Found WTB: AMD Ryzen 5xxx, MB, RAM budget $200

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Aug 18, 2006
*Found* On the hunt for a AMD AM4 budget combo for a friend. Hoping to acquire a 5600x/5700x, b450/b550 and 16/32gb of ram. You know your selling to upgrade! Now's your chance to offload it. :) Shipping is to 95209, payment by PayPal F&F or Zelle (if you have good reps). My heat is kyang357.

Hit me up! (y)

EDIT: bought combo from learners permit
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I can probably help you with this if your not a huge hurry to get it done. My nephew is currently running a B450 Tomahawk/5600X with 32 gigs of memory(can't remember 3200 or 3600MT). I will be replacing his main components with AM5 stuff. I will be selling the AM4 hardware at that time and 200 plus shipping would do for me if you can wait a couple weeks for it. He lives 4 hours from me and is too young to drive so I have to wait for his father to bring him to town and I'm unsure how soon that will happen. I'll check with him later today for more details on when he'll be in town and let you know a more definitive date when I know more if your interested.
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