counter-strike source still good?

the lone gunman

Limp Gawd
Oct 30, 2005
i do like online games but have only ever played one online FPS, that being Warrock its a Free to play game.

so to get to the point i have heard very good things about counter-strike source but i do know its quite an "old" game now. do alot of people still play? and do you guys think its still worth buying?

i was also thinking of buying BF2142 however i prefer present day urban feel of CSS as apposed to laser cannons and stuff:D

any other suggestions to a good team-based online FPS would be great. cash is a little tight ATM so i can only realy buy one game for the next few months:)
ok thanks for the quick replys guess i will head over to gameplay and place my order:)

cheers guys

Good decision. I think CS: Source is probably the best online shooter I've played and it seems to be pretty easy to find other people to play with as well.
Yeah. Even with all the new Games out, I still find myself going back to CSS. Just something about it that never lets ya stop.
I've played Counter-Strike since 1998/99 with the original half-life.

If that says anything. We're going into 2008. However I play it more casually maybe 1-2 hours every other week or longer if my friends are on.

I've played Counter-Strike since 1998/99 with the original half-life.

If that says anything. We're going into 2008. However I play it more casually maybe 1-2 hours every other week or longer if my friends are on.


Same here, played since the original HL1 beta sets, still play Counter-Strike: Source today around a decade later. I keep going back to it, and honestly, it is fun :D. As far as the online playerbase, it remains one of the most-played games around, there is NEVER a problem finding a server with plenty of people on it.
I lost interest in it after I tried some other games and realised quite how mediocre it is. It's ok. Nothing excellent. Definitely not the best.

The only reason I kept playing it was because there were/are lots of spastics that play it, and it's always great fun making their lives miserable. I wasn't bothered about the game, only ruining it for the mongoloids.
CS source is one of the best FPS and even if it's old, the graphics still very good. The gameplay is awsome, the community is large and the servers are greats. Try GUNGAME mod.

After that, you got BF2 wich is better than bf2142 for me.

And then :) you got FEAR for free, an awesome mp game. But the community is small.
I've played Counter-Strike since 1998/99 with the original half-life.

If that says anything. We're going into 2008. However I play it more casually maybe 1-2 hours every other week or longer if my friends are on.


Wow - I can't believe I've been playing the HL/CS franchise for about a decade. I feel so old =(
I played this game a lot, and honestly I think it is garbage. Well it's not the game that was so bad, but the kids that spam on the microphone always pissed me off. COD 4 is more fun for me, and I haven't touched CS since.
after so many years, im still playing counter strike (source now).theres so many mods to play when playing counterstrike: deathmatch, gungame, DODGEBALL, extreme climbing, its ridiculous how these mods have made the game have even more replayability.
I don't think so myself. I used to love it until about 6 months ago.

All the servers within 100 ping range are either 24/7 or gungame, all I want is a vanilla server with FF on and a standard map rotation, which is IMPOSSIBLE to find (well, I found one but got banned from it after a two weeks of playing it 34/7 because I had a 12-0 score one map.. that's when I quit)
The problem is your connection. I have about 500 servers under 25ms. Maybe 40 gungame under 50ms.
I quit 6 months ago due to the lack of new material. It's a good game though, I played it for more than a year. Although my guess is that the community still sucks. Alot of 12-16 year olds play this game even though it's rated M. You'll still get flamed if you're really good. My advice is mainly just scrim and play in leagues and avoid pubs.
All of Valve's multiplayer gamers are absolutely terrible if you consider yourself a hardcore gamer. The reason their online games are so popular is because they make sure their games don't have a learning curve. Without the learning curve their games are easily sold to an extremely wide audience. Movie makers do the same thing by creating focus groups and removing anything from the movie one individual might not like so it has a broader appeal. Unfortunately, this also makes the movie much less appealing than it would have been to a small portion of the audience (which would be the hardcore gamers in this analogy).

For an example, just compare Team Fortress 2 and Team Fortress Classic. All of the more challenging aspects have been removed like grenades and conc jumping. Sure, more people will play TF2 but it will never be as good as TFC.

There aren't many games today that break this formula. Unreal Tournament, the Battlefield series, and possibly the CoD series (I haven't played it yet) are about as close as you will get. But if you want to see an extreme example of games that were designed specifically with hardcore gamers in mind look at Tribes 1 & 2, nothing has come close them and probably never will because they didn't sell well. The learning curve was so high it took half a year for most people to just become decent.
All of Valve's multiplayer gamers are absolutely terrible if you consider yourself a hardcore gamer. The reason their online games are so popular is because they make sure their games don't have a learning curve. Without the learning curve their games are easily sold to an extremely wide audience. Movie makers do the same thing by creating focus groups and removing anything from the movie one individual might not like so it has a broader appeal. Unfortunately, this also makes the movie much less appealing than it would have been to a small portion of the audience (which would be the hardcore gamers in this analogy).

