XP BSOD=No interenet/email connectivity


Agent of [H] Chaos
Dec 16, 2002
It's been a long time since I have had to ask for technical asssitance, but I'm in a strange predicament. After a BSOD (i think in win32k.sys) I lost internet connectivity as well as email. So the web never loads, email can't connect etc. I can't ping outside the LAN, etc. However, the funny thing is hat I can run a P2P application and it will connect out. So there is something very strange going on with my internet connectivity. Here are a list of things I tried, just to mess around:

-Tried replacing win32k.sys, with a file from another computer(as well as a couple otehr files which I can't remember right now(like winsock etc., but copied them back over after no change) <--no change
-netsh int ip reset <---restore/reset TCP/IP stack
-Your typical ipconfig /release/renew stuff
-add/remove windows components--> networking services

I'm at a loss, not sure what to do. My guess is a file must have gotten deleted or corrupted during the BSOD but don't know which one it is, that or something just really funky is going on. The rest of the computers on the network are fine, so the router shouldn't need to be reset. So my only guess is that it has something to do with a file or config within the operating system(XP SP2 installed). Any ideas? Thanks in advance, I am trying to avoid doing a clean install, I don't want to have to reinstall/reconfigure all my apps.

After writing this I'm not sure if this eally belongs in the Operating Systems forum or not, but figured I'd place it in there since it is specific to Xp, feel free to move it if necessary.
You could try a system restore to some point a few weeks back, if you've got it enabled?
Do the same things happen in safe mode w/networking?
Same behavior in Safe Mode with Networking, no restore points, I don't use it, go figure. Never had to use it for years, heh now it looks like it might have helped. Haha. Oh well, any other suggestions?
Well whatever I did. I fixed it. After a bunch of Ipconfig /release /renew attempts, and a bunch of netsh resest commands, I must have done something. That or it was very simple and I just wasted my time doing a bunch of useless stuff and did a simple fix for a simple problem. Weird. Thanks anyway though.