X1950PRO Crossfire Issue - No Performance Gain ?!

Dark Ride

Jun 19, 2005
So I got my second Sapphire X1950PRO today. Installed it, linked the bridges, installed drivers and all that.

Now I'm having a few issues. Sometimes when I start a game I get some kind of flickering/artifacts. Happens for example when I boot into windows and then start a game. When I close it and start it again the flickering is gone. Seems to happen also when I change any settings in CCC. But in 3dmark06 I always get flickering, no matter how many times I re-start it. Only thing that helps is turning of Catalyst A.I.

So then I ran 3dmark06 and I got a score like I got with a single-card setup. No performance increase at all. Same thing in games. No FPS gain at all.

Anyone can help me out with suggestions ?
Did you connect both bridge cables? Also, I'm guessing that you insured that Crossfire was enabled in the CCC?

If you just tried installing the card with the existing drivers, you may want to remove and reinstall the drivers while both cards are installed.
1280x960 @ 85Hz (CRT)
Did you connect both bridge cables? Also, I'm guessing that you insured that Crossfire was enabled in the CCC?

If you just tried installing the card with the existing drivers, you may want to remove and reinstall the drivers while both cards are installed.
I connected both bridges, enabled Crossfire in CCC and reinstalled drivers with both cards installed (uninstalled drivers first, rebooted then installed drivers).

Don't know what else to do :(

Thanks for the replies I appreciate them.
1280x960 @ 85Hz (CRT)

I connected both bridges, enabled Crossfire in CCC and reinstalled drivers with both cards installed (uninstalled drivers first, rebooted then installed drivers).

Don't know what else to do :(

Thanks for the replies I appreciate them.

did you run driver cleaner in safe mode after uninstalling the drivers?
did you run driver cleaner in safe mode after uninstalling the drivers?
No but I will try that.

By the way, I just let 3dmark06 run with the flickering. The score is a lot higher than what I got with Catalyst A.I. turned off and no flickering. Seems that when the flickering is going on Crossfire is actually working ?