X-Posted Dedicated Server Discussion


Apr 13, 2004
I run lans based on HL2, CS:S, HL2 DM, UT:GOTYE, UT2004, etc. I have an old P3 933mhz with 256mb ram and I need some advice on using it as a dedicated until I get my new server. I need to know of a good Linux version to put on it to maximize dedicated stability/capability but I pretty much need it to be semi easy as far as visual with GUI goes to make it easy to open/switch servers. If i could remotely control it from my main machine using remote desktop or server administration for various dedicated programs would be fantastic. Any tips are greatly appreciated. Also what kind of loads can I put on this server based on the games I listed. Thank you very much in advance!
Well, with that hardware I wouldn't run more than two servers at a time, and that'd be pushing it. Stick to one.

As far as linux goes, I'd say to learn the command line way to start/stop your servers, GUIs only waste resources. Just SSH in with putty and voila!
I just upgraded it to 512 now, does that make a difference? Could I run a 30 player ut04 server? with 30 bots? Ideas for anything else?