Zip Zoom Fly = BAD


Sep 5, 2005
Recently my best friend asked me to build him an ass kicking machine. After much research we ordered a new Conroe, Intel 975X, 2GB of Corsair DDR2, 2 500 G HDD, Samsung DVD-R, Themaltake Case and a Kilowatt PS.

The MB and Memory got backordered. The memory got back ordered in a very interesting way. The first box came in and I took out the Conroe, 7950 Vid Card, Drives and supposedly the memory. The memory was scratched out on the packing slip and the lets B/O was written on it.

We called Zip Zoom a number of times, left voice mails and sent emails. Finally my buddy got hold of them. He tried to cancel the MB (another story on that in a minute) but they said it was sent. They also argued with him about the memory. He finally told them they either ship the memory or he would call his CC Company and put a stop on the order. They then said they would send the memory. As of today 9/14 no memory.

A package did come today. It was the Motherboard. It was not the 975X board we ordered but an open box 915 board with a bunch of floppy cables. No manuals or anything else.

I usually order from Newegg, I have only used Zip Zoom for small things. Has anyone had any issues like this? Is this typical of them? To say I am not happy would be an understatement. The reason we used them was that Newegg was out of stock on the stuff we wanted.

We are going to order the memory and MB from Newegg and send the B&^**!@#+ board back and the memory when it comes in. But I bet they will say we switched the MB and put in the 915.

I am pissed.
I've ordered a few grand of computer stuff from them, but only a few things since they turned into Zip Zoom Fly. Never had a problem other than dead RAM, which they promptly RMA'd and shipped us new sets.
I've used ZZF almost exclusively since 2001 when they were known as Googlegear. I've never received the wrong item, and the shipping is usually free.....not to mention their prices are very competitive (especially when you consider the shipping).

My most recent order was back in April of this year. I've learned now that they sell based on what is supposed to be delivered to them.....meaning if they're out of something you've ordered, but they're supposed to receive a shipment of merchandise by the time your order should ship, it will still show as "in stock". I'm not a fan of this. Needless to say, I ordered something that was "in stock" when it really wasn't, and their shipment of merchandise didn't arrive on time. I wasn't very happy, but they jumped through hoops and sent my item out second day delivery at no charge.

Wait, there's more. The item was a case which the manufacturer specs to be compatible with E-ATX really wasn't. I called them to get a RMA, and I returned it. They refunded my money in full (no restocking Fee). Sure, it cost me the return shipping, but that's a small price to pay in the scope of things.

I'm thinking you happened to be the order that got messed up that day. Nobody can be perfect, and businesses like ZZF and Newegg are no exception. When you do call with a problem, treat the poor cs rep like a human being and ask "so, what can we do to resolve this?" They will do their best to help you. I have to cast the vote


I 2nd the ZZF = Good vote.

I, too, have ordered lots from them. Never had a problem of any kind. Not even any returned stuff.
I have also ordered $1500+ over the years (since they were googlegear, too), and have never had such a problem. When I had to return something, I got an RMA # by calling. They don't have the greatest customer service, but I like their prices and fast fedex shipping.. too bad 2nd day isnt free anymore. Newegg is good, too. Though, I've actually been screwed by them before... but they made it up to me the next time i had a problem. MCS takes forever to ship, but they don't charge tax to CA. If I need something fast, I get it from NE or ZZF. If i can wait, i'll go with MCS. If i need it immediately, I'll hitup fry's.
Truth is I've been ordering from there since it was Googlegear (wonder how much they made off the name change? ;) ) and I've never had a problem. Believe it or not I've had more trouble with Newegg..but then again the heaviest volume of orders through the years has been with them. Monarch gave me such a horrible first experience a few months ago that I'll never be back...I've had better service from borderline shady/scam sites. :rolleyes:
Thanks for the Input from everyone. We always treat the customer service person nice. They are not the person who did this, it sounds like the shipping department. We got three-quarters of the order fine, but the main components either didn't come in or were completely wrong. That is what we are mad about.

