Zombie Game


Sep 29, 2005
I have been working on this game for the last couple of months. Its not done yet, however the first 21 or so so maps are done.

The game has been scaled down from 800x600 to 600x450 in an attemp to gain some extra performance. There is alot of physics stuff and particle effects so it doesnt run so good in a browser window. Imageshack broke the preloader so its gonna take a few seconds to load.

Let me know what you guys think.


If you just want to play around with the physics, there is a button in the top right that says "physics test". Click that and hit begin. Most of the resume game buttons are broken.

I don't know how to switch from the rifle to pistol. And the shovel doesn't really do anything because if you get that close to use it you'll lose 20% health each time anyways...

Other than that pretty cool...keep working on it :)
Agreed, shovel is useless.
Also, pistol and rifle are both very weak. Suggest increasing zombies and weapon power. Headshots should be one shot kills while body shots should remain the same.