So will Vanguard take WoW players away ?


[H]F Junkie
Dec 17, 2006
I have been playing WoW since November 2004 and love it, it has and still is my only MMORPG I have played, well except for GuildBores, GW blew, with the invisble fences and all instanced world, played it for a couple of days and threw it away.

So with Vanguard coming out ina few short weeks in retail stores, is it the next step for MMORPG's, I wont stop playing WoW, but wouldnt mind trying out another MMORPG, I mean I dont just play one shooter I play HalfLife2, Doom]l[, BF2......

What's up with the graphics, I hear two different stories about them, some people say they blow, but then on this page these screens look really kick ass;
And check out the mini Quicktime movies here, looks really cool, better than WoW; check out the Gryphon trailer what ya think of that ?

So can this game be bought when released in a few weeks, installed and just jump right in, find a friendly Guild, and do alot of solo quest's too like WoW ?
I have it pre-ordered. I beta tested it for 2 weeks so far. It sucks, dont bother with it.

The movement is SUPER blocky. There is alot of bugs, and the graphics arent half as good as the pictures show. The game is VERY bland. It is severely boring. The ONLY good thing about this game, was the crafting. Try it if you get a chance, just to try the crafting. Other than that, this game makes for a good frisbee.
But I have also heard that Sigil (sp) has run out of money to continue production, and will release done or not with in a month or so, and that money set aside for an expansion will be moved to post launch support for the first two months to continue to patch and update game ?

So what about 6months down the road, will they still fix stuff, and release new content, or will it just depend on sales to see how it goes ?
I have it pre-ordered. I beta tested it for 2 weeks so far. It sucks, dont bother with it.

The movement is SUPER blocky. There is alot of bugs, and the graphics arent half as good as the pictures show. The game is VERY bland. It is severely boring. The ONLY good thing about this game, was the crafting. Try it if you get a chance, just to try the crafting. Other than that, this game makes for a good frisbee.

So I take it the only game due out any time soon to be a real competitor to WoW is WarHammer Online or also know as WhO. What ever happened to that Project:Offset game, with the graphics straight from a Hollywood movie, that would require a quad 8800GTX system to run at basic low res settings
I will be continuing my lifestyle of only Korean MMORPG's until Age of Reckoning is released.
WarHammer Online no question will be the next WoW, check out this cream pie of a gameplay trailer;
Higher res;

I'm not impressed at all..
Looks a LOT like WoW with a different fighting engine. Hell, If you took a screenshot and posted it on a forum where nobody had seen the trailer, I would bet you $50 that everybody would think its a wow screenshot around Ironforge.
I dunno why they are going with the same cartoon look, but warcraft is based off of warhammer.
So I take it the only game due out any time soon to be a real competitor to WoW is WarHammer Online or also know as WhO. What ever happened to that Project:Offset game, with the graphics straight from a Hollywood movie, that would require a quad 8800GTX system to run at basic low res settings

Read a article in a magazine, Project Offset is doing well according to the article. They made a deal with another dev team to make a game using their engine. They are working to get their game done to. As for as I know Project Offset is a rpg not mmo, and its real name is to be determined. Article was from PCgamer btw.
I'm not impressed at all..
Looks a LOT like WoW with a different fighting engine. Hell, If you took a screenshot and posted it on a forum where nobody had seen the trailer, I would bet you $50 that everybody would think its a wow screenshot around Ironforge.

Did ya see the waterfall in the movie way more realistic than WoW, and also that Giant dude, nothing in WoW looks even close to that good.

I think the basic architecture may look like WoW, but I know for sure that after playing it for one minute it will be way more detailed looking, with much better graphics. I dont think Mythic wants to show off all the bells and whistles off their game engine this early, trust me the game is still almost a year away, and the graphics will be nice, to run on our 9900GTX, or 3900XtX
I'm not impressed at all..
Looks a LOT like WoW with a different fighting engine. Hell, If you took a screenshot and posted it on a forum where nobody had seen the trailer, I would bet you $50 that everybody would think its a wow screenshot around Ironforge.

If they take the things people like about WoW and add the things people like about other games... they will have a big winner. I am certainly interested just from watching that trailer.
Don't forget that WAR is still a year away from release and will likely look completely different. They have already said they are leveraging high end tech at release, including multi-core CPU's.

I don't think gritty youtube videos of the game when it was still in alpha are going to do it any justice.

EDIT: I don't think WoW needs new games to make people stop playing. I think that the 8 year old gameplay dynamics and artificial time sink raids do that already. If Everquest had never been released then fine but weren't we all doing that "why does this game feel like going to work" thing 8 years ago already? Move with the times!
The environment in WHO looks a bit more refined, but to be honest, I am tired of that setting. I want something more Sci-Fi/Futuristic, if only a GOOD company would release a Star Wars MMO.
Don't forget that WAR is still a year away from release and will likely look completely different. They have already said they are leveraging high end tech at release, including multi-core CPU's.

