XP to Vista questions


Dec 28, 2004
First off, the more important question:

In my rig right now I have one 150GB raptor that holds windows/apps/games, and two 320GB seagates with music/pics and other media. All of them are currently formatted to the current windows XP file system NTFS. When I buy vista I'll format my raptor and install vista, putting in place the new file system. What about my two 320's that are still formatted to NTFS with my media on them? Won't those need to be re-formatted too? Or can I just update the file system and keep all my data intact?

2nd - How many keys does ultimate come with? Can I get more than just one?
Ok, fixed the original post. I made it in haste so some things didn't make sense lol. :p
To my understanding (when I installed Vista business fresh), Vista uses NTFS format, so there shouldn't be any problem accessing files. Just remember that any programs installed to those drives would have to be reinstalled in the case of a full install, and may need reinstall in the case of an upgrade.
if you want more keys, buy more copies.

you dont have to do anything to the drives. i am dual booting vista, and i have 2 hard drives for storage, i can access them from either OS with no problems.
Ok, I just found out that MS ditched that new file system they were planning to use with Vista.

Thanks for the info, I heard a while back that Ultimate was going to come with 10 keys or something.
The Technet version of Vista comes with one key that can be activated 10 times, for evaluation purposes only. Perhaps that was what you heard?
Also the Action Pack subscription comes with ten keys but it is for Vista Business Upgrade Edition. No consumer versions come with more than one key.