World of Warcraft


Limp Gawd
Apr 21, 2001
l downloaded and played the EQ2 trail yesterday. It seemed pretty cool but all i got to do was kill a few baddies and craft a "something". They should really add a few more things. I ended up buying WOW "havent' opened it yet". I was wondering if someone could help me out with a few questions before I open it.

1. Good forum link to read about the game "something constructive"
2. Do they still have server issues "if they do I'll return the game"
3. I live in TX, what server would i pick for the least amount of lag.

It all depends on what server you choose. I'm not sure which ones are the best for starting players. They just opened up 6 new servers or something, but I saw screenshots from one of the starting areas and it looked like a mob scene.

Servers you want to avoid:
Bleeding Hollow
Shattered Hand

Check out the forums @
Im on Kel Thuzad and it is just fine. I have another character on Illidian, and if you cannot play in lag do NOT go on that server. Lagcity baby!
I'm on Mannoroth. It's a great PvP east coast server, but it is one of the highest populated servers.

This has been a bad week for us though. I guess it's payback for all the time the other servers used to have problems, and I was wondering why it wasn't happening to us. :p
Based on (2), return the game. You'll hate it if it's already make-or-break for you. That said, any MMO is going to have server issues at one point or another.
i play on uther and on windrunner and lag wise id say windrunner is the better server.
i play on Nathrezim (low pop) and i've never had a problem lagging. its PvP MT server
i'm on laughing skull and i love it. pvp realm and all the login queues that everyone complains about, different hotfixes that always have to be applied, crashing, all that crap, never happens to my server ever. only time it goes down is for scheduled maintenance or a normal big patch. i've never had any unexpected downtime. and it has enough people where you get great pvp, but it's not crazy, i've never had to hunt for monsters to spawn for a quest or anything like that, but there's always plenty of people to party with.
If you're just starting out. Myself and 3 other guys just started on Stormscale (newer low pop server) and are starting a [H] guild on there.

If you go that way feel free to message me: Seleste.
i'm on Stormreaver, and the lag/queues are horrible during guild originally started on Nathrezim, but for whatever reason, switched to Stormreaver.....

i wish that we had stayed on Nath.... :(
I'm on Dalaran and its pretty good lag-wise (I only have some problems after talking to someone when completing quests *sometimes*). Decent population but not overly crowded.
I started a week ago on Alleria b/c my RL friends are on there.
Then i moved to FireTree which is a new PvP east coast server.
I play SHattered Hand with friends and around 5:30-7:30 there is always a ques for 30 min. And then again later in the night. But I don't mind.
Look around a bit and you'll see the servers that are having overpop issues. Avoid those (mainly what were called east coast servers at launch) and you'll be able to find out if you like the game or not.
xXaNaXx said:
i'm on Stormreaver, and the lag/queues are horrible during guild originally started on Nathrezim, but for whatever reason, switched to Stormreaver.....

i wish that we had stayed on Nath.... :(

What guild?