XP mode won't work if the Windows 7 was asleep.


Supreme [H]ardness
Apr 16, 2006
Here is an interesting one for you. I had checked to make sure my mobo and CPU supported VT, finally got around to installing the RC only to have it pop up with a message that VT was not supported or turned off in my BIOS. I reboot to double check and it is enabled, afterward it installs fine. I put my computer to sleep and come back to it the next day to play around with it (neat toy), only to discover that its giving me the same message that VT is not supported or turned off in the BIOS. Mess around a bit more and come to discover that XP mode will not work if the machine had been asleep, it must be rebooted. Figured that is something interesting to note.
New one on me, but then again I haven't actually had an opportunity to test out XP Mode just yet (none of my current rigs have VT-x support, waiting a few more months to build my next "Godbox" with an i7 and 24GB of RAM and a bunch of other goodies...

But I'd blame it on drivers with bad ACPI support and Windows 7 is having some issues with control of the hardware in that machine for power management functionality.
New one on me, but then again I haven't actually had an opportunity to test out XP Mode just yet (none of my current rigs have VT-x support, waiting a few more months to build my next "Godbox" with an i7 and 24GB of RAM and a bunch of other goodies...

But I'd blame it on drivers with bad ACPI support and Windows 7 is having some issues with control of the hardware in that machine for power management functionality.

Hey Joe,


Honestly though, I don't plan on using Win XP mode, I just VirtualBox any XP program I need. Always found it more stable. But then again, we're talking about [H] machines, not business grade machines :p
Hey now, I've been waiting to put that box together all damned year, stashing cash every chance I get. Stuck on a Pentium D at the moment since I sold my last monster machine (quad, 8GB, two 80GB VelociRaptors, etc) so when the next box gets finally built, it'll be the one for a few years. When it's done, it'll make stuff that Falcon, VoodooPC, Alienware, and most other boutique manufacturers make look like they're standing still and their techs pissing their pants... ;)
I think this is a problem with ABit boards. I have a similar issue with Virtual Box thinking that VT is disabled when it is on. The way to fix it is to either:
1) put your machine into sleep mode then unplug it from power then power up and VT will be enabled.
2) Power down unplug from the wall then power back up and VT will be enabled again.

One other way that might work go to bios disable VT then save and reboot go back to bios enable VT, save then reboot and go to windows.

The first one I have done and it does work. Funny thing is when I put the machine to sleep sometimes VT will still be enabled but just randomly after resuming from sleep mode it will think that VT is disabled. So often I just forget about using VirtualBox then when I put my PC to sleep next I just turn off the PSU switch on the back and next time I go back to windows it's enabled again. I think it's a bios bug and I tried emailing ABIT a while ago but got no reply.
Could be my Abit mobo, gonna install it in my notebook at work tomorro (yes, VT supported and enabled) and yes its the RC not the BETA.

EDIT: Correction, I have the RTM.
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Could be my Abit mobo, gonna install it in my notebook at work tomorro (yes, VT supported and enabled) and yes its the RC not the BETA.

RC = beta, just a late stage beta... :D

RTM = the final finished product, which just hit MSDN and TechNet on the 6th.
XP mode is working great on my Lenovo/IBM T60 laptop using the Win 7 RC, and I put it to sleep and take it out of sleep all of the time. I know that for my particular computer, I had to completely power off the computer after enabling VT in the BIOS before the VT setting was recognized by the computer. I enabled it in the BIOS, saved the BIOS settings, turned off the computer, removed the batteries and unplugged the AC, then restarted and all has been working fine.