XP Service Pack 3 Woes-AMD


Limp Gawd
Mar 6, 2004
SP3 Loaded it self on thru auto up date-everything worked fine up until then. Now all games crash after about 5-10 minutes. Systems reboots ok and normal apllications like word etc work fine. I know there is a fix for the HP reboot prob but I cant find anything about this one. Its definitly the service pack. I dialled down the graphics and card clocks and it made no difference.I think I am looking at a reinstall if I cant find a fix . Any one else been having any probs ????
you think SP3 has the ability to fry ram?

No. Like Vista, it might be more sensitive to faulty hardwares instead of just ignoring it. Even if that isn't true, it could be mere coincidence. Testing your memory is just one step of many you should try to diagnose your computer's problems.

Another is to check your video card's fan. If that breaks and your card isn't getting enough cooling (as in playing games), it will overheat and crash. Check other fans too and make sure you have enough air flow in your case.

Another thing to check is your power supply. It might not be feeding enough power to your computer when your graphics card kicks into gear when you execute a game.

You might also want to run a driver cleaner from guru3d.com and reinstall the latest version of your video card drivers (ditto other component drivers).
After installing SP1 on Vista I kept getting a blue screen on boot up and it turned out my ram needed to be set to a lower speed to be completely stable. This never showed up before SP1 so thought maybe you are getting the same issue with SP3 on XP. I'm not the only one who had that issue with SP1 either. The symptoms you describe are what happens when the ram is faulty so check it with memtest to make sure.