49% of Americans Want FCC to Regulate Internet

Lets just make sure we understand this. Al Gore invented the internet so by default it belongs to America.......:D:p

In all seriousness though, this is only going to end very very very badly.

indeed, first the internet, then a nationalized fuel policy.....it's ugly
indeed, first the internet, then a nationalized fuel policy.....it's ugly

Yes, because everyone knows the next thing to come after Internet regulation is always a nationalized fuel policy. :p

I don't support the Internet regulation but that was quite the non sequitur. :p
Vote for Obama and your dreams of having a government enema will come true.
Yes, because everyone knows the next thing to come after Internet regulation is always a nationalized fuel policy. :p

I don't support the Internet regulation but that was quite the non sequitur. :p

i know, there's a bit of a gap there....wasn't meant to be accurate, but it does follow a trend....people in general do not care anymore about anything but themselves, and they are so lazy they would actually give up some freedoms if they aren't asked to actually DO anything.....if Obama took the white house (which i honestly do not believe will happen) and put every aspect of our lives under national govt control, and gave the people strawberry scented welfare checks and rainbow powered automobiles, most people would take it up the backdoor if it means they dont have to actually participate in society, just BE

i truly hate most of my countrymen today, a very large majority do not deserve to live here

ok.....my bad, went off a bit, but hey, i felt compelled to explain my rationale :p
I don't think this would be much of a problem because government regulation of TV and radio is IMO pretty light.

I don't think you've seen much television or heard much radio outside of the US. Look at the fits they had over the Janet Jackson Stupid Bowl episode. Everyone outside the US asked "What's the big deal?"

US TV and radio is among of the most heavily censored and regulated among western countries.

Before you think that 49% of people wanting the internet governed by the FCC is odd, remember what fraction of the US is religious. Your censorship lines up with the degree of religion in your country and in your government. Compared to the US, other country's have much more secular governments.
cmon america... you talk about freedom.. .but every single time you let your government shove a big meaty one up your arses... there are SO MANY countries with more 'freedom' than the USA.... england, france, canada, australia, germany, netherlands etc etc etc... i hear you cant even walk across the street without getting arrested.. i believe you call it jay-walking whatever the fuck that is.... sounds free to me...
The worst part about this is; if you read the poll the people are lead in to that question
which is pretty sleazy
I've said it in the past and I'll say it again. I'm gonna get bumper stickers printed up that say:

"America. It's A Free Country... As Long As You Can Afford It."

49% of Americans polled means "We called some Amish folks using some tin cans and string, and some Indian folks using smoke signals, and asked 'em..." or something similar.

Polls aren't good for much besides strippers and firemen... yes, that's a joke.

I do find it funny, I always have, that we here in the good old U.S. of A. claim to be a free country and yet we seem to have more laws passed, more "rights" taken away from us, and more rules put in place on a daily basis than any other society in the history of the world.

We need another revolution, and soon, unfortunately. If someone can point me to some small island somewhere like Tom Hank's character was on in the movie "Cast Away," let me know 'cause at this point I'd sure as fuck love to be there.
I've said it in the past and I'll say it again. I'm gonna get bumper stickers printed up that say:

"America. It's A Free Country... As Long As You Can Afford It."

49% of Americans polled means "We called some Amish folks using some tin cans and string, and some Indian folks using smoke signals, and asked 'em..." or something similar.

Polls aren't good for much besides strippers and firemen... yes, that's a joke.

I do find it funny, I always have, that we here in the good old U.S. of A. claim to be a free country and yet we seem to have more laws passed, more "rights" taken away from us, and more rules put in place on a daily basis than any other society in the history of the world.

We need another revolution, and soon, unfortunately. If someone can point me to some small island somewhere like Tom Hank's character was on in the movie "Cast Away," let me know 'cause at this point I'd sure as fuck love to be there.


though i would at least like sattelite internet and solar power on said island...but yeah, for a free country we sure seem to regulate a lot of things that aren't hurting anyone
89% of statistics are liberally made up by people that want to make their conclusion sound good.
The FCC has done a shit-poor job with radio and TV ... I hardly think it is a good idea to ask them to go anywhere near the Internet.
1) The survey made leading statements before asking the questions. Should this invalidate the survey?
Next up, a poll showing 49% of Americans are stupid.

