XP/Vista Wireless Difference.


Limp Gawd
Mar 3, 2005
I have a D-Link dwa552 wireless card in my pc. I also have both vista and xp installed on my machine. When I am connected to the internet in vista, I have no problems. But when I am connected in XP I get disconnected all the time. I would say one per 10-20 minutes. And gaming on XP you might as well forget about, whereas it is very tolerable in Vista(I actually have a pretty strong signal). Both are fresh installs, and both are running the most up to date and current drivers for the card. (although, I have tried older drivers for XP for kicks)

Is there an issue with the connection manager of XP that I have not heard about? Is there a way of correcting this issue with other software? I wouldn't be so worried if this was the other way around, cause I could mentally justify it by saying that Vista is buggy or something. But that is not the case.

also, I have tried this with another wifi card just to make sure it wasnt the card or anything. same results apply.

I have never had that problem, its certainly odd. That wireless card might (not sure) be able to use the Intel Wireless Config Zero thing, its the alternate wireless manager that you can use on XP. I'd try to see if that helps. But it definitely sounds like a driver issue, you might want to try and contact DLink about it. Getting dropped once per 15 min. is definitely a serious issue.
I've always preferred XPs wzc over some 3rd party connection software. Haven't had problems like that.

What security level are you running? Is XP updated? Installed any of the later WPA and WPA2 support patches for it?
Windows is all up to date. I have tried using the software that comes with the adapter, but I don't seem to get connection in either Vista or XP when I use it and disable the windows one. I'll check on those patches though.