WSUS Master / Replica Setup


Mar 2, 2009
I'm trying to setup a WSUS server in our new location in California. I have the server setup and have it configuerd to pull updates, polices, and etc from my main site in Iowa. From the error I'm getting it would appear that it's because of the 2 hour time difference between Iowa and California that is causing the master / replica servers to not replicate information to each other.

Does anybody have an idea of how to get around this time difference issue?
Sync the time on both servers with a local NTP source, a free server listed on, or something else appropriate that way the servers are in sync but only the timezone offset differs. Normally this doesn't bother apps since the sync is based on UTM time not the displayed time.

If it still doesn't work you'll have to trick it with the timezone settings unless you can find a KB article on M$ addressing the issue.
The time zones are correct and the time is actually right one (except for the 2 hour time difference). If I can't find anything I'm going to turn it back into a single wsus server and manage it individually