Pioneer to exit Plasma TV Business


Mar 8, 2007
Not that anyone on this board is likely to care, but Pioneer is (most likely) exiting the Plasma television business--that means no more Pioneer Elite Plasmas. Not that I can afford one, but I've always wanted one.

It is a sad day but somehow I feel like a financial burden has been lifted from my heart. :eek:
It is no big deal, because they have cross-licensed their tech with Panasonic.

My 5020FD was just delivered today, thankfully it seems to be in perfect condition.
Pioneer is not going bankrupt so there will be no problem with the (1-year) warranty.

LCD image quality is significantly behind the best Plasma and I hope that Panasonic will hire Pioneer's best engineers and go on with further R&D.
Pioneer is not going bankrupt so there will be no problem with the (1-year) warranty.

LCD image quality is significantly behind the best Plasma and I hope that Panasonic will hire Pioneer's best engineers and go on with further R&D.

Sorry; but that is very debatable. There is a lot of people over on the AVS Forums that prefer LCD over Plasma myself included. Panasonic has made great progress over the past couple of years, but so has Samsung and Sony on the LCD side.

I do not mean to start another LCD vs Plasma flame ware, they are really two very different animals.

Not that anyone on this board is likely to care, but Pioneer is (most likely) exiting the Plasma television business--that means no more Pioneer Elite Plasmas. Not that I can afford one, but I've always wanted one.

It is a sad day but somehow I feel like a financial burden has been lifted from my heart. :eek:

Both my Dad and brother bought an Elite 3 yrs ago and paid close to $3k for the same TV... a 42" (forgot the model #) but I know it's not 1080p. Frankly, I never thought the image was worth the premium they paid. Certainly nothing special.

Then for xmas 2007, I bought a Panasonic 42PZ700U, a true 1080p plasma and paid ~ $1700 shipped. Everyone agrees mine is the better TV. Always was much better value in Panasonic. Both the Pioneer and the Elite series were typically overpriced IMO.
Sorry; but that is very debatable. There is a lot of people over on the AVS Forums that prefer LCD over Plasma myself included. Panasonic has made great progress over the past couple of years, but so has Samsung and Sony on the LCD side.

I do not mean to start another LCD vs Plasma flame ware, they are really two very different animals.

"A lot of people" is completely meaningless. "A lot of people" think the earth is 6000 years old.

I bought an LCD TV, but it wasn't for any image quality reasons. Plasma clearly has the image quality lead with superior black levels, superior contrast unless you compare VERY expensive local dimming LED sets, and plasma has extremely superior viewing angles.

LCDs mainly have an advantage if you have an extremely bright room. My living rooms is not brightly lit and watching Movies at night shows a black level that isn't, which only gets worse if you move off center. Even in dark scenes an LCD lights up a dark room.

I bought LCD because it was cheaper, lighter weight, and draws less power. It has nothing image quality wise over plasma. I think more LCDs are sold for reasons other than image quality. More like the reasons I stated, plus durability perceptions about plasma ( you don't have to worry about the kids pausing a movie on one frame for 8 hours).
Both my Dad and brother bought an Elite 3 yrs ago and paid close to $3k for the same TV... a 42" (forgot the model #) but I know it's not 1080p. Frankly, I never thought the image was worth the premium they paid. Certainly nothing special.

Then for xmas 2007, I bought a Panasonic 42PZ700U, a true 1080p plasma and paid ~ $1700 shipped. Everyone agrees mine is the better TV. Always was much better value in Panasonic. Both the Pioneer and the Elite series were typically overpriced IMO.

Pioneer did a massive upgrade of their sets with the Kuro line. Your Dad's Elite model was before that big leap I think...
"A lot of people" is completely meaningless. "A lot of people" think the earth is 6000 years old.

I bought an LCD TV, but it wasn't for any image quality reasons. Plasma clearly has the image quality lead with superior black levels, superior contrast unless you compare VERY expensive local dimming LED sets, and plasma has extremely superior viewing angles.

LCDs mainly have an advantage if you have an extremely bright room. My living rooms is not brightly lit and watching Movies at night shows a black level that isn't, which only gets worse if you move off center. Even in dark scenes an LCD lights up a dark room.

I bought LCD because it was cheaper, lighter weight, and draws less power. It has nothing image quality wise over plasma. I think more LCDs are sold for reasons other than image quality. More like the reasons I stated, plus durability perceptions about plasma ( you don't have to worry about the kids pausing a movie on one frame for 8 hours).

Agreed. You'd have to be batshit out of your mind to think that LCD has better image quality than Plasma. I'm sorry but it just doesn't. You don't buy an LCD for image quality. I've seen Sony's best LCD right next to the 8G Pioneer it is no comparison. Even the Panasonic plasmas are a lot better. I can spot an LCD a mile away the whole freaking screen glows and looks washed out, even the very best Sonys.

I wouldn't even consider an LCD unless I needed a smaller set.
Pioneer did a massive upgrade of their sets with the Kuro line. Your Dad's Elite model was before that big leap I think...

