XFX Geforce 6800GT 256meg $387.67 Shipped (Preorder) at Buy.com


Jun 19, 2001
http://www.buy.com/retail/product.asp?sku=10375576 $391.99

$10 off $75 Buy.com Coupon

Coupon says "Valid only for items labeled "In Stock: Usually Ships in 1 to 2 business days." but it seems to work for me on the On Order item. Any better deals then this? Don't think this has any games bundled with it. Seems like these GT cards are really taking thier time to come down in price of for a hot deal on one of them to come around.
I got it down to 341.99

Do I win? :p

I'd order but I'm not too keen on having an XFX and who knows when Buy.com will get them. If someone finds out, let me know.
sweet thanks guys. im going to order, if a better deal comes up ill just cancle.

Always angry, how did u get it down to 341?
Ordered. Thank you for the codes and links!. All the reviews say this will hit ultra speeds easily also. AND 40 dollars off with the 10% coupon.

Now if I get it is a different story.
cmv said:
10% off:


- Only valid to customers who have received the e-mail (really?)
- Valid only for items labeled "In Stock: Usually Ships in 1 to 2 business days.
- expires 8/31


- Only valid to customers who have received the e-mail (really?) <- NOPE
- Valid only for items labeled "In Stock: Usually Ships in 1 to 2 business days. <- NOPE
- expires 8/31 <- CHECK

Hopefully they aren't too picky :p
Dirtnap said:
All the reviews say this will hit ultra speeds easily also.
Reviews? I couldn't find a single review of this model of the XFX, but they are pretty much all the same anyway.
i caved and ordered the Giga-byte GeForce 6800 Ultra instead :eek:

$489 shipped. hopefully someone will knock some sense into me and I will cancle before it ships. Where are some good GT vs Ultra benchmarks?
TekViper said:
i caved and ordered the Giga-byte GeForce 6800 Ultra instead :eek:

$489 shipped. hopefully someone will knock some sense into me and I will cancle before it ships. Where are some good GT vs Ultra benchmarks?
I'll try. The GTs seem to OC to Ultra levels, and the Ultras seem to have little overhead to OC. Save yourself the $100 dollars and buy a GPU waterblock, pump, and a radiator. ;) Don't do it man! :eek:
TekViper said:
sweet thanks guys. im going to order, if a better deal comes up ill just cancle.

Always angry, how did u get it down to 341?

Look around the net for Coupon codes to use at buy.com.. you'll find them

There are about 5 of them you can use.
Just ordered mine, $352.79 shipped.

Ordered mine too 352.79 shipped. Was saving for an Ultra but i couldnt pass this up...

Damn you guys! You have my "complete order" finger quivering. :eek:

I can't believe I am contemplating buying a $350+ video card.
uclajd said:
I can't believe I am contemplating buying a $350+ video card.

If you need help deciding, your buying a $400 video card for $350 shipped.
Ordered mine :)


Sweet deal, can't even find a Used one going for that much usually.
TekViper said:
How are u guys getting it for $351? Lowest i can get it is $358 shipped.

When you go to checkout, at shipping it defaults to standard shipping that's like 6$ and something, select the budget shipping and it's free , thus keeping it at 352.
Anyone else get their GT yet? Got mine a few hours ago, good ol' 5-7 day shipping. ;)
NW Indiana, shipped from Addison, IL, which is an hour or two away. Came via UPS.
MemoryInAGarden said:
Check out the GT deal. It's even sweeter.

?what the heck are you talking about? this is a GT....

If you mean the Jateon card, well for 1: the info about the card on their site is very sketchy, they don't even know if it is infact a GT or not (as that card is supposdly just a reg 6800 or whatever) and people have emailed about it and they don't know themselves either...
well i screwed myself. I cancled my order for the 6800 ultra at $489 but buy.com raised the price on the xfx gt to $440, which means it'll be at MSRP w/ the 10% off coupon. Should have just gotten it while it was $350 :mad:

oh well guess ill just wait it out another week or two for a good deal to come around again.
TekViper said:
well i screwed myself. I cancled my order for the 6800 ultra at $489 but buy.com raised the price on the xfx gt to $440, which means it'll be at MSRP w/ the 10% off coupon. Should have just gotten it while it was $350 :mad:

oh well guess ill just wait it out another week or two for a good deal to come around again.

ouch, well at least you learned when a deal like this comes along you jump aboard first. You could always have re-sold the card if you found a better deal.
TekViper said:
well i screwed myself. I cancled my order for the 6800 ultra at $489 but buy.com raised the price on the xfx gt to $440, which means it'll be at MSRP w/ the 10% off coupon. Should have just gotten it while it was $350 :mad:

oh well guess ill just wait it out another week or two for a good deal to come around again.

LOL, shit, sorry. I was thinking this was the XFX 6800NU deal.
So.. does anyone know if buy.com has a phone number? I can't find one anywhere on their website.. and if you go to email them it says something like they won't be able to give you anymore information about a product than what it listed on the website.

They have something else I want but don't say when they'll be getting them :(
i dont think buy.com has telephone support any more. havent been able to find a phone number either. email support is pretty decent from them though.
Ok what the heck?

Anyone else order this and it doesn't look like it's gonna ship?

I ordered the 18th and it is just staying at the "sent to warehouse" thing in my order tracking.

Also now the card shows as a Pre order, however when I ordered it, and even days after I ordered it, it showed as in stock, but low quanitiy...

Anyone know when they heck they are gonna plan to ship this?
Got mine yesterday, had to wait the weekend tho :(, oh well, it was a great deal and the card is blazin' fast :), well compared to my 9500pro heh....
I'd love to know how some of these places handle orders. I ordered mine before vanilla Coke addict, and My status hasn't changed. Matter of fact I got an email fFriday stating its still on order and I could leave it there and it will ship when its in stock. I'm not really bitter at it, just puzzled as to how and why this happens.

It was basicly a "we havent forgotten you "email. Which is good :)
Man, has anyone else STILL not got theirs yet?

I ordered it and it showed it as In stock.

2 days go by and it still showed in stock, then it showed out of stock/pre order.

I wait and wait and it's still not came back in stock yet, this and my mobo is all i have left to get my computer together, it's getting frustrating.
Stiler said:
Man, has anyone else STILL not got theirs yet?

I ordered it and it showed it as In stock.

2 days go by and it still showed in stock, then it showed out of stock/pre order.

I wait and wait and it's still not came back in stock yet, this and my mobo is all i have left to get my computer together, it's getting frustrating.

Buy.com has a horrendous reputation on backorders...good luck on ever getting it in.