xp wont install, irq problem?

Falls Included

I'm happy & gay too
May 30, 2003
ok, i'm trying to reinstall xp on someones computer, but it wont take... the setup always freezes right before or during a format...i installed a usb 2 card 2 days ago, and it was ok, but then i got the IRQ thing, and removed it, and it still happens...

one time, instead of freezing, i got a stop error

Bad pool caller

0x000000c2 (0x00000007, 0x00000cd4, 0x00000000, 0xe10ada2c)

its a gateway build...
slot 1 p3 550 (HSF feels cool for some reason, could that be it?)
sb live
geforce 2 mx440
20gig fireball
200 watter
3com nic
latest bios

any ideas?
i would like to save this thing if i can... the guy isnt poor, and he was thinking of having me upgrade the mobo proc and ram anyway... he just doesnt want to waste a working computer and buy a new one... all he does is email and real estate.
my god.. who'd a thunk... a dirty disc makes an IRQ stop error.. damn disc has only been used twice.. not by me... its a month old... wtf. dirty rich people

