-x64 version of SP1 gives me error message


Sep 20, 2009
I will need to do a slipstream of SP1 for a new Windows install as well as update an existing Win 7 system, so I downloaded the file:

windows 6.1-KB976932-x64.exe.

I burned it to a DVD and then tried to run it on my existing Win 7 system, only I got an error message about this exe not being compatible with my version of Windows? I know that my system is 64 bit, not 32 bit.

What should I be doing differently?
1. Make sure that this update, which is a prerequisite for installing a service pack, is installed first:


2. I know you say your system is the 64 bit version, but just to be sure, open the System control panel and double-check that "System type" does in fact say "64-bit Operating System".
1. Make sure that this update, which is a prerequisite for installing a service pack, is installed first:


2. I know you say your system is the 64 bit version, but just to be sure, open the System control panel and double-check that "System type" does in fact say "64-bit Operating System".

Thanks for the KB article. I'm surprised that this article isn't mentioned on any of the pages pertaining to SP 1 itself.

I'll follow your suggestions tomorrow and report back.
This update is also available via Windows Update. It states in the description it is needed for future service packs. Grab it and scan for updates again. SP1 will be there.