Every failure that occurs isn't because Dark Souls is cheap; it's strictly on the player. The developers think of the game as a strict sensei, teaching you very firmly with quiet discipline, teaching you how to play—and overcome—according to the rules of the game.

He's entirely preaching to the choir here, I agree totally.
It's funny that I've only JUST heard of these two shitty games(dark souls BS) in the last week, then I remember "oh right they are on consoles", and I go back to completely ignoring shit games on shit systems.

I wish Dark Souls were on PC. I'm curious to see how good it is. Another game published by Atlus (Cursed Crusade) made it to PC recently, so there's a possibility I'd think.

It would be amazing if all Bethsoft's other gamebryo games had online multiplayer.
I wish Dark Souls were on PC. I'm curious to see how good it is. Another game published by Atlus (Cursed Crusade) made it to PC recently, so there's a possibility I'd think.

It would be amazing if all Bethsoft's other gamebryo games had online multiplayer.

Atlus has nothing to do with Dark Souls. Namco Bandai is publishing it.
different publishers.

But same dev From Software

Yes and From Software has a whole one PC game to their credit and it is the rather crappy Ninja Blade. I really don't expect them to start making any more.
People who want to play a better game than Skyrim give a shit.

Uhh...Exactly how can you compare them? They're not even remotely going after the same type of gamers. And weren't you the one screaming about consoles killing gaming or some such bullshit not too long ago?
No, I said that consolitis is killing gaming, this is NOT a PC game, and you only have to look at Skyrim to see how consolized it is.

It's a sad commentary when an obscure game like Dark Souls turns out to be one of the best gaming experiences over a triple A title like Skyrim.

It should be PC games and a title like Skyrim that should offer the best possible gaming experience, not a console game like Dark Souls, but that's simply not the case here.

Wanna blame someone? Blame the people who have supported the gradual consolization of the PC gaming platform with their wallets, who not only do that, but come here and defend their decisions to support a consolized PC gaming experience.

Your votes were made loud and clear by emptying your wallets to support this direction in PC gaming, you only have to look in the mirror if you want to assign blame.
this thread is funny. Comparing two totally different games and calling one better when nobody here has even played either.
this thread is funny. Comparing two totally different games and calling one better when nobody here has even played either.

October 4th is less than 2 weeks away, I know exactly what I will be doing once my copy arrives.
Why do the labels of "PC" and "console" gaming matter?

If Dark Souls were available on the PC exactly the same as on the PS3, except with a higher resolution, is it a good or bad game?
No, I said that consolitis is killing gaming, this is NOT a PC game, and you only have to look at Skyrim to see how consolized it is.

It's a sad commentary when an obscure game like Dark Souls turns out to be one of the best gaming experiences over a triple A title like Skyrim.

It should be PC games and a title like Skyrim that should offer the best possible gaming experience, not a console game like Dark Souls, but that's simply not the case here.

Wanna blame someone? Blame the people who have supported the gradual consolization of the PC gaming platform with their wallets, who not only do that, but come here and defend their decisions to support a consolized PC gaming experience.

Your votes were made loud and clear by emptying your wallets to support this direction in PC gaming, you only have to look in the mirror if you want to assign blame.

Any and all problems Skyrim has will be fixed by mods. This is really no different than Daggerfall or Morrowind where modders stepped in to fix things Bethesda wouldn't or couldn't.
It's a sad commentary when an obscure game like Dark Souls turns out to be one of the best gaming experiences over a triple A title like Skyrim.

I'm quite interested in hearing how your powers of clairvoyance came about. Because, as far as I know, neither game has been released, so it's impossible to draw such a definitive conclusion.

1) ONLINE MULTIPLAYER: The Elder Scrolls series has never been about Multiplayer, it's always been about providing a seemingly limitless free-roam adventure RPG experience, and I applaud Bethesda for not tacking on some sort of half-baked multi-player component, due simply to the fact that the players want it. They know exactly what they're trying to do, and have continually stood by their decision.
2) DLC AND PRICING: The only issue I have with pricing is the fact that the PC game will cost $60. However, in regards to DLC, who cares? There's modding to fill that void, something that consoles simply do not have.
3) EPIC SCOPE: The article's author seems to confuse scope with size. A game can have an EPIC SCOPE within a relatively confined area. Scope can also be used to describe the various dilemmas one would encounter throughout the progression of the game, the moral choices one might need to make, etc. Also, less repeating mobs? The way the author described it sounded like the name of the mobs merely changed, nothing was said that explained if they changed in any other way. And making them more difficult in addition to a name-change does not constitute non-repeating mobs, IMO. If you're going to criticize the game for a lack of unique mobs, at least provide a decent example instead of THEIR NAMES CHANGE AND THEY GET HARDERRRRRR.
4) TIGHT Combat and TRUE Challenge: I will agree that Oblivion (and by extension Skyrim) have pretty terrible combat. And as far as challenge, so long as Skyrim adheres to the level scaling found within Fallout 3 and NV, it will never really offer anything in the way of challenge/reward.
5) DRAGONS!: I've always viewed Dragons in games as some sort of gimmick, so I don't really care either way. I got more excited over the music during the Dragon fight scene we've all seen 100 times in Skyrim (you know, the one where the dragon picks up the giant), and that's only because the music sounded like something that would be in Morrowind.
Any and all problems Skyrim has will be fixed by mods. This is really no different than Daggerfall or Morrowind where modders stepped in to fix things Bethesda wouldn't or couldn't.

mods should be there to improve/addon to game play not to fix fucking problems games shipped out with
mods should be there to improve/addon to game play not to fix fucking problems games shipped out with

I don't disagree, but it's a Bethesda game. People should know what they're getting into when they buy one by now.
I applaud Bethesda for not tacking on some sort of half-baked multi-player component, due simply to the fact that the players want it.

they said they tried to come up with multiplayer component but they said they failed in innovation and creativity.