The government is controlling enough (I'm British, but there are little difference), I'm getting more disillusioned by the day, but thats another rant...

Stuff like this does show the flew in democracy and how bullshit legislation gets passed.
time for another revolution (or atlest in my opinion);) isn't it said somewhere in the Declaration of Independence that we have the right of the people to alter or abolish the government. but then again 49% of people would disagree...the internet is suppose to be free reign and have no government or police regulating it... as soon as everybody regulates it ...the whole idea of the internet becomes nothing more then a interactive TV... the damn media needs to stop with these preditor/ name fruad crap do u know how uncommon any of that stuff is? considering allll the people onlin yes it happens but to a fraction and... if it does you gotta be stupid to let it happen in the first place... esspecially on the internet... its more common in real life ie: raping, murdering and stealing ssn's etc. yeah it happens online but in real life its 20x worse and more common.... your not gonna stop nature and unfortunately raping...killing... stealing is the animal in us still.. were not the only animals who rape murder and steal but were the only ones who are intelligent enough to relise it as well though...soo..ne ways if the internet gets regulated here i am no longer gonna give up my money for another way for the government to degrade my privacy any more thats just wrong...:p
time for another revolution (or atlest in my opinion);) isn't it said somewhere in the Declaration of Independence that we have the right of the people to alter or abolish the government. but then again 49% of people would disagree...the internet is suppose to be free reign and have no government or police regulating it... as soon as everybody regulates it ...the whole idea of the internet becomes nothing more then a interactive TV... the damn media needs to stop with these preditor/ name fruad crap do u know how uncommon any of that stuff is? considering allll the people onlin yes it happens but to a fraction and... if it does you gotta be stupid to let it happen in the first place... esspecially on the internet... its more common in real life ie: raping, murdering and stealing ssn's etc. yeah it happens online but in real life its 20x worse and more common.... your not gonna stop nature and unfortunately raping...killing... stealing is the animal in us still.. were not the only animals who rape murder and steal but were the only ones who are intelligent enough to relise it as well though...soo..ne ways if the internet gets regulated here i am no longer gonna give up my money for another way for the government to degrade my privacy any more thats just wrong...:p

Were the hell did they poll this? It never surprises me that people want more of their rights taken away and lives controlled just so they can have a illusion of security. If they start doing this, then I am going to petition for "Controlled Population." I am tired of stupid people having children.
Japan is probably the most advanced of any country in the telecommunications industry. Why? Tight government regulation. The capitalist in all of us cringes at the sound of that, but in this case, I really do think its the best option. Every single public facing ISP has experiances "I'm the big kid on the block" syndrome. I don't really have a solution as I'm not a router cowboy, but I'm sure some of you guys do (as some of you guys are lol), but somethings gotta change.

Where are you getting your information? Im in Japan and the internet here is indeed faster than most places in the world but i dont think it is really regulated that much. No one blocks bit torrent as long as I know.

brainless sheep the whole lot of em.

need to be rounded up and put in stadiums then filled with water.

I'm pretty sure there's an extremely high % of brainless sheep in this thread who didn't bother to read any details of the poll or article and are just jumping on the "Americans r stupd" bandwagon, while being completely ignorant themselves.
I find it funny that out voting system works on things other than the presidential race. Anyways, our vote means jack-shit when it comes to things that we could benefit from, so as far as I'm concerned, the senators will have the last word...Like always.
That is b/c their all fking idiots.
Leave the data alone and monitor it yourself your morons. Keep your own kids safe, I do! Stop being a lazy bunch of asses Mr. and Mrs. and Ms. USA and get up and do it yourself. Learn something for once!
Why is it Americans always want other people to take care of it for them.

Ex)If you don't want workers in the fields go pick your own damn food. Oh wait, that means you actually have to get up move around, get hot, sweat and loose some of that blubber that is attached to your fat slow brain. Since your up get your fat ass kids outside and away from the TV, Console, PC, Laptop and do some real hard labor and help America in a true real productive manner.

