Would you buy a Asus P5K-E /Wifi-AP Open Box?


Dec 8, 2007
I have found some respectable sites that have open boxes that are $30-$40 cheaper than buying new.
I would NEVER buy an open box motherboard. Too many hotrrer stories of hearing about crap missing and would YOU really want a board some punk 14 yr. old screwed into his case and mounted (or tried) a processor onto and who knows what else?

Didn't think so. Don't mees around with used mobo's that you're basically paying new for.

Now if was $100 off? Maybe. I still wouldn't.
What Brahmzy said X2!

The only way I'd consider it is if it was considerably lower in price than new, and came with a lifetime warranty, and I doubt we'll ever see that day.
I have an open box monitor from Newegg that's great. But a mobo is whole different animal. I read Egg reviews and when people complain I can often see they mauled the heck out of their build. I wouldn't get an open box item that was so delicate even static elctricity could fubar it. Plus Newegg open box stuff has no warranty. On the plus side there is no restock fee - but I just dont think an open box mobo is good idea unless its GREAT price and only for a secondary build. Its a roll of the dice really.