What anti virus would you recommend for home servers?


Supreme [H]ardness
Apr 9, 2002
Hey guys,

I'm running Windows Home Server v1 and soon will probably run Windows Home Server v2 Vail.

I'm also looking to install Server 2008 R2 on a DL360 G3 to learn on. I would like to install AV software on both, but don't know what's good for servers... or, don't bother as long as I have AV on all desktops/laptops attached to the network?

Any insight will be greatly appreciated!


If you are trying to setup a small enterprise style network in regards to a server and client systems you should install AV on the clients and let the server run without.
If you are trying to setup a small enterprise style network in regards to a server and client systems you should install AV on the clients and let the server run without.

Why do you say that? To be honest I wouldn't really say that was the best idea unless its a Linux server that is.
Diving into the holy discussion of what's good and bad I can say by experience that Kaspersky performs much better than Panda Cloud Antivirus and MSE but I would also expect that since the others are free.
If you are trying to setup a small enterprise style network in regards to a server and client systems you should install AV on the clients and let the server run without.

That is terrible advice.

I run ESET on my home server and it works fine. Last I checked MSE wouldn't install on a server, did something change?
If you are trying to setup a small enterprise style network in regards to a server and client systems you should install AV on the clients and let the server run without.

disregard the above quote.

I can't offer any advice to what AV to use however. I'm running 2k3 with Symantec AV10 corp. Does great job for me at least, altho Idon't think Symantec has much of a fanbase.
This discussion has boils down to what the intentions of the server(s) is. The level of your abilities also is a factor.

Is the server going to be connected to the home network or its own network? Is it going to have internet access? Is it going to be public facing? What services are going to run? Is it going to be a test bed or honey pot?

Running Vail on a home network with no internet connection, you would not need AV. Same goes for any test bench or honey pot server you may setup. The grey line here in if it has internet connection.

You can lock down a server pretty well with the windows firewall, but then you're taking away the point of a server. A server is ment to sit there and wait for a connection. Locking down the firewall prevents this, thus taking away what a server needs an internet connection for.
If you are trying to setup a small enterprise style network in regards to a server and client systems you should install AV on the clients and let the server run without.

Thats a stupid idea, i would not take this advice......

AV on clients & server.
Wow this is new! Just installed it on my home server, getting ready to put it on all the servers here at work. NICE!

Whoa whoa whoa, champ! lol

I'm sure microsoft won't mind you putting MSE on a home server, but Work servers should have legit Forefront installs AFAIK..
Whoa whoa whoa, champ! lol

I'm sure microsoft won't mind you putting MSE on a home server, but Work servers should have legit Forefront installs AFAIK..

MSE is legit, i think i read some where that in the release notes that you are allowed to install it on 2008 server's and not get into POO POO from MS.
For home I would not bother, just don't browse or do anything on the servers that could potentially lead to infection.

In fact for a home server, nobody is forcing you to buy expensive enterprise software that will be a bigger pain to work with, just go Linux, but that's another discussion. :p
Just installed it on 2008r2 server 10 min ago.

Thanks for the heads up. This is definitely new. I attempted to install it a while ago and it errored out saying it would not support this OS (Server 2008).
A friend confirmed it will not install on the current version of WHS, which I believe is based off xp/2003? I have no 2003 VM's to test this on. Anyone else want to give this a shot?
I also could not get MSE to install on Server 2008. No Server software is not listed on the MSE site as an approved OS
I don't bother installing any AV on WHS either, although I do run ESET's scanner on it once in a while just to be safe.

For giggles I just tried installing MSE on WHS, no go.