Yet another Vista problem... Grrrr...


Supreme [H]ardness
Jul 29, 2006
Search isn't working!

Normally I'd type something into the search box, and the results would start coming up immediately, right? Well, I type something, and the little magnifying glass turns to an X for cancel, but it doesn't search! It just sits there at the folder I'm at.

I've got all the indexing and search services on. Anyone having any ideas?

God I fucking HATE this Dell laptop....
It only searches starting with the folder you're in if you search that way -

either click advanced search -> check "search non indexed locations"

or... make sure the file you are searching for is within the current directory or in an indexed folder.
I don't think you understand what's wrong...

I type something in the box, and it's supposed to start searching. It doesn't do anything. It just sits there as if I didn't type anything in the box. It doesn't search AT ALL.
That didn't work...

Here's a picture of the issue. I can press enter, type away, whatever, and it will always stay like that, regardless of WHAT I type.