Bugger off FCC and wake the fk up all you disillusioned J6P USA...
The voting system was setup by the founding fathers in such a way that makes it very hard for extreme radicals take hold of the country. The electoral college is a nice measure of doing so.
I don't think you've seen much television or heard much radio outside of the US. Look at the fits they had over the Janet Jackson Stupid Bowl episode. Everyone outside the US asked "What's the big deal?"

US TV and radio is among of the most heavily censored and regulated among western countries.

Before you think that 49% of people wanting the internet governed by the FCC is odd, remember what fraction of the US is religious. Your censorship lines up with the degree of religion in your country and in your government. Compared to the US, other country's have much more secular governments.

That's network TV. cable and satellite TV are much less regulated because you pay for them, kind of like Internet.

I personally think families should be able to watch the Superbowl without fears that some messed up "singer" will show her nipple piercing just to gain attention from the media. Do you believe it would be okay for Google to include porno advertisements on every site that uses Google Ads? No, because when people go to regular websites like this one they do not want to see porno and shouldn't be forced to do so.

cmon america... you talk about freedom.. .but every single time you let your government shove a big meaty one up your arses... there are SO MANY countries with more 'freedom' than the USA.... england, france, canada, australia, germany, netherlands etc etc etc... i hear you cant even walk across the street without getting arrested.. i believe you call it jay-walking whatever the fuck that is.... sounds free to me...

Drivers should not have to constantly turn their heads back and forth watching for pedestrians every ten feet. That's why we have crosswalks.

Also, people are virtually never arrested for jaywalking. It's just a psychological law.
I personally think families should be able to watch the Superbowl without fears that some messed up "singer" will show her nipple piercing just to gain attention from the media. Do you believe it would be okay for Google to include porno

A fairly uniquely American problem - for most of the world, a naked breast is not porn. If you have a fear of naked breasts, get a shrink.
The way in which it is displayed can be porn.. and judging by most tv shows, advertisements, and the mindset, that would be considered porn. ;)

I don't get it though.. why is everyone so obsessed with pornification of the culture? Why is there such a fight to display private parts everywhere we look? Rather perverted if you ask me. There's a place for art, there's a place for porn, and there's a place for family values.
The voting system was setup by the founding fathers in such a way that makes it very hard for extreme radicals take hold of the country. The electoral college is a nice measure of doing so.

to bad they found its easyer to "lobby" ie. bribe the ones already in office to make laws for them
A fairly uniquely American problem - for most of the world, a naked breast is not porn. If you have a fear of naked breasts, get a shrink.

No, a naked breast in and of itself is not porn. However, the way Janet Jackson displayed hers qualifies as porn IMO. It was used as a sex symbol rather than to display the beautiful artwork of the human body.

I don't get it though.. why is everyone so obsessed with pornification of the culture? Why is there such a fight to display private parts everywhere we look? Rather perverted if you ask me. There's a place for art, there's a place for porn, and there's a place for family values.

This is exactly my problem. I do not think sex needs to be intertwined with everything else in society. People not looking for sex should be able to enjoy other things (such as TV, radio, and Internet) without seeing it.
Also, to get back on topic, I think it's stupid that half the people in this thread are either criticizing the US government or criticizing the American public in response to this article. 49% is not a majority, 1,500 people is not representative of the US population, this poll was the farthest thing from objective, and no one said the FCC was actually going to regulate the Internet. If anyone is stupid, it is the people who did this poll.
49% is not a majority

How many of your presidents in recent decades have been elected with more than 49% of the people?

Most of us are critical of the US because they are hypocritical. They preach freedom and watch their own freedoms frittered away with no complaint. They choose loss of freedom for the appearance of security. Their security comes not from what they do for themselves, but what they do to others.

If I don't like what's on TV or the internet, I go somewhere else. When a significant number of Americans see something they don't like, they want to force everyone to go somewhere else.
Just wait to see the numbers who vote that have been brainwashed by the velvet words of the socialist who promises everything. :p We haven't learned anything from history. ;)