I have spent many thousands of dollars with Newegg and have recieved good service and support from them.

This experience has left a really bad taste for me. I have used them in the past and so have several friends and but I will really think twice about ordering from them again.

Note: The memory was delivered yesterday, so we will be doing an RMA this weekend.

Thanks again for your input.
i had an issue with a clear acrylic case when i purchased it from ZZF. i told them several times that i should get a full refund as their return policy is pretty vague on defective items (meaning there is no clear statement on defective items, only returned items). needless to say, i was charged a restocking fee. called them several times on this, they never refunded my money until i was pissed enough to write it up on reseller ratings. withing 24 hours, i was contacted and a few days later i was refunded on the purchase of the case, but not shipping to me. ZZF will never have me as a customer again.
Paid 230 bucks for some corsair memory last month and 1 of the chips was defective... I called them many times but no one would answer the phones. I even left a message on their machine with a description of my problem with my contact number. I ended up just calling up corsair to get an rma #. Will I buy from zipzoomfly again? nope :mad:
I definitely agree that ZZF has the worst customer service that I have ever encountered. It took me roughly a week to get a hold of someone after repeated calls and messages. I would much rather be on hold for a while than leave a message that will not be returned. (none of them ever were returned, I lucked out and finally got a person) I will never order form them again.
I have never had a problem with ZZF. I have been dealing with them about as long as they've been ZZF. I repeat. I have never had a problem with ZZF.

ZZF = Good.

Bill :cool:
this doesn;t apply only to zip zoom fly which i have ordered a number of things from and i'm pretty satisfied. how can you say no to $1.99 2nd day shipping. but my main point is so say taht think about the people who has to work at CS. i don;t have CS experience but you can trust me when i say that they don't have the time of their life there. sitting all day and listening to people complaine to them. anyone of us in here would act like a bitch if we had taht job. video card and my ram from ZZF is suppose to arrive this tuesday
some people will always have a bad experience at a high volume e-business. Even with **GASP** newegg. It is your choice whether to order from them again, but you should realize that your experience is the exception NOT the rule.
Atleast with newegg its common practice to answer the phones so you can deal with a living human being and explain the situation.
notoz said:
Atleast with newegg its common practice to answer the phones so you can deal with a living human being and explain the situation.
For me the best companies to deal with are those who I have no idea what level of customer service they provide....ZZF falls in that category for me because I've been ordering there for years and haven't had any issues. The best experience is find it, click and order, get your stuff in a couple of days, install and enjoy. :cool:

edit- If you dislike ZZF then stay far far away from Monarch. Add almost immediately charging your card and then waiting 3-5 days afterward to finally ship (even if you pay for overnight) with the above ZZF issues and you have the Monarch experience. :p
I'm not trying to turn this into a Monarch bash, mainly because I have never ordered fromt hem, but is it me or has there been lots and lots of anti-Monarch people lately? I'm surprised they're still "sponsors" of the [H].
I have never had a problem with ZZF always had good service and fast shipping and never had a broken item
I've never ordered from ZZF, but after reading this I'm not sure if I want to. I spend thousands a year on newegg for customers, and I don't mind spending a little bit extra for their mostly excellent customer service. I had one call to newegg where the guy was slightly rude about a refund I'm supposed to get on shipping.

Lyquist said:
I've never ordered from ZZF, but after reading this I'm not sure if I want to. I spend thousands a year on newegg for customers, and I don't mind spending a little bit extra for their mostly excellent customer service. I had one call to newegg where the guy was slightly rude about a refund I'm supposed to get on shipping.


Don't let these accounts keep you away from them. People can have a bad experience at any store. I've never had a bad experience at zipzoomfly... they have. You've never had a bad experience at newegg... plenty of people have.

