Quake Reboot From Id Software Could Be Teased At E3


Aug 20, 2006
Do you miss Quake? Well, there are signs that it’s following in the steps of Doom and making a comeback, and a reveal may drop even sooner than expected. What do you want to see in a new Quake game?

After the huge success of Doom's modern reboot, a fully-fledged Quake reboot might be happening from id Software. Nerdleaks reports that the studio is laying preparations for a big tease at Bethesda's E3 2016 showcase tonight. I can see it now, smashing gloriously macabre machine-hell monstrosities with a huge arsenal of chaotic weapons in glorious ultra-fast 1080p 60FPS. This isn't the first time the Quake reboot has been on our radar. id Software had 12 major job openings at its studios, obviously hinting something big was going down.
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I want to see intricate, multi-level maps with proper level design like back in the day. I'm so sick of these boring map designs in so many modern shooters. I miss having the rail gun underwater, underneath a ledge where the rocket launcher is, so everytime you went for the rail gun it was a big risk you were going to get a rocket to the face.
Personally, I want to see a return to the first Quake game. The one with the caverns, references to Cthulu mythos stuff, and creepy music.
The sequels felt more like they wanted to be Doom than their own franchise.
Gameplay-wise, as long as they're exciting and don't emulate Doom 3 in any way I'll be happy.
Well, just an all round fun game that I'll remember fondly years after it's been released, sans Denuvo. :)

if it brings stuff like this back? i'm in!
Considering DOOM doesn't have server files readily available, I'm actually not so keen for a Quake reboot. We need to be able to run our own servers, otherwise this is just another big company telling us what we want.

If anyone wants me I'll be in ioquake3
Personally, I want to see a return to the first Quake game. The one with the caverns, references to Cthulu mythos stuff, and creepy music.
The sequels felt more like they wanted to be Doom than their own franchise.
Gameplay-wise, as long as they're exciting and don't emulate Doom 3 in any way I'll be happy.

Thank God for ID Software.
Keep it QUAKE and we'll be fine. Don't try and add any fancy crap. If there is a loadout, I'm running away.

i miss the LG underwater <evil grin>

Ah, you're THAT guy! ;)

I had a buddy who would just sit and camp in the water, waiting.. Over and over, ZAP. One day I waited for him to go to sleep and removed the water in DM3 and added steps instead. Backed it up as DM3.old of course.

You should have seen his F'in face the next day!!! Priceless. Ahhahaha!! :D
The line is blurred for me. What would be different about modern Quake and current Doom?

As I speak to the general crowd,

To me the only difference between original Quake and Doom was engine capability. It was like Doom is what we could do with 3D simulator and Quake was with an actual 3D engine. Because otherwise it's like whats the difference between Doom, Heretic and Rise Of The Triad? Nothing really. But Quake was a change because of the engine. And then after that it was just a better version of the engine.
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Quake 1 2 or 3? Kind of would like to see quake 1 redone, but to be honest bethesda will just run id softwares IP into the ground with remakes all based on the same engine for years on end
I hope they bring back Trent Reznor for the sound track. Oh and the NAILGUN and the RAILGUN!
To me the only difference between original Quake and Doom was engine capability. It was like Doom is what we could do with 3D simulator and Quake was with an actual 3D engine. Because otherwise it's like whats the difference between Doom, Heretic and Rise Of The Triad? Nothing really. But Quake was a change because of the engine. And then after that it was just a better version of the engine.
Thanks, but i didn't ask what was the diff in the original games.
There was minimal difference between Quake 2 & 3 vs. Doom. The first Quake had a different vibe about it. It was still fast action based, but it was less corny and more dark.
Rather than overwhelming odds and shitloads of enemies, they were stronger and a bit more singular. The vibe was more mythology and Lovecraftian than "corny demons on Mars with rockets"
Deathmatch was pretty similar, although most of the DM stuff from the first Quake ended up being mod focused. Team Fortress, Rocket Arena, CTF, and the various grappling-hook mods ended up giving it a life of its own. Pure deathmatch was more or less just people running patterns to grab rockets, grenades, and quad damage.
I really enjoyed Quake 2, But lets face it: that game was hardly related to the original in anything other than name. I would be happy to see a modern return to either universe.
Wait.... which Quake?
The "demon fighting" Quake 1?
The "alien fighting" Quake 2/4?
The MP only Quake 3 Arena?
Considering DOOM doesn't have server files readily available, I'm actually not so keen for a Quake reboot. We need to be able to run our own servers, otherwise this is just another big company telling us what we want.

If anyone wants me I'll be in ioquake3

I know the phenomenon that was the Quake 3 modding Era is now behind us. We live in a society of controlled downloadable paid for content. I wish a world that offered both in unison could exist, but developers fear the truth. Despite some mods lacking visual polish of a AAA title, they still packed a wallop of grand gaming fun at no additional cost.

Well, though I haven't tried it yet, I have high hopes for the approach of the new Unreal Tournament. That seems to be a labor of love project that may not reset the bar but will stand out like a pine air freshener surrounded by piles of manure.

Well either way this is a Quake thread. I may not do acrobatics over hearing about this as of right now. But I'd love me some more Quake.
I hope they bring back Trent Reznor for the sound track. Oh and the NAILGUN and the RAILGUN!
I don't think they can afford Trent this time around. Nailgun would be nice though. And telefragging. Always satisfying lol.
I know the phenomenon that was the Quake 3 modding Era is now behind us. We live in a society of controlled downloadable paid for content. I wish a world that offered both in unison could exist, but developers fear the truth. Despite some mods lacking visual polish of a AAA title, they still packed a wallop of grand gaming fun at no additional cost.

Well, though I haven't tried it yet, I have high hopes for the approach of the new Unreal Tournament. That seems to be a labor of love project that may not reset the bar but will stand out like a pine air freshener surrounded by piles of manure.

Well either way this is a Quake thread. I may not do acrobatics over hearing about this as of right now. But I'd love me some more Quake.

I highly suggest you try UT. Even in pre-alpha, its awesome.

As far as Quake goes, people really only gave a shit about the multi player back in the day, and that's only because it was one of the first Deathmatch FPS out there (doom had it but was limited).

By today's standards, Quake was VERY bland.

I do agree though on doubling down on the lovecraftian angle and the earth invasion plot of the first one. Go with the other-worldly rather than aliens. Different take that can open up the franchise for a better direction story-wise than it had before.
Quake Live is a lot of fun, hopefully it'll be like that. I miss the fast paced FPS, although Unreal Tournament has been pretty amazing thus far, especially for a pre-Alpha.
Could get me back into gaming. Just last week I grabbed Quake I, II, and III from GOG and have been mucking around with them for a bit over the past few days. Now working on getting that Quake HD Remix mod pack that Kyle mentioned a few months back (the torrent has one seeder but no data activity so I'm grabbing it directly from the Google Drive site of the creator, Nick).

But I would definitely welcome a return of the greatest shooter ever made (personal opinion there, of course, but I'll bet I ain't alone in that opinion). :D
I never forget the eerie, echoing sounds some of those enemies made in Quake. An original Quake reboot could definitely have some real potential. Nailgun, NIN...and another Dopefish cameo?
Would like to see a remake of quake 1 the atmosphere was fantastic.

Believe it or not that atmosphere was very much intact in Quake 2 as well. One of the very few games in history where sequels retain the things that make the originals so great.

i want it to be Q2! But if its not done right... then it doesnt matter.
Quake Champions, they're jumping on the Overwatch bandwagon. Expect to be disappointed.
i am excited, I think most of my gaming as a youth was spent playing Quake 2:)

I am all for any new "good" competitive multiplayer
Can't say I'm overly excited about another MP shooter game. There are enough of those. Plus, I don't necessarily think anything about Quake (1 or 2) was particularly iconic on the MP front. Most of the weapons (other than the nailgun) were just ported over from Doom. More people played on mods (that are now part of every game) than the vanilla deathmatch the game shipped with. Everything that separated the first two games in multiplayer = standard fare.

That really only leaves the option for a Q3A remake. While it could work, it always feels like the audience for classic vs. games rarely gives anything new a chance. It would have to be an absolute world beater to truly make an impact. Otherwise it'll just be the usual "they dumbed everything down" talk.
I take it you haven't heard of Minecraft mods?

I know the phenomenon that was the Quake 3 modding Era is now behind us. We live in a society of controlled downloadable paid for content. I wish a world that offered both in unison could exist, but developers fear the truth. Despite some mods lacking visual polish of a AAA title, they still packed a wallop of grand gaming fun at no additional cost.

Well, though I haven't tried it yet, I have high hopes for the approach of the new Unreal Tournament. That seems to be a labor of love project that may not reset the bar but will stand out like a pine air freshener surrounded by piles of manure.

Well either way this is a Quake thread. I may not do acrobatics over hearing about this as of right now. But I'd love me some more Quake.
I don't think they will be able to top Quake 3 Arena, they will inevitably try to make it "better" and ruin it. I suppose that's Quake Live, though i'm glad it still exists at all. But if they tried to remake Q3A it with too high modern HD graphics, i'm not sure it will be as good as the original.

I haven't played new Doom yet, so if that Multi is any indication of what it could be like with modern HD graphics, i don't know. Q3A is the greatest Dm fps ever made because it is exactly what it is, graphics and all. And the graphics amazingly stand the test of time. 10 years ago i was saying damn this engine still looks amazing and I still think that today.

Since Quake Champions is class based, it's not a Quake 3 Arena reboot, but, we'll just have to see.. Quake Live was good enough for me, i liked being able to just jump in a game on the spot and start playing. I still have my Q3 original disk but i was too lazy to jump through the hoops of installing it and finding all the files needed and whatever you have to do to find servers ect these days.

I haven't played anything since the fw900 died, but i can't even imagine playing DM on an lcd. Once i get over my grieving phase possibly, lol. But i am just not interested in gaming at all right now, especially first person shooters.

I made this icon 16 years ago from a screen shot i took of the quad damage in game and it's been on every one of my desktops since.
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