You Are Invited...


Feb 4, 2006
52 participate in this year's running of the Chimp Challenge

First of all, what is the chimp challenge?
The chimp challenge started two years ago when it was discovered that both Maximum PC and had subteams with monkey type names. After a bit of smack talk a contest was organized to settle it fair and square to see who had the "best" monkeys. On the first running, MPC took the crown, or in this case, the coveted jaded monkey, home as the prize. OC got the cursed and dreaded monkey paw. At the second running, OC was victorious and claimed the jaded monkey. Now we're on the third year.

This time around, several members thought it would be nice to invite both [H] and OCAU to join in on the fracas. Discuss it amongst yourselves and see if this is something you guys would be interested in. It's a huge event at both the MPC and OC forums. The contest traditionally begins on May 5th, 12pm noon, pacific time. I'll have some reference threads from both forums from the past contests so you can become familiar with the rules and such.

Chimp Challenge '06 Thread-MPC

Chimp Challenge '07 Info Thread-MPC

Chimp Challenge '08-OC

Chimp Challenge '07-OC

Chimp Challenge '08-MPC

We look forward to hearing from you.
ok, it gave me a message that the database crapped out then it shows a dupe thread

I promise, I didn't do it on purpose
Well, no need to discuss among ourselves. We are willing to take the challenge anytime and I know my team will agree with me !

Fold on and let the best win !!!

[H]ardMonkey FTW!!! :D Seriously though, I don't think there is any way I can change the name to all my clients. It would take me a while, and by then it would all be over since the run is to one million.

We're still in discussion on the number of points for victory this year. The first one was 500k, the second year was 1 mill. This year we're still kicking it around but most are saying between 2 and 5 mill. Personally, I like 5 mill because the other contests were over really fast...there was a ton of participation both years.

A lot of us run farms or corporate borgs and change our usernames. I know it's a pain, but it's a sacrifice we've done for our teams.
Love to do it, but some of my systems I had to beat silly to get them running and witht he diskless I'd have to set them up all over again. :(

I'm in. Just tell me when to turn my boxes over. I watched the challenge last year from the sidelines and you guys had way too much fun. :D

Humm, changing the use of my hard my age that’s a lot to ask:rolleyes:;)

I'm glad you enjoyed it. It has been fun and a spirited tradition to say the least.

I need a team captain for the Horde....discuss it amongst yourselves and let me know who it is in a couple of days. Team captains so far are myself representing MPC and sno.lcn for the overclockers.
I can't change the names on my borged machines... it took everything I had to get them set up the way they are now, and I don't the the powers that be are willing to help me out with a change...

But, I do have my farm at home, and I would love to participate in this, just let me know and I'll gladly turn them over!!

So, ummmm.....Since I've never changed my client names before, is there some kind of penalty / lost WU's if they get changed in the middle of a run? I mean, so I'm at 90% and stop the run, config it with the new name, and then fire it back up again?

So, ummmm.....Since I've never changed my client names before, is there some kind of penalty / lost WU's if they get changed in the middle of a run? I mean, so I'm at 90% and stop the run, config it with the new name, and then fire it back up again?

As long as it starts back up ok, there should be no problem. I've done it before.

So, ummmm.....Since I've never changed my client names before, is there some kind of penalty / lost WU's if they get changed in the middle of a run? I mean, so I'm at 90% and stop the run, config it with the new name, and then fire it back up again?

Good question. I want to know too. Also in regards to editing the config file Stanford says not to...
"Is there an easy way to enter the passkey into the client?

Yes, in the console client setup, there is a new passkey prompt: Passkey []? You can copy your passkey from the email you receive from FAH, and paste it in to that prompt. On Windows, to paste into the console prompt, right click on the Title Bar, then select "Paste" from the menu that appears. It is strongly recommended that the client.cfg file not be manually edited, as it's not a plain text file and could become corrupted. "

I have edited the config file with no passkey and have had no probs....what happens with those files that have a passkey?

Good question. I want to know too. Also in regards to editing the config file Stanford says not to...
"Is there an easy way to enter the passkey into the client?

Yes, in the console client setup, there is a new passkey prompt: Passkey []? You can copy your passkey from the email you receive from FAH, and paste it in to that prompt. On Windows, to paste into the console prompt, right click on the Title Bar, then select "Paste" from the menu that appears. It is strongly recommended that the client.cfg file not be manually edited, as it's not a plain text file and could become corrupted. "

I have edited the config file with no passkey and have had no probs....what happens with those files that have a passkey?

That is regarding directly editing the client.cfg file. Running the client with the -configonly flag is fine.

The last time I tried to run the -config only flag on my Q6600 running dual SMPs in vista it did strange things. When i changed one it also changed the other identically. The only way around was to manually edit. (I was trying to set machine IDs).
So back on topic here, we do need to pick a team captain for this. Suggestions?

Then its on to and MPC to join in the trash talk, we're already late!


t is a pain to reconfigure clients, but it will be worth it to me. It will be enjoyable to have a short sprint of team competition!
And to sweeten the deal, OCAU has been extended an invite as well.

mmm... ghost console FTW... i can throw in a few machines :)
We need to get started on a team captain. Who is gonna step up?

To get this kicked off, I'll be the first to volunteer. I followed last years chimp off and know a little about it. In addition, I have no life and plenty of time :D
let me know the name to fold under and I'll fold under that name!
Where is the [H]ardness around here?

Looks like you guys are LIMPING into the competition. LOL.
I am pretty sure people will come out of the woodwork to accept this challenge in the weeks before the competition. I for one know that when i read the proposal the first time I didn't really think there would be any debate about doing it.

Count me, and at least 1 of my borgs in.

I'm willing to act as a team captain without problems :)

I will put my full production for the contest since I don't mind missing 1 week of production to avoid being slaughtered. Everyone should do the same since in the end, no matter under who you fold, you are folding toward a cure ;)

KingFish, tell me where to start discussing the contest details with the other captains.

We don't have a central place for discussion. If we have issues we pm each other and discuss them amongst ourselves. Since this is the third iteration of the contest, we pretty much have the rules nailed down. The only things really needing to be resolved are the number of points needed for victory, the names each team will be folding under, and the team captains for [h] and OCAU (if they decide to enter). The rest will pretty much run itself.
No problem. I stated myself that 5 millions would be a nice amount. Imagine if 20-30 of our top producers join, it's a easy 150,000-200,000 ppd and it will be over in 25 days and I think the goal is to have the contest last up to 30 days. If others wanted it to last just 15 days, we need to do some maths.

As for the leader thing, I was already a kind of leader for the [H]orde in charge of polls, rewards and other things so it's just a extra thing and I know everyone will agree :)