For an example, just compare Team Fortress 2 and Team Fortress Classic. All of the more challenging aspects have been removed like grenades and conc jumping. Sure, more people will play TF2 but it will never be as good as TFC.

There aren't many games today that break this formula. Unreal Tournament, the Battlefield series, and possibly the CoD series (I haven't played it yet) are about as close as you will get. But if you want to see an extreme example of games that were designed specifically with hardcore gamers in mind look at Tribes 1 & 2, nothing has come close them and probably never will because they didn't sell well. The learning curve was so high it took half a year for most people to just become decent.

I agree with you about Tribes being the epitome of tactical strategy coupled with raw skill. I have fond memories of learning and finally being able to regularly laser snipe someone have a mile away who is moving at 80 mph laterally...(when you find yourself 'leading' them by a hundred feet or so and still headshot them)

That being probably one of my favorites of all time, I will say that I don't necessarily think it is always the best thing to have a game with a steep learning curve. That shouldn'tbe the norm. Life is hard enough, I don't want to get my ass kicked by some 12 year old regularly either. I think the most important part of a game should be the ability for players to "feel" their growth, however small, so that after each death/kill they start to inherently grasp the muscle memory required. These minute improvements in ability are the points that, when viewed overall, represent the learning curve. All of the gaming vets here can tell you, it's like shooting a free can feel it leave your fingers and know you made it or miss it before it even gets there.

Deathmatch is a tricky subject...inherently it dumbs down the level play. But it can give you the core elements necessary to survive. My friend wanted to get into CS:S and DoD:s. I told him to play HL2 DM for a few hours before then.

That being said, you will still have that game that is always going to contain the elements of strategy and skill, ET:QW strikes me as the most recent example...

EDIT : To anyone who never played tribes, check it out here It is freeware now and will run on any computer pretty much. Try to find a server that plays SHIFTER mod, which allows you to build bases and deploy things such as sensors, turrets, remote controlled missles (Hav0c missile FTW!). I just downloaded it (very fast connect they have) and am installing it. I challenge anyone to find a game that has more potential and requires more raw skill and tactical awareness.
CS or CS:S (for the younger crowd and those that like CS but want better graphics/physics) is a classic, the ONLY first person shooter i will play occasionally is Counter Strike...either one, CS:S at home on the good rig, CS on the laptop when away;)
I don't think so myself. I used to love it until about 6 months ago.

All the servers within 100 ping range are either 24/7 or gungame, all I want is a vanilla server with FF on and a standard map rotation, which is IMPOSSIBLE to find (well, I found one but got banned from it after a two weeks of playing it 34/7 because I had a 12-0 score one map.. that's when I quit)

I feel the same way. Someone else made a similar post before you as well about the trouble of finding a good server. I used to love this game, but the lack of decent servers is a huge deterrent. I'm not looking for kids spamming the mic and weird mods; just a respectable place to pub for a bit. I have yet to find such a server.
i always find myself back to cs source even with all these team based games, a nod to tf2 and battlefield but cs still gets more time overall than all those games combined.
All of Valve's multiplayer gamers are absolutely terrible if you consider yourself a hardcore gamer. The reason their online games are so popular is because they make sure their games don't have a learning curve...For an example, just compare Team Fortress 2 and Team Fortress Classic.
TFC was also made by Valve, by the way. CS was originally created by a few independent guys and Valve and Turtle Rock later adopted it to Source, modifying a few things, but not changing the core gameplay. I'm not particularly sure how you can blame Valve for CS:S's relatively simplistic gameplay (it's a glorified DM game, after all). If you want to blame anyone, blame the original creators of CS.
I love the Source engine, by far the best modern game engine that can facilitate most of the GPUs out there in the market.
Yeah. Even with all the new Games out, I still find myself going back to CSS. Just something about it that never lets ya stop.

QFT, TF2 kept my interest for a few months but i keep going back to CSS...

Long Live Counter Strike!
Blakestr said:
I will say that I don't necessarily think it is always the best thing to have a game with a steep learning curve.

Well, it's definitely not the best thing for creating a large community. But it will create the largest sense of accomplisment and ultimately fun for a small group of people.

TFC was also made by Valve, by the way.

Even so, I'm not faulting Valve for their earlier games or versions. However, as time went on Valve realized that learning curves were factor in how well their games sold and how many people kept playing them. So they continually released patches to fix this, but they never really bothered with TFC because by then it wasn't really popular anyway. So after all that both games evolved into CSS and TF2 which are more successful than any other more challenging PC multiplayer FPS to date (well CSS still isn't as popular as CS).

CS was originally created by a few independent guys and Valve and Turtle Rock later adopted it to Source, modifying a few things, but not changing the core gameplay. I'm not particularly sure how you can blame Valve for CS:S's relatively simplistic gameplay (it's a glorified DM game, after all). If you want to blame anyone, blame the original creators of CS.

