XSI made by aliens?


Oct 24, 2004
Alright so this is how it went down:

Aliens came down to earth and talked to Softimage:

They said "we'll give you all this technology to make you have the best modeling program out there, but you have to user our interface."

Softimage: "But we don't have 27 fingers..."

Aliens: "Eh, Don't worry about it, you'll evolve into it."

:D With that said, I'm learning XSI 5.0, an absolutely brilliant program. GATOR is the sexiest tool in existence. Transfering UVs across models makes me a little hot and bothered.
I'm sceptical about the "best modeling app," but it seems to be awesome for animation. The UI looks like it got a beatint from the ugly stick, though...

Best modeling app is modo. ;)
Attean said:
XSI made by aliens?


but yes it wasnt that hard to convince SoftImage
however if you keep doing this sort of thing.......
we'll have to schedual you for some rectal probes :eek:

Black Morty Rackham said:
I'm sceptical about the "best modeling app," but it seems to be awesome for animation. The UI looks like it got a beatint from the ugly stick, though...

Best modeling app is modo. ;)

That's true. But XSI move component mode is basically the same thing, and it's integration with zbrush and amount of polys it can support makes it perfect for doing normal maps. GATOR saves me so much time.

I dont like rectal probes. :(
well then keep the Alien part under your hat
Im sure youd rather not ponder the rectal possibilities a 27 fingered species might have available :p

besides you will evolve into it
eat more broccoli ;)