Yahoo mail loses the password randomly


Limp Gawd
Jan 3, 2006
A client's mail account is behaving very strangly. Sometimes (once or twice each day) whenever he enters his mail account, he needs to reset his password by entering his personal details (security question, date of birth, postal code, etc). This happens with both internet explorer and firefox, according to him.

Also, a day I tried entering from another PC and not use his. The password I created that day was good until the other day, when I entere from a third PC and had the same problem, needed to reset his password again. I'm ALMOST 100% certain that noone entered his account from the presumed problematic PC, though I cannot confirm it with a 100% certainty.

Any thoughts ? This is driving me mad!
Any ideas on how to contact yahoo staff or some other things you think might be wrong?
1. Try to clear temp folder in document and settings

2. Is there a folder called 1024 under windows/system32/?
Ok, I just cleared the temp directory, wasn't very full though, I doubt it was that.

And no, no 1024 dir in c:\winnt\system32 ( I have windows in c:\winnt)

Why do you ask?
Could you clarify the situation a little? When he tries to log in it makes him reset it immediately? Or he tries to log in and the password isn't accepted, so he has to reset it? Or something else?
SOLVED IT! The problem was that one of the two lovers of my client found out about the other, so asides from the expected (???) threats to his other woman (painting her house's door with the words "puta", bitch in spanish), she started reseting his password using his personal details. So we changed them to something fantastical and voilá!

It all works now!

So NEVER forget the insidious power of women when dealing with PC problem :D
My client told me he recently started having problems with this girl and since the problem started a couple of days after she found out, it was his idea she was causing it. It's very probable, but we can't confirm it 100% because she doens't know that he knows that SHE knows about the other girl and she might go to his wife and tell her about his two other woman :D