XP opening/renaming files slow...


Jul 13, 2004

First off i'll say hello to all the users in here since this is my first post so, Hello m8s :cool: , now the serious stuff.

Since last night when i try to open files like a mp3 i have to w8 5/7sec, you see the sandbar turning and then it opens the file, same goed for copying/renaming/cutting files.
This doesnt happen all the time, but 1 in 4times. Same goes when requesting the properties of a file, seems i just have to w8 a couple of sec..this didnt occur yesterday morning but in the evening.

I have already tried various anti-spyware programs like Ad-Aware, Spybot, Hijack this..but these didnt fix the problem.

Used to have this problem 2 on another system, but it happened when opening My Shared Folder of program kazaa, it opened in like 10secs everytime. This was on XP Professional

You might think it has something to do with my memory, but theres lots free and same goes for my virtual memory.

System Specs:
XP Home SP1
P4 3Ghz 800Mhz FSB
1024MB Ram
ATI 9800 Pro 128MB

Hope someone finds a solution cuz this is getting annoying :mad:

Thanks in advance :)
First, if I have to do much more translation (m8, w8, cuz) I'm outta here. This isn't IM.

OK, how's your HDD's free space? Could be out of space. Also, when's the last time your defragged?
Phoenix86 said:
First, if I have to do much more translation (m8, w8, cuz) I'm outta here. This isn't IM.

OK, how's your HDD's free space? Could be out of space. Also, when's the last time your defragged?

What do you need to translate? Its how you say the words..but whatever.. srry for the language i'm not from England, USA..so sorry for the bad language

---> Total: 120GB Maxtor 8Mb Cache
---> Free: 90.3GB

Seems enough to me

Defragged 3days ago
I can deal with mate, not m8. :) Aussie?

Anyways, what about processes? Go into task manager and sort by CPU usage, anything with high CPU utilization? When did this start, or has it always been this way? Did have you installed anything around this time? Have you changed any drivers recently?
Phoenix86 said:
I can deal with mate, not m8. :) Aussie?

Anyways, what about processes? Go into task manager and sort by CPU usage, anything with high CPU utilization? When did this start, or has it always been this way? Did have you installed anything around this time? Have you changed any drivers recently?

Hmm Ok..mate :D

Well, I did download a movie, but didnt install/edit any driver..
Also I didnt have this problem before yesterday night..seems something really messed up.

As for the processes, nothing really suspicious there, when opening a mp3 (wich also can take up to 5sec) it shows 99% non active and when opening wmplayer uses 6% and explorer a couple (the % changeson each file so i cant be accurate)

Explorer.exe uses 34.676kB
IExplore uses 35.532kB
These 2 suck up most of the memory
This happens when a device or anything is being read or scanned (or even just HANGING), a huge delay for sure. Did you disable file indexing? Well, even a reboot would clear the problem away (for me anyway). I would guess that there's a slight conflict with one of your settings and it was altered by some software. It's not a virus or spyware issue, it's just something with the software. I wish I knew. Sorry m8-- I mean mate*. :)

If you could tell me how to "disable file indexing", and now you mention "when a device is being read or scanned", could this also be a USB cable wich is plugged in for my digital camera?
I got the cable in the usb, but the camera isnt plugged in, could it be it keeps on scanning for the camera?
Ahh, I think I may get it. Your computer may be swapping files (virtual memory-- page file). It can result in the hanging of your computer for a few seconds. Change something there to fit your 1 GB RAM size recommended page file (1.5X - 2.0X rule = 1536 MB to 2048 MB suggested). Hopefully it can minimize that occurence. Disabling file indexing-- Open My Computer, right-click on your hard drive ( default C: ), click properties, on the bottom you will see, "Allow Indexing Service to index this disk for fast file searching" and click Apply/OK. As for your digital camera-- I don't think it's the cause of the slow down unless you go to My Computers and it hangs for a second-- that's when it searches for the digital camera. But word to the wise, if you don't need it, then disable it (or just unplug the camera from the computer). However, if the camera isn't connected, then the usb plug should be left as 'idle' automatically, it won't be searched. ;-)

It already had the virtual memory configured correctly,
start size: 1536MB Max Size: 3072MB

As for the file indexing, I disabled it but it didnt improve anything so far.
Pulled out the USB cable to, but also without any improvement..

Any other ideas what might cause this? :confused:
Ok, put it as both start and max as 2048. It would help IMO. But as for your right-clickie-delay thing... I have no idea. Did you reboot? That usually works. But my computer's beginning to do that (after 8 months straight of hardcore vid/music development and gaming) so it's going to be a format for me soon. I don't know about you though-- I'm all narrowed down to what the possibilities could be as of now. :-/

I've set the virtual memory to 2048MB, and made another reboot, but this didnt fix the problem, I know its a setting or something because the pc can take a lot more then requesting properties of a 4mb file and keep hanging on this.

I find this really strange and I actually dont know where the problem came from and what causes it :(

Other ideas?? someone??
Check to see what mode your HDD is in, it should be UDMA, not PIO. Get into device manager, and double click on the IDE ATA controllers, then primary IDE channel, advanced settings. I would update your motherboard's drivers if that looks kosher.
Its in Ultra DMA Mode 5, Will try to update the motherboard drivers, tomorow morning, got to get some sleep now,

I'll let you guys know if it helped or not,

Cya tomorrow

And thanks for the help so far, really apreciate it :)
For some reason, I'm feeling all sweet.

*Crosses Fingers For You...* :D

Hehe..well the motherboard driver update didn't fix the problem either..My last choice was to load a system restore point of a couple of days ago, this got it working again.

Altough when i loaded the restore point and made the reboot, I saw microsoft update asking to update some stuff again, I did update it, thats the only thing i installed in a couple of days, so i could be the microsoft update messed it up ...

At least it works normally again :D

Thx for the help ;)