Bad service happens occasionally at even the best store.
Sir_Loin said:
I've used ZZF almost exclusively since 2001 when they were known as Googlegear. I've never received the wrong item, and the shipping is usually free.....not to mention their prices are very competitive (especially when you consider the shipping).

My most recent order was back in April of this year. I've learned now that they sell based on what is supposed to be delivered to them.....meaning if they're out of something you've ordered, but they're supposed to receive a shipment of merchandise by the time your order should ship, it will still show as "in stock". I'm not a fan of this. Needless to say, I ordered something that was "in stock" when it really wasn't, and their shipment of merchandise didn't arrive on time. I wasn't very happy, but they jumped through hoops and sent my item out second day delivery at no charge.

Wait, there's more. The item was a case which the manufacturer specs to be compatible with E-ATX really wasn't. I called them to get a RMA, and I returned it. They refunded my money in full (no restocking Fee). Sure, it cost me the return shipping, but that's a small price to pay in the scope of things.

I'm thinking you happened to be the order that got messed up that day. Nobody can be perfect, and businesses like ZZF and Newegg are no exception. When you do call with a problem, treat the poor cs rep like a human being and ask "so, what can we do to resolve this?" They will do their best to help you. I have to cast the vote



My experiences echo yours. Though I use Newegg quite a bit and I have never had a problem with them either.
I agree with all good about ZZF, I know this is the holy grail of newegg supporters but I have had 3 orders from them fucked up in one way or another, not to MENTION I shouldn't have to pay $4.99 for shipping on an F'in cable if its ordered with other items.

Customer service is touch and go with ANY large company anymore, some good days, some bad, YMMV.

Tigerdirect is still the worst though :)

ZZF ftw
TMan1876 said:
Don't let these accounts keep you away from them. People can have a bad experience at any store. I've never had a bad experience at zipzoomfly... they have. You've never had a bad experience at newegg... plenty of people have.

Bad service happens occasionally at even the best store.

I have never had a bad experience from zipzoomfly. Bad service needs to be heard, talking to the manager or putting up a message where someone who works there will get your voice heard so they can change their procedure and possibly get better at communicating with customers.
As a Canadian Citizen, I dont qualify for orders from monarch, newegg or ZZF (or Zip Zoom Lie as I've heard recently). I use and Ncix almost exlusively... an I've dropped a good amount of money at tigerdirect, having built 22 (and counting) high-end systems for my school friends this summer. That's alot of cash, and I've yet to have 1 problem with Tigerdirect.

I work at an unnamed retail store (you can find out if you REALLY care) co-managing a department with another fine collegue. Between the two of us, and we've been quoted, our business philosophy is as follows:

"You're human. No one can expect you or anyone else for that matter, to provide perfect advice or service. It's natural to screw up, and you're going to. It's the time and effort you put into helping the customer after a mishap that provides a basis for a strong customer/store relationship. Going the extra mile after you make a mistake will prove to the customer that you're willing to take charge of a situation, and show that you're skilled and knowledgeable enough to correct it."

I think this goes for any sales environment. Mistakes are, without question, going to happen. Kevin Mitnick, an established hacker refers to the human link, the weakest link in a system.

It's how a company treats you AFTER they screw up that produces a strong relationship, something that ZZF, ultimately fails at (IMO).
how about next time you dont order out of stock items and then demand for them to send you items they dont even have in stock

ZZF is superb and usually has the lowest prices
zzf has great prices but their customer service is a joke... why have a phone number listed on the site for customer service if you dont plan on answering the phone. and to the people who say they havent had any bad parts and what not your pain will come when you do lol. ;)
Stu55 said:
I have never had a bad experience from zipzoomfly. Bad service needs to be heard, talking to the manager or putting up a message where someone who works there will get your voice heard so they can change their procedure and possibly get better at communicating with customers.

That makes alot of sense, but what I'm saying is that people shouldn't completely write off a company that has pretty good deals most of the time just because a few people had bad experiences.