XP Student Discounts?


Mar 4, 2004
Is there any way to pickup software online at student discount prices if you are actually a student? I highly doubt my school offers any kind of programs like texas and umass do. (We are cheap.) Any help will be appreciated. thanks
www.academicsuperstore.com ...... they have just about everything you want a discount prices... even ipod stuff... i have bought alot of stuff from them and they are quick and easy to deal with... all you have to do is email/fax a copy of your transcript or id or anything school related...
Qwertyman said:
Is there any way to pickup software online at student discount prices if you are actually a student? I highly doubt my school offers any kind of programs like texas and umass do. (We are cheap.) Any help will be appreciated. thanks
i go to umass (dartmouth), and found that the school did not participate in any discount software programs, until i was looking around the college of engineering's website. hidden away in some old page was instructions on how to get your free copy of just about any microsoft software package you wanted. almost anything. so check within your major's department, especially if it is technical in nature. there may be something.

I'm going to have to look into some deals like this for a friend of mine who's got a lot of software he aquired because it costs too much but would like get some legal copies.
Damn, I looked up Northeastern (Where I'll start going this fall), and there's a option for Electrical and Computer Engineering... which is what I'm going to be doing. Requires login and stuff, so I guess you have to be registered somehow with the school first :rolleyes:
Well yeah, you have to go through your school for all that. However now you know it's available.
Yea, not much available beyond WinXP and stuff that would be used in school, Visual Studio, etc... but that first link above has some nice deals for other software
Again...now you know it's available, but you'll have to go through your school from there. Like it says on the site, contact your school's MSDNAA program director.
ashmedai said:
Again...now you know it's available, but you'll have to go through your school from there. Like it says on the site, contact your school's MSDNAA program director.
i'm silly...i'll try and contact someone on monday and see what happens. they'll probably hang up on me. thanks again though, hopefully it works.
Hope not...it's up to your school to decide if you qualify for it or not, you might have to be in a specific program or otherwise demonstrate that it'll be educationally useful for you.
n64man120 said:
Damn, I looked up Northeastern (Where I'll start going this fall), and there's a option for Electrical and Computer Engineering... which is what I'm going to be doing. Requires login and stuff, so I guess you have to be registered somehow with the school first :rolleyes:

If NE is like my school, you will get your department user ID just prior to your first course in ECE. Or it wants your regular NE user ID, which you should be setting up pretty soon.

Anyway, look to see if your school has a Microsoft Campus License Agreement - this allows you to get some MS software for very very cheap. Imagine Microsoft Office 2003 + OneNote, or Windows XP Professional, or Office 11 for mac, for $5!

I 'finagled' two copies of Windows XP Pro and Office XP Pro from my school (you're only allowed one through CLA), and a copy of Office 2003. I should just get Office 11 for no reason.

And also check your school network. Being a CS student, I can get some nice software from the CS department, on top of the other software the school lets me use, like AutoCAD, SciFinder, etc. So gotta look around. Some schools just make it tough to find this stuff out.
heheh, I still pay $5 for my legit copies for WinXP 64......Plus I get my x64 for free(minus shipping).