Xbox 360 controller for PC


Limp Gawd
Oct 9, 2003
I was just wondering if its possible to play 1v1 with 2 xbox controllers on a pc in a game like madden 07? I highly doubt it is because it would defeat the point of buying a console sorta.?
FrozenOver2 said:
I was just wondering if its possible to play 1v1 with 2 xbox controllers on a pc in a game like madden 07? I highly doubt it is because it would defeat the point of buying a console sorta.?

I don't know about Madden, but I don't see why not???

I use 2 PS2 Controllers to play Pro Evo 5 on PC multiplayer
I would imagine it will work just fine. The point of buying a console is for the people that dont have awesome gaming PCs (the vast majority of people in the world). Consoles aren't there solely for playing multiplayer Madden...
xbox 360 controllers work just fine for pc gaming. It's just a standard usb device.
As long as the game supports 2 player 1v1 then it will work fine with 2 Xbox 360 Controllers.
Diablo2K said:
As long as the game supports 2 player 1v1 then it will work fine with 2 Xbox 360 Controllers.

That's the catch. AFAIK, PC versions of games that are also on console always require your buddy to be playing on a separate computer. You can guess at the reasons for this - they want to sell more copies, assume PC monitors don't have enough space to split the display, etc - but I haven't seen a major PC game in a long time that supports non-Internet/LAN multiplayer. If anyone knows exceptions, please enlighten me.