I feel stupid...


[H]F Junkie
Sep 18, 2006
Let me first off say I do not know the difference between a router, hub, switches, blahs, or anything else that deals with networking. So on to why I feel stupid;

Ok so I have just figured out I have been running the Linksys 8-port Workgroup Hub (10Mbps) to split my connections between my computer and xbox360. And I have had it that way for about a year now :(

I have always wondered why my internet was so much slower then it should be. And I think I finally figured it out :p

So what should I get to replace this hub? (I am about to put a little server on the network thats why I finally decided to really figure out why)

P.S. My speeds went from;


to this


P.S.S. I wish they had FiOS in my area :(
if you already have a router, or i guess your using some kind of ICS, just get a switch.

how are you sharing the internet connection?

if your using ICS id replace with a cheap router, then add a switch if need expandability
I am using 2wire...So all I have is..

2Wire Modem to the Hub and then I would have a line going to my PC and another to my 360 from the hub.
that 2wire is a router, just get a 10/100 or 10/100/1000 switch. 5 port linksys, or whatever walmart/bestbuy has.