I'm not blaming CS for having deathmatch style gameplay, I loved deathmatch in Tribes and CS 1.0.

I bought CS when it first came out like a decade ago. There was a great deal of skill involved with that version, the really skilled players were able to bunny hop across buildings and kill entire teams by themselves in a few minutes. You used to be able to jump while shooting accurately which allowed you to dodge shots instead of the duck, point, shoot strategy today. And this was all before there was even such a thing as wallhacks, so you knew it was skill.
You can mute players or just disable voice in game altogether, which is what I do since I don't use a mic and 90% of what people have to say on the mic is irrelevant anyway. And I love gun games, a lot, especially on hangumhigh.

TF2 is fun, but damn those respawn times...
Atleast there are respawns, thats the only reason I cant stand CS. After a while it get tiresome of waiting 5,10min for the game to end before getting another go around. Other than that, CS is a solid competitive fps.
Fuck, maybe it's just me, but I think Counter Strike is one of the most boring FPS I've ever played, I don't get why people like it so much, and the game just feels like one boring clusterfuck with bland environments and slow gameplay.

I don't know, I'll take any other FPS over Counter Strike any day of the week.
Nothing comes close to CS:S. I was hoping Call of Duty 4 would pull me away from it but after a couple of weeks I hit the cap, got tired of ridiculously easy gameplay (no recoil, hit indicator, overpowered weapons, etc, i was finishing rounds 30-3 often and my kdr was almost 3.0 lol) and came right back to CS:S.

Atleast there are respawns, thats the only reason I cant stand CS. After a while it get tiresome of waiting 5,10min for the game to end before getting another go around. Other than that, CS is a solid competitive fps.
If you stay alive longer you don't wait as much :)

Fuck, maybe it's just me, but I think Counter Strike is one of the most boring FPS I've ever played, I don't get why people like it so much, and the game just feels like one boring clusterfuck with bland environments and slow gameplay.

I don't know, I'll take any other FPS over Counter Strike any day of the week.
Did you only play 32 player pubs? 5v5 is definitely not a cluster fuck. Graphics do not make good game play btw, and a few of the maps are incredibly detailed. I don't know what to say about the 'slow' gameplay, the rounds are shorter than almost any other online shooter, maybe you should play UT where they bunny hop at 100mph.
Its certainly got a big community, tons of custom maps and modes (gun game it up if you're bored of standard maps). Though I do find that a sizable amount of people on there are pretty annoying though. Suppose thats true for many games, but its the one I have the most experience with. TF2 certainly has more tolerable people overall and I've been playing that like crazy the past month or so. Gotta just learn to not look at the chat window in CSS.
I've played it since it came out. I played it for a couple hours tonight actually. :)

My gripes:
* Impossible to start a good clan in a game where the majority of players are young. You will find older and mature people, but usually they seem to be on at night.

* If your a good player your automatically a hacker. I don't know how many times I've been kicked/banned for beating down admins.

* Most CSS players will probably agree with me when they say they love this game and they hate it. It's probably the community that does this to me.

Other than that it is great, if not the best multiplayer FPS out there.

Fuck, maybe it's just me, but I think Counter Strike is one of the most boring FPS I've ever played, I don't get why people like it so much, and the game just feels like one boring clusterfuck with bland environments and slow gameplay.

Tactical shooters aren't for everyone, but I don't care who the hell you are, you cannot compete in games like CoD4. That is why CSS is great, the competition. :D

I think raven-shield was even harder to learn. This game was not for noobs.

Agreed 100%! The only game I could play forever. That has to be the only game in history where every single map was good, there was not a single bad one in the bunch. The gameplay was top notch and the community was AMAZING! Unfortunately when the last of the ladders died out I was forced to take my team to other games. Really unfortunate...

Only CS/S and RvS have gotten it down for me. Theres a reason I love them so much. TDM is the way to go, objective in CSS makes it quicker than RvS with Team Adversarial, but you get rewarded for playing well (IE your not watching your playing), and if you make a bone headed move or simply someone is better than you, then you get to sit back and watch. If I'm not playing a tactical slower paced game like this, then I'm playing twitch skill Q3A. My 3 favorite games that I still play to this day and they are all aging. Am I getting old? :(
I don't think so myself. I used to love it until about 6 months ago.

All the servers within 100 ping range are either 24/7 or gungame, all I want is a vanilla server with FF on and a standard map rotation, which is IMPOSSIBLE to find (well, I found one but got banned from it after a two weeks of playing it 34/7 because I had a 12-0 score one map.. that's when I quit)

The problem is your connection. I have about 500 servers under 25ms. Maybe 40 gungame under 50ms.

LOL, I just started the game to realize:

