Finally got my 1950X upgrade installed.


[H]F Junkie
Sep 7, 2011
No overclocking just yet, as I lost my second EPS 8 pin connector, waiting on a new one to arrive in a few days. Enough talk; pics..


Yeah yeah, no tempered glass. I bought this case literally a few weeks before the TG version was announced. I'm still salty about it.


Once the door opens, you can see the beauty without cloudy perspex. Pink is my favourite colour, by the way.


It's a real shame that the diagnostic LEDs can't be disabled on the X399 pro Carbon. I may have a talk with my MSI rep and see if we can get an option to disable the LEDs after POST.


Final shot. I'm super happy about the build, and I can't wait to clock the hell out of the chip.

Have fun, folks.
only thing that stands out as a negative is that SLI bridge. They should make a cover to hide the solder points or go the way AMD did and get rid of bridges all together. Other than that, love the monotone color.
Really nice build ! Love the tubing. Gives it a raw industrial feel

Once u have the system the way u want it u could just put a piece of blk electrical tape over the diagnostic LED's Or make a small cover.