I'm sure the ones applauding are their investors for not taking risks.
I'll be buying both. But to be honest, I feel like I'll enjoy Dark Souls more. I've never actually managed to finish any of the TES games. While I like the open world feel of them, that also tends to lead me into getting totally sidetracked until I completely forget my purpose in the game and end up burned out on side quests. Also, unless Skyrim's combat is significantly improved from Oblivion, I'll probably get tired of it about halfway through (while I put 100+ hours in Demon's Souls and still wasn't sick of the combat).

Agreed. The problem with their TES/Fallout games is the clunky combat and overall ease of the games. I usually have a blast for the first couple hours but then I end up with such a huge stockpile of items that the game is no longer challenging. The whole wasteland survival feeling goes away when you're sitting on 5000 ammo and 200 stimpacks. At this point, I lose interest in scavenging/exploring and just bum-rush through the main storyline because the combat itself isn't interesting enough on its own.

With Demon's Souls, I never felt that I was in total control of the game or that I could lazily explore a new area without being careful. Supplies were limited because they weren't replenished when you died since the game auto-saved on death instead of loading from a previous saved state. Combat feels engaging and fun but I'm a sucker for 3rd person combat in the first place.

I've pre-ordered both games but I vastly prefer to play on my PC instead of firing up my PS3 which has been gathering dust since Demon's Souls came out in 2009. I really, really, really hope they've upped the difficulty in Skyrim so I won't get bored by feeling like a god five hours into the game like I have with all the others.
they said they tried to come up with multiplayer component but they said they failed in innovation and creativity.

I'm sure the ones applauding are their investors for not taking risks.

Sorry, I assumed you had actually read the article.

And I quote, note the parts in bold.

Bethesda's Todd Howard said of multiplayer: "The two most requested features we get are dragons and multiplayer. We got one of them this time," he said to IGN. "We always look into multiplayer, put lots of ideas on the whiteboard and it always loses. It's not that we don't like it. I can think of ways it would be a lot of fun. At the end of the day, that dev time is going to take away from doing the best single-player game we can, and that's where our hearts are."

I don't see any mention of a lack of creativity, rather, he states that while they have approached the concept of multiplayer, their desire to create a more complete Singleplayer experience ultimately won out. They laid it out plain and simple. It's not that they couldn't come up with anything unique or creative, it's the fact that the time and money could be better spent on the Singleplayer. Despite player's demand for Multiplayer, the previous Elder Scrolls games sold boatloads of copies.
It's funny that I've only JUST heard of these two shitty games(dark souls BS) in the last week, then I remember "oh right they are on consoles", and I go back to completely ignoring shit games on shit systems.


your loss.
I'm quite interested in hearing how your powers of clairvoyance came about. Because, as far as I know, neither game has been released, so it's impossible to draw such a definitive conclusion.

I played Demon's Souls, and this game is going to surpass it. Look, you don't have to believe me, or anybody for that matter, pick it up and play for yourself. You can decide for yourself whether I'm right or not by picking it up and playing it firsthand.

I'm so absolutely confident that I am right that I not only preordered it, something I haven't done in 2 years (the last game I preordered was Demon's Souls), but I'm saying that this console game will be better than 95 percent of all PC gaming experiences from the last 2ish years.
they said they tried to come up with multiplayer component but they said they failed in innovation and creativity.

I'm sure the ones applauding are their investors for not taking risks.

I agree, plus the investors are definitely applauding the consolization of Skyrim, seeing as the console versions will sell a shitload, that's more money for the investors.
I agree, plus the investors are definitely applauding the consolization of Skyrim, seeing as the console versions will sell a shitload, that's more money for the investors.

I will never buy anything from From Software day one. Their history is way too spotty. Prior to Demon's Souls the only good games they had were mech games.
this thread is funny. Comparing two totally different games and calling one better when nobody here has even played either.

This sums it up...If we can judge by their predecessors, these two games aren't similar at all.
hopefully the dragon in dark souls isn't going to be like the lame ass dragon fight in demon's souls.
the game was good, I didn't think it was great i did like the challenge it gave me but to say that dark souls' is going to be better than skyrim is simply absurd (due to the fact that neither is out yet). and skyrim will more than likely outlast dark souls regardless of mp, and this is simply because of MODS on the pc.
I will never buy anything from From Software day one. Their history is way too spotty. Prior to Demon's Souls the only good games they had were mech games.

Dark Souls already has a few online issues, but they are promptly patching those, that's more than some companies do *cough* Ubisoft *hacking cough*
also i hope the fights in dark soul's are a bit better designed, end boss in demon's soul was a joke. the "epic dragon god" was an absolute joke.
Any and all problems Skyrim has will be fixed by mods. This is really no different than Daggerfall or Morrowind where modders stepped in to fix things Bethesda wouldn't or couldn't.

Mods have drastically improved the TES games (especially with Oblivion). But mods can't fix all the problems those games have.