Yes the Elites did not get really good until the 8th generation sets which started the Kuro brand. The one that was 42 inches was good but its resolution was closer 1024 x 768 than true 780 and it wasn't THAT good. But the 8G and 9G sets are out of this world. They are also out of my price range. :mad:
Both my Dad and brother bought an Elite 3 yrs ago and paid close to $3k for the same TV... a 42" (forgot the model #) but I know it's not 1080p. Frankly, I never thought the image was worth the premium they paid. Certainly nothing special.

Then for xmas 2007, I bought a Panasonic 42PZ700U, a true 1080p plasma and paid ~ $1700 shipped. Everyone agrees mine is the better TV. Always was much better value in Panasonic. Both the Pioneer and the Elite series were typically overpriced IMO.

Most ridiculous post ever.

I own the 42inch kuro and the panasonic 42pz80 plasmas. The kuro has better black level and better colors. Even with the lower resolution, the kuro still looks better for watching TV.

The higher rez panasonic is better for gaming, that's the only reason you'd ever want to use it over a kuro for anything.
Agreed. You'd have to be batshit out of your mind to think that LCD has better image quality than Plasma. I'm sorry but it just doesn't. You don't buy an LCD for image quality. I've seen Sony's best LCD right next to the 8G Pioneer it is no comparison. Even the Panasonic plasmas are a lot better. I can spot an LCD a mile away the whole freaking screen glows and looks washed out, even the very best Sonys.

I wouldn't even consider an LCD unless I needed a smaller set.

right on
Most ridiculous post ever.

I own the 42inch kuro and the panasonic 42pz80 plasmas. The kuro has better black level and better colors. Even with the lower resolution, the kuro still looks better for watching TV.

The higher rez panasonic is better for gaming, that's the only reason you'd ever want to use it over a kuro for anything.
Exagerate much? My Dad & brother's TVs were prior to the Kuro line (which I've never seen either), as another poster indicated.

But either way, Panasonic value for the $$ is hard to beat.
Europe should have no right to ban something just to meet some bullshit energy standards that will do absolutely nothing to effect "global warming" or the environment. These companies should not have to abide by this.
Just picked up a Elite 111FD today at Best Buy for $2808.00 including MD tax and free delivery. It's going to replace my Samsung 52A650.
Srry. I thought u were talking about the 101FD from the Signature Series. I have the 101FD.
Europe should have no right to ban something just to meet some bullshit energy standards that will do absolutely nothing to effect "global warming" or the environment. These companies should not have to abide by this.

Following your logic, leaded gasoline would still be available today so as CFC in antiperspirant spray cans...
I have an 8G Elite 50"er (1150HD). I didn't consider the 9G models worth the cost of upgrading after only a year, and now my dreams of a 10G model are dashed. This is so horrible. Pioneer plasmas are gorgeous sets. I can only hope panasonic releases an ECC display in the next year. But that's probably delayed until 2011...
great price. howd u get it?

Well they had it on sale for I think $2795.00. I talked to the manager and they took another $150 which covered the MD Tax. They were offering free delivery and 36 months no interest so I took that as well.
I assume you mean OLED...

I'm not really up to date on LED vs. OLED so I'm not sure. I was under the impression that even normal LED had a leg up on LCD in terms of image quality. OLED still has issues with decay doesn't it.

Another high end solution is a projector but I'm not sure if there is any reasonably affordable projector that rivals a Pioneer plasma.

I could live without every single component of Pioneer's picture quality but I can't accept the black level and contrast issues that LCDs have. LCD is ok for gaming because you don't need infinite blacks to suspend disbelief but they really don't cut it for serious home theater in my opinion.
I'm not really up to date on LED vs. OLED so I'm not sure. I was under the impression that even normal LED had a leg up on LCD in terms of image quality. OLED still has issues with decay doesn't it.

Another high end solution is a projector but I'm not sure if there is any reasonably affordable projector that rivals a Pioneer plasma.

I could live without every single component of Pioneer's picture quality but I can't accept the black level and contrast issues that LCDs have. LCD is ok for gaming because you don't need infinite blacks to suspend disbelief but they really don't cut it for serious home theater in my opinion.

For LCD, LED backlighting by region is not a total solution, but definitely helps...
It took a Pioneer Kuro 5080HD to get me to accept something other than a CRT, LCD's weren't even coming remotely close.. Kuro's have a beautiful picture its a shame this had to happen. Hopefully my plasma lasts long enough until something equal or better comes along.
It took a Pioneer Kuro 5080HD to get me to accept something other than a CRT, LCD's weren't even coming remotely close.. Kuro's have a beautiful picture its a shame this had to happen. Hopefully my plasma lasts long enough until something equal or better comes along.

Probably not because people love the blown out look of the TVs in Walmart and Best Buy. There is not much appreciation for a properly calibrated image with accurate colors outside of the videophile crowd. :(