Wtb! Buildin new rig


May 4, 2006
Alright, well the PC I have now is so out of date. I believe it's time to build. So, what am I interested in building? Well, I more into the gaming rigs -- I Mainly play Counter-strike. But I would liek this to be able to play games like gears of war or Vegas 2. So here's what I'm interested in buying for the next few weeks.

I need:

Asus or Biostar Mainboard.
AMD Processor
Some Ram to fit the board
Sounds Card
Video Card

I get paid weekly; I will be buying these parts little by little. So, please feel free to post anything you may have. I Prefer pictures of the items, so I can see the condition. Also, I don't know much about over clocking so please dont offer something that is overclocked because i wouldnt know what you are talking about lol.

I may be looking for a LCD Monitor as well, depending on the price. Anything you may have to offer that will make gaming for me faster and smoother I would not mind the offer. Thanks :)

I also accept suggestions to make gaming better as well.