I don't think gritty youtube videos of the game when it was still in alpha are going to do it any justice.

EDIT: I don't think WoW needs new games to make people stop playing. I think that the 8 year old gameplay dynamics and artificial time sink raids do that already. If Everquest had never been released then fine but weren't we all doing that "why does this game feel like going to work" thing 8 years ago already? Move with the times!

And what do you suggest instead of raids? Sitting around a campfire and tossing stones? The end game of MMORPGs can basically only be raiding and PvP, what else is there to do? I guess you can have a crafting component but I highly doubt many people are going to want to play a game just to run around the world just gathering things to make items, so rare items need to drop from some exclusive kind of content (i.e. raids).
Bringing this back on topic.

I have been in teh beta a coupl eweeks myself and there is still A LOT of work tha tneeds to be done. But its a good start. Grafx wise I am still not sure about this one. Depending on where you are and what you see is how you base your opion on the game. There are points where you saw Wow:) this looks grea, and then you see thinks like some trees and rock textures and say what the heck is this. The toon models are super hit and miss. Its to the point where you almost have to leave them default for right now.

This is a gay statement. GW is great! I too am also wondering about Vanguard. Though everything I've been hearing is leading me to believe that its not going to be a woW killer..
I've been in beta for VG for a while, and I also beta tested EQ1 for a while, comparing the two VG is no where near the castrophic state EQ1 was when it was released, if the community is there and the "mystic" feeling then I would have no doubt it will do good

I doubt VG will take away from WoW players, its alot more slower paced, I actually like the area's I level'd in and didn't care if I didn't reach max level in 2 weeks, screw fast paced leveling, give that to the kids, give me something fun and challenging, so far VG is a good challenge and fun. I give props to Brad for making a great background for a game again, I just wish he could finance games alot better.
I have been playing WoW since November 2004 and love it, it has and still is my only MMORPG I have played, well except for GuildBores, GW blew, with the invisble fences and all instanced world, played it for a couple of days and threw it away.

So with Vanguard coming out ina few short weeks in retail stores, is it the next step for MMORPG's, I wont stop playing WoW, but wouldnt mind trying out another MMORPG, I mean I dont just play one shooter I play HalfLife2, Doom]l[, BF2......

What's up with the graphics, I hear two different stories about them, some people say they blow, but then on this page these screens look really kick ass;
And check out the mini Quicktime movies here, looks really cool, better than WoW; check out the Gryphon trailer what ya think of that ?

So can this game be bought when released in a few weeks, installed and just jump right in, find a friendly Guild, and do alot of solo quest's too like WoW ?

I stopped reading at .. "GuildWars and MMORPG." Obviously you have no clue what a MMORPG is and didnt bother reading the GW site in which ArenaNet themselves said GW wasn't a MMORPG.

So, next time if you want people to take you seriously.. try and get the facts straight..kthnx.
I'll most likely be cancelling my WoW account, it's a great game , played it for over 2 years but after getting to 60 I grow increasingly bored with it. I hate doing raids, too much like work. Also tired of all the B-Net babies on it. Parts of the community are pretty nice but all those kids playing it made me turn of most chat channels.

Vanguard is buggy atm, but remember its still in beta, they're tweaking, optimizing and patching all the time. People are complaining about how terrible it runs, but I remember the first year WoW was out it had a lot of issues. Still after 2 years whenever theres a major patch something almost invariably gets broken lol.

The game is gorgeuos graphics wise and I like the idea of how open ended the game will be, kinda like Oblivion only online. Brad and Sigil have worked their butts off to put out a good game and I believe that's just what it will be. :D
I'll most likely be cancelling my WoW account, it's a great game , played it for over 2 years but after getting to 60 I grow increasingly bored with it. I hate doing raids, too much like work. Also tired of all the B-Net babies on it. Parts of the community are pretty nice but all those kids playing it made me turn of most chat channels.

Vanguard is buggy atm, but remember its still in beta, they're tweaking, optimizing and patching all the time. People are complaining about how terrible it runs, but I remember the first year WoW was out it had a lot of issues. Still after 2 years whenever theres a major patch something almost invariably gets broken lol.

The game is gorgeuos graphics wise and I like the idea of how open ended the game will be, kinda like Oblivion only online. Brad and Sigil have worked thir butts off to put out a good game and I believe that's just what it will be. :D

I won't lie, Vanguard has a TON of potential.....if it can be tapped, I will play. But for now, Im' going to enjoy WoW: TBC for the half a year of fun it gives me, then I will probably play some EQ...err Vanguard. I am tired of the b-net kids too and children in general.
This is a gay statement. GW is great! I too am also wondering about Vanguard. Though everything I've been hearing is leading me to believe that its not going to be a woW killer..

