XGen 22" LCD $200 AR

If you mean X2Gen then the colors are probably horrible. I have poor color quality even with calibration on my 19." I took a big drop in color and image quality from jumping to a 19" X2gen from a 17" Sony with brightview. I'd go for other value brands as my X2Gen monitor was more a rip off.
i thought there was only one 22" widescreen panel being made - the samsung 22" TN. if that's the case, then wouldn't image quality be the same regardless of what model it's in? obviously there will be differences in inputs and styling, but the specs should be the same
I'm not sure what manufacturer Samsung uses, but if what you say is true (regarding only one 22" panel) then is it possible that the Samsung originally came from an X2Gen factory (just with higher QC)?
First, I doubt X2Gen has a factory. There are only a few factories out there that then label to other brands.

Also, panel is not the only thing for quality in a monitor, circuitry also plays a large role which is why Samsung Monitors are usually awesome (good circuitry AND panels).

I have to think that right now more than one factory produces 22" widescreens, there are just too many out there to all come from Samsung at this time.