Your best guess will this rig handle doom3


Mar 28, 2004
Dell 8400
P4 3.2
1 gig 533 ddr2
x800 se

I'm ok with no AA aslong as I can play at a decent res with good fps

do you think this will cut the mustard
Price, I found a great deal from
Dell 8400
P4 3.2(Intel 925 chipset)
1 gig 533ddr2
160gig sata hd
ati x800se pci 16x
19 dell lcd
plus all other standard goodies

Normally I would not even consider a Dell but that is a good if not great price. Even though it's already I am still debating whether to keep it or cancel the order before it ships. Honestly if it will play doom3 and farcry smoothly at a decent res that is all I want,if I have turn AA off and notch down a few settings that is fine with me. For that price though do you think it's a keeper?
[u]Dell[/u]                                     [u]Pricewatch[/u]
P4 3.2                                     ~$200
Intel 925 chipset motherboard              ~$150
1 gig 533ddr2                              ~$225
160gig sata hd                             ~$90
ati x800se pci 16x                         ~$350
19 dell lcd                                ~$350
plus all other standard goodies
$1122 SHIPPED                              ~$1365

It appears to be a good deal.
i'd suggest when you get that monitor, poop on it then go get a decent one that will be suitable for doom3. :D
Doom 3 will perform well on it but for a gaming machine I really suggest building your own. Even if that is a good deal
Ok now I'm really not sure if I'm going to keep the new dell or not. Anyone else wanna add comments?
nickal78 said:
Ok now I'm really not sure if I'm going to keep the new dell or not. Anyone else wanna add comments?

It's a good deal if you don't plan on messing with your hardware much in the future.
I thought you will have trails on fast moving scenes. It would blur or something.
Thought that FPS you can play only with CRT.
Astra said:
I thought you will have trails on fast moving scenes. It would blur or something.
Thought that FPS you can play only with CRT.

It's been getting better. And IMO, it's not as bad as everyone says, but I still don't like LCDs for regular use.
A LCD Monitor like the Samsung SyncMaster 172x has absolutely no ghosting, including when being used in FPS's. It's 12ms response time is awesome and in my 6 months of using one, i've never had a single complaint or problem with it.

About that PC.....if you really want to handle Doom3. Don't buy that PC. It looks like quite the deal but it isnt..

How much are you willing to spend??
It may be a Dell, but it's still a great deal, if even only on a price level. It may have a lot of dell bloatware, but you can just wipe the drive and reinstall xp when you get it, no problem. It'll be a good gaming machine whether or not it comes from Dell, dude.
As lcds are concerned, I have a generic 17" one from MGC with 25ms and it does superbely in games and such. only issue would be that when all is dark or black, a white glow is seen from the sides where the lighting is, but its not like that on all, mine is a "cheapy" though I did get mine 2 1/2 years ago for $400