XP Pro Print Spooler failing


Dec 3, 2003
Ok, the print spooler service
is not loading - I cannot enable it manually... and therefore the system does not recognize any printer attached to it and cannot print...
gives me a "error 1068 - dependency service or group failed." whenever I try to enable the service manually under adminstrative services
properties under Administrative Tools - Services - for Print Spooler - in hopes of finding out what service it needs to have running before the spooler starts - clicking on the "dependencies" folder I get a "Win 32 - dependency or group failed to start" error. And no info is listed...
Um, so if it is not listed, how am I supposed to know what service(s) need to be running so that my print spooler will run and I can print again...
can anyone look under adminstrative services, click on their print spooler service and look under the dependencies tab and list me the items needed to enable my print spooler?
Just Remote Procedure Call. You didn't shut that off did you?
Maybe restore the file "C:\WINDOWS\system32\spoolsv.exe" from the CD.
O[H]-Zone said:
Just Remote Procedure Call. You didn't shut that off did you?
Maybe restore the file "C:\WINDOWS\system32\spoolsv.exe" from the CD.
Just a heads up, make sure to visit windows update after such actions to re-patch the file. Not sure if spoolsv.exe has been updated, but there you go. Also, slipstreaming SP2 into the setup directory will reduce the unpatched files in your source.

However, given recent history I'm with Drucifer, what services did you muck around with?

Please verify your services are in their default state.

That link was still open in a FF tab from the last thread I posted it in, draw your own conclusions.
Phoenix86 said:
However, given recent history I'm with Drucifer, what services did you muck around with?
But...but....that can't possibly cause problems????? Certain people swear no one EVER has a problem when disabling services!!!! :rolleyes:

I'll wait before suggesting other things to try, until the OP responds with any service changes made. We can go from there.
funny thing is - I didnt change any of the services before it went away...
I did have a hard crash (using an older game - Sid Meier's Gettysburg - pastched to be XP compatible) a day or so ago. This morning - I noticed no print spool and no info on the printer and fax folder - all the printers are gone...
I am thinking it has something to do with a lexmark printer software uninstall... but i cant remember if I was able to print after (also a few days ago...)

Anyone care to list what they have under the dependencies tab under properties of their print spooler? So that I can ensure I have the proper services up & running?
the spoolsv.exe file is still there but I cannot get it to run w/o its "dependencies."

Erm, now I feel dependent...
The only dependency I have listed is the Remote Procedure Call (RPC).
ok, I have two copies of the remote procedure call - one was disabled the other was enabled - enabled both (edit) then tried the print spool and no go...
anthing else I am missing? or is my spoolsv.exe file corrupted?
Hmm, any recent patch from Microsoft have a new spoolsv.exe file?
(really dunt want to have to reinstall - will look to see if the file is copyable from the original install cd...)
ok the lexbces.exe file (part of the lexmark printer software) was listed as a service - that was required for the print spool service - ( not under the spool service, but under the lexbces service's dependencies...)
as I didnt want to install the lexmark drivers - I searched and found the lexbces file, but it was a compressed file...
then I remembered I could use the expand command (the expand.exe file copied from the XP install cd, to the windows dirctory - and expanded the file to the windows/system32 directory - and restarted the services and voila! I can now print.
Be careful uninstalling lexmark drivers...
Thanks for all the help & quick response...
djnes said:
Certain people swear no one EVER has a problem when disabling services!!!! :rolleyes:
Who's this "certain people" you're talking about...he sure must be smart, to realize that it wasn't a problem caused by disabled services. Well, I guess he woudn't have to be too smart. Disabling services is one of the safest things you can do; safer than overclocking your CPU or video card.
HvyMtl said:
ok the lexbces.exe file (part of the lexmark printer software) was listed as a service - that was required for the print spool service - ( not under the spool service, but under the lexbces service's dependencies...)
as I didnt want to install the lexmark drivers - I searched and found the lexbces file, but it was a compressed file...
then I remembered I could use the expand command (the expand.exe file copied from the XP install cd, to the windows dirctory - and expanded the file to the windows/system32 directory - and restarted the services and voila! I can now print.
Be careful uninstalling lexmark drivers...
Thanks for all the help & quick response...

can u explain that so a computer n00b wuld understand? im in the exact same situation. thanks
Retardo said:
can u explain that so a computer n00b wuld understand? im in the exact same situation. thanks
Download the full software from lexmark and don't hack out bits and pieces and you likely won't have this issue. ;)