xp64 loooong boot time


Limp Gawd
Nov 8, 2004
I'm running windows xp 64 ed.

When i first built the system, the blue bar at the loading screen would pass 2-3 times. Soon after installing a few things it now takes 25-30 passes before loading.

Once in windows everything runs quick as ever, games run smooth, etc.

What could be causing the delay?
I have a similar problem. Sometimes it will not even boot. it will just restart after the blue bar passes 25-30 times, but will boot up fine after that. And also, it doesnt even start at all, jsut gives me a black screen after the windows logo goes away, and i need to either leave the system alone for a hour or so or just boot in safe mode, then restart.

i just thought about it, but you could create a boot log when trying to boot and mabey that will lead to a solution by showing the problem. Which in all likelyhood is a bad or unstable driver. (you create a boot log by pressing "F8" before you get to the windows splash screen.