WSUS role can't install


Limpness Supreme
Feb 8, 2005
What I did:

Create a new VM in ESXi 5.1.
Install Windows Server 2012 Datacenter
Change hostname
Add to domain
Set IP address to static
Set time zone

Add WSUS role (Accepted default values for everything, updates to go to C:\WSUS)
Click on "Launch Post-Installation tasks" This is where it failed.

2013-03-11 20:30:38 Postinstall started
2013-03-11 20:30:38 Detected role services: Api, UI, WidDatabase, Services
2013-03-11 20:30:38 Start: LoadSettingsFromXml
2013-03-11 20:30:38 Start: GetConfigValue with filename=UpdateServices-Services.xml item=ContentLocal
2013-03-11 20:30:38 Value is true
2013-03-11 20:30:38 End: GetConfigValue
2013-03-11 20:30:38 Start: GetConfigValue with filename=UpdateServices-Services.xml item=ContentDirectory
2013-03-11 20:30:38 Value is C:\WSUS
2013-03-11 20:30:38 End: GetConfigValue
2013-03-11 20:30:38 Content directory is C:\WSUS
2013-03-11 20:30:38 Database roleservice is not installed
2013-03-11 20:30:38 End: LoadSettingsFromXml
Post install is starting
2013-03-11 20:30:38 Start: Run
2013-03-11 20:30:38 Configuring content directory...
2013-03-11 20:30:38 Configuring groups...
2013-03-11 20:30:38 Starting group configuration for WSUS Administrators...
2013-03-11 20:30:38 Found group in regsitry, attempting to use it...
2013-03-11 20:30:40 Writing group to registry...
2013-03-11 20:30:40 Finished group creation
2013-03-11 20:30:40 Starting group configuration for WSUS Reporters...
2013-03-11 20:30:40 Found group in regsitry, attempting to use it...
2013-03-11 20:30:40 Writing group to registry...
2013-03-11 20:30:40 Finished group creation
2013-03-11 20:30:40 Configuring permissions...
2013-03-11 20:30:40 Fetching content directory...
2013-03-11 20:30:40 Fetching ContentDir from registry store
2013-03-11 20:30:40 Value is C:\WSUS
2013-03-11 20:30:40 Fetching group SIDs...
2013-03-11 20:30:40 Fetching WsusAdministratorsSid from registry store
2013-03-11 20:30:40 Value is S-1-5-21-298960726-2593600910-2836606735-1001
2013-03-11 20:30:40 Fetching WsusReportersSid from registry store
2013-03-11 20:30:40 Value is S-1-5-21-298960726-2593600910-2836606735-1002
2013-03-11 20:30:40 Creating group principals...
2013-03-11 20:30:40 Granting directory permissions...
2013-03-11 20:30:40 Granting permissions on content directory...
2013-03-11 20:30:40 Granting registry permissions...
2013-03-11 20:30:40 Granting registry permissions...
2013-03-11 20:30:40 Granting registry permissions...
2013-03-11 20:30:40 Configuring shares...
2013-03-11 20:30:40 Configuring network shares...
2013-03-11 20:30:40 Fetching content directory...
2013-03-11 20:30:40 Fetching ContentDir from registry store
2013-03-11 20:30:40 Value is C:\WSUS
2013-03-11 20:30:40 Fetching WSUS admin SID...
2013-03-11 20:30:40 Fetching WsusAdministratorsSid from registry store
2013-03-11 20:30:40 Value is S-1-5-21-298960726-2593600910-2836606735-1001
2013-03-11 20:30:40 Content directory is local, creating content shares...
2013-03-11 20:30:40 Creating share "UpdateServicesPackages" with path "C:\WSUS\UpdateServicesPackages" and description "A network share to be used by client systems for collecting all software packages (usually applications) published on this WSUS system."
2013-03-11 20:30:40 Deleting existing share...
2013-03-11 20:30:40 Creating share...
2013-03-11 20:30:40 Share successfully created
2013-03-11 20:30:40 Creating share "WsusContent" with path "C:\WSUS\WsusContent" and description "A network share to be used by Local Publishing to place published content on this WSUS system."
2013-03-11 20:30:40 Deleting existing share...
2013-03-11 20:30:40 Creating share...
2013-03-11 20:30:40 Share successfully created
2013-03-11 20:30:40 Creating share "WSUSTemp" with path "C:\Program Files\Update Services\LogFiles\WSUSTemp" and description "A network share used by Local Publishing from a Remote WSUS Console Instance."
2013-03-11 20:30:40 Deleting existing share...
2013-03-11 20:30:40 Creating share...
2013-03-11 20:30:40 Share successfully created
2013-03-11 20:30:40 Finished creating content shares
2013-03-11 20:30:40 Configuring WID database...
2013-03-11 20:30:40 Configuring the database...
2013-03-11 20:30:41 Establishing DB connection...
2013-03-11 20:30:41 Checking to see if database exists...
2013-03-11 20:30:41 Database exists
2013-03-11 20:30:41 Switching database to single user mode...
2013-03-11 20:30:42 Loading install type query...
2013-03-11 20:30:42 DECLARE @currentScriptVersion int
DECLARE @currentDBVersion int
SET @currentScriptVersion = (9200 + 16384)
SET @currentDBVersion = (SELECT SchemaVersion FROM SUSDB.dbo.tbSchemaVersion WHERE ComponentName = 'CoreDB')
IF @currentDBVersion < 926
ELSE IF @currentDBVersion < @currentScriptVersion
ELSE IF @currentDBVersion = @currentScriptVersion