GuildBores felt to me like a cross between Diablo2 and WoW, but not deciding which one to be ? I mean the "invisible fences" kill the game for me, how can ya have a pretty looking forest, and a nice stone path, ya walk down it, and see a creature off to the side, so ya go over there to check it out, and Bam a wall preventing ya from going there :rolleyes:
And also the game is way too instanced for me, too many load screens take away from the big world and non loading feel of WoW

The thing is GuildWars feels and looks so much like a MMORPG, even it is not labeled as one, but it seems like it is trying to be WoW on a cheaper scale, and that is what kill's it for me, I would rather it be Diablo3 style instead of an almost WoW style/play
Read a article in a magazine, Project Offset is doing well according to the article. They made a deal with another dev team to make a game using their engine. They are working to get their game done to. As for as I know Project Offset is a rpg not mmo, and its real name is to be determined. Article was from PCgamer btw.

So its a real game...? I had always thought the videos were just demos for an engine or something.

That's kind of how Stalker started, IIRC, their demo caused so much buzz that they decided to make a game.
I want something more Sci-Fi/Futuristic, if only a GOOD company would release a Star Wars MMO.

Did you see Imperator Online? It was by Mythic too. It was going to be the first MMO I would have played. :(

Basically, it's an AU where Rome didn't fall and the Roman Empire has colonized the stars.

It would have completely fucking rocked.
I too would like to see a more sci-fi MMORGP. I played WoW but I just couldn't take the game after 60. Its a game, not a job, and I shouldn't have to put in 4-5 hours a day to get some where after 60.

Vanguard looks cool, but I'm going to wait and see where it goes before I commit.
I too would like to see a more sci-fi MMORGP. I played WoW but I just couldn't take the game after 60. Its a game, not a job, and I shouldn't have to put in 4-5 hours a day to get some where after 60.

Vanguard looks cool, but I'm going to wait and see where it goes before I commit.

MMORPGs are not for you.
MMORPGs are not for you.

Yeah, ya think, I played WoW for a year and half...then I realized having a life is more important.

I just don't get why MMORPGs have to be so time consuming. For instance I love Oblivion because it has so much to do and is very engaging, and unlike an MMO there isn't the pressure and the rush to get that gear or to this level. I also think going a sci-fi route would be cool and a new twist on the genre. But since MMORPGs aren't for me I guess I'll just stick to my single player games...:rolleyes:
VANGAURD IS IN BETA! If I have to hear one more person say that Vanguard is going to suck because the animations are choppy, I'm going to go fucking crazy. There are plenty of reasons why Vanguard may or may not suck, but THE FLAWS THAT WILL CLEARLY BE REMOVED AT RELEASE AREN'T THEM!

Go back and look at EQ2 beta shortly before release. It was total shit. Granted, EQ2 had a lot of work that needed to be done after release, but not shit like missing animations. And EQ2 was still fun from the beginning.
VANGAURD IS IN BETA! If I have to hear one more person say that Vanguard is going to suck because the animations are choppy, I'm going to go fucking crazy. There are plenty of reasons why Vanguard may or may not suck, but THE FLAWS THAT WILL CLEARLY BE REMOVED AT RELEASE AREN'T THEM!

ah yes, the ever famous miracle build that will cure it all.
Did I say the game will be perfect? No, because it won't. But basic bullshit will be taken care of. This isn't Funcom.
VANGAURD IS IN BETA! If I have to hear one more person say that Vanguard is going to suck because the animations are choppy, I'm going to go fucking crazy. There are plenty of reasons why Vanguard may or may not suck, but THE FLAWS THAT WILL CLEARLY BE REMOVED AT RELEASE AREN'T THEM!

Go back and look at EQ2 beta shortly before release. It was total shit. Granted, EQ2 had a lot of work that needed to be done after release, but not shit like missing animations. And EQ2 was still fun from the beginning.

The game is like a month, maybe two out from a scheduled release. That means that it has to be completely finished in less than that much time so that it can go gold and be pressed and distributed to all of the retailers for sale on the release date. Games never change very much from a late phase beta to the first release.
Screw Vanguard then, because "WhO" will be here in Decmeber, and in the mean time we can all finish BurningCrusade in the mean time.

Perfect timing for Mythic to release "WhO', after WoW will be stail bread, and Vanguard will be officially dead by then :)

yeh thier timing is that perfect that they plan to release it close to the next WoW expansion release date:D
The game is like a month, maybe two out from a scheduled release. That means that it has to be completely finished in less than that much time so that it can go gold and be pressed and distributed to all of the retailers for sale on the release date. Games never change very much from a late phase beta to the first release.

That's very true for regular games. For a MMO, it doesn't mean nearly as much. A) It doesn't really matter what's on the DVDs, as it will all be patched automatically when it's being played. B) Many of the issues to be fixed happen on the server side, not in the client.