xp 3000+ oc

Mar 19, 2006
think my mobo will be able to handle a software overclock according to sandra but my only concern is the memory, it only has one timings vs frequency table
i've tried overclocking before on a 250 watt psu and would reboot but IM gonna get a 450 watt
any advice?
So what are you asking us? Keep your cpu fsb and ram sync together, and bring them both up as much as you can. Keep ram voltage under 2.8/2.9 and loosen timings if needed. Run Prime 95, and Super PI for stability.

Does that sum it for you?
If you could get your hands on some faster ram you should be able to get the cpu speed up some more. Good luck!
I have a PC2700 512mb stick that compliments my 1gb stick of PC3200, and it overlclocks just fine and will run at 400 mhz like my 1gb stick, and at 2.5-3-3-11 (11 tweaked for NF2) which are still tighter than the timings on the SPD at pc2700 speeds! They run just perfectly, so you never know.