2013-03-11 20:30:42 Install type is: Reinstall
2013-03-11 20:30:42 Creating logins...
2013-03-11 20:30:42 Fetching account info for S-1-5-20
2013-03-11 20:30:42 Found principal
2013-03-11 20:30:42 Found account
2013-03-11 20:30:42 Got binary SID
2013-03-11 20:30:42 Fetching WsusAdministratorsSid from registry store
2013-03-11 20:30:42 Value is S-1-5-21-298960726-2593600910-2836606735-1001
2013-03-11 20:30:42 Fetching account info for S-1-5-21-298960726-2593600910-2836606735-1001
2013-03-11 20:30:42 Found principal
2013-03-11 20:30:42 Found account
2013-03-11 20:30:42 Got binary SID
2013-03-11 20:30:42 Setting content location...
2013-03-11 20:30:42 Fetching ContentDir from registry store
2013-03-11 20:30:42 Value is C:\WSUS
2013-03-11 20:30:42 Swtching DB to multi-user mode......
2013-03-11 20:30:42 Finished setting multi-user mode
2013-03-11 20:30:42 Writing DB settings to registry...
2013-03-11 20:30:42 Marking PostInstall done for UpdateServices-WidDatabase in the registry...
2013-03-11 20:30:42 Configuring IIS...
2013-03-11 20:30:42 Start: ConfigureWebsite
2013-03-11 20:30:43 Configuring website on port 8530
2013-03-11 20:31:01 2013-03-11 20:30:53 Info IISCustomAction Performing Setup Action, Command /Install
2013-03-11 20:31:00 Info IISCustomAction Command /Install Succeeded

