Zoom ADSL router redirects to internal status page...

May 3, 2003
Hey everyone,

So I have a Zoom X5 ADSL modem/router (http://www.zoom.com/products/adsl_overview.html) .

Now, I recently bought http://miazmatic.com and am hosting the site on a Linux Xbox behind this Zoom modem.

Anyways, when I'm at school or anywhere other than behind the router, my URL shows me the intended page. But if I'm inside the same network and I request anything that resolves to the ADSL box's current external IP, it redirects me to its status/configuration page.

This wasn't the case with previous routers/modems I used, and I would like miazmatic.com to always show me the same thing, no matter where I am. Any thoughts?
The instructions for the "A" version just explain how to redirect port 80 traffic with the destination of your router to a separate host. It's just a matter of figuring out how to set it up with your version. Looks like it interprets as localhost.

One workaround would be to add a hosts entry on your home computer for your domain and assign it your web server's internal IP, such that your machine will always resolve that domain name to the private IP within your network. I know that's not what you asked, but it works as a temporary solution. This can be done in c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts
Good suggestion. I can do that with the desktops that stay here, but for laptops that occasionally wander to other networks that isn't such a practical solution.

I'll look into editing the route table (it does let you do that) to see where goes.