2013-03-11 20:31:01 End: ConfigureWebsite
2013-03-11 20:31:01 Configuring performance counters...
2013-03-11 20:31:01 Configuring Stats.NET perf counter...
2013-03-11 20:31:01 Configuring reporting perf counter...
2013-03-11 20:31:01 Configuring client webservice perf counter...
2013-03-11 20:31:01 Configuring server sync webservice perf counter...
2013-03-11 20:31:01 Configuring API remoting perf counter...
2013-03-11 20:31:01 Bringing services online...
2013-03-11 20:31:01 Checking initialization status...
2013-03-11 20:31:01 StartServer starting...
2013-03-11 20:31:01 Generating encryption key to write to the registry...
2013-03-11 20:31:01 Generating encryption key to write to the database...
2013-03-11 20:31:02 Generating encryption key succeeded...
2013-03-11 20:31:02 Setting WSUSService to autostart...
2013-03-11 20:31:02 WSUSService is set to autostart.
2013-03-11 20:31:02 Starting WSUSService...
2013-03-11 20:31:02 WSUSService is now started.
2013-03-11 20:31:02 Importing default detectoids.
2013-03-11 20:31:02 Importing CriticalUpdates.xml...
2013-03-11 20:31:03 ImportDefaultDetectoids failed. Exception: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "FK__tbDeploym__Targe__38EE7070". The conflict occurred in database "SUSDB", table "dbo.tbTargetGroup", column 'TargetGroupID'.
Failed to deploy update E6CF1350-C01B-414D-A61F-263D14D133B4\1 to downstream server target group
Warning: The join order has been enforced because a local join hint is used.
Warning: The join order has been enforced because a local join hint is used.
Warning: The join order has been enforced because a local join hint is used.
Warning: The join order has been enforced because a local join hint is used.
Warning: The join order has been enforced because a local join hint is used.
Warning: The join order has been enforced because a local join hint is used.
Warning: The join order has been enforced because a local join hint is used.
The statement has been terminated.
at Microsoft.UpdateServices.DatabaseAccess.DBConnection.DrainObsoleteConnections(SqlException e)
at Microsoft.UpdateServices.DatabaseAccess.DBConnection.ExecuteCommandNoResult()
at Microsoft.UpdateServices.Internal.DatabaseAccess.CommonDataAccess.ExecuteSPImportUpdate(Int32 upstreamServerLocalId, String xmlUpdateBlob, Byte[] xmlUpdateBlobCompressed, Int32& localRevisionId)
at Microsoft.UpdateServices.Internal.DatabaseAccess.CommonDataAccess.ImportUpdate(Int32 ussRevLocalId, String xmlUpdateBlob, Byte[] xmlUpdateBlobCompressed, String xmlSdpBlob, Int32& localRevisionId)
at Microsoft.UpdateServices.Internal.DatabaseAccess.CommonDataAccess.ImportUpdate(Int32 ussRevLocalId, String xmlUpdateBlob, Byte[] xmlUpdateBlobCompressed)
at Microsoft.UpdateServices.Setup.StartServer.StartServer.ImportDefaultDetectoids()
2013-03-11 20:31:03 StartServer encountered errors. Exception=The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "FK__tbDeploym__Targe__38EE7070". The conflict occurred in database "SUSDB", table "dbo.tbTargetGroup", column 'TargetGroupID'.
Failed to deploy update E6CF1350-C01B-414D-A61F-263D14D133B4\1 to downstream server target group
Warning: The join order has been enforced because a local join hint is used.
Warning: The join order has been enforced because a local join hint is used.
Warning: The join order has been enforced because a local join hint is used.
Warning: The join order has been enforced because a local join hint is used.
Warning: The join order has been enforced because a local join hint is used.
Warning: The join order has been enforced because a local join hint is used.
Warning: The join order has been enforced because a local join hint is used.
The statement has been terminated.
2013-03-11 20:31:03 Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.CommandException: Failed to start and configure the WSUS service
at Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.PostInstall.Run()
at Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.PostInstall.Execute(String[] arguments)
Fatal Error: Failed to start and configure the WSUS service

Relevant bit of the error log said:
ImportDefaultDetectoids failed. Exception: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "FK__tbDeploym__Targe__38EE7070". The conflict occurred in database "SUSDB", table "dbo.tbTargetGroup", column 'TargetGroupID'.
Can't figure out what's up with it. Anyone have any ideas?
Last edited:
I'm struggling with the exact same WSUS problem and error. Did you ever find a way to fix it?
Not familiar with the 2012 installs in general, but can you try installing the WID first, and make sure that's running?
Welcome to the server 2012 Buggy as shit edition. I haven't run across that error but plenty of others.
install WSUS to a separate SQL server instance (not the default Windows Internal Database SQL instance)
Hey guys, just curios if you did in fact have success installing this as a separate package, also, not clear if a separate SQL instance was required with that as well. Please let me know and thanks!