Woohoo got my ftp server on-line on first try


[H]F Junkie
Dec 24, 2001
over 1 mb/s not bad from my moms ancient P 2 -400 computer. It got a 100 mb internet connection though but mine is only 10.

Wonder what speeds I will be getting when she get her new P 4 3.2 based computer and not with that cheap crap network card I installed on her old computer :D
um, where did you manage to find a 10mbit net connection? and a 100mbit net connection? :confused:
Originally posted by FLECOM
um, where did you manage to find a 10mbit net connection? and a 100mbit net connection? :confused:

Perhaps he's swedish?
(No, I'm not envious, or anything. :mad: )
Should I say internet connection or broadband connection. But broadband can be anything from crappy 512 kb to 100 mb ;)

Yes I am Sweden and we got fibre everywhere in this god blessed country :D

I mean if my mom who all she do is connecting to first class and read e-mails and my father who only manages his stocks and are constantly getting pissed off when sitting by the computer are ready to invest 2500$ + 25$ monthly fee in broadband capabilities you see there is quite a market in Sweden for superfast broadband :D

We even got fibre for 100 mb drawn to our summer house where we ain´t even got any computer just for future investment ;)
That just aint fair! The UK is years behind every other country when it come to broadband, we have to pay more for less. + The price of computer hardware is almost same for $ to £ (even thought there is an exchange rate of 1.85!!!)

:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

(feel better after getting that off my chest).
Originally posted by flav3rsav3r
You think Sweden has it made... check out South Korea!


Yes I think 99 % of the population in Korea and Japan have 3G cell phones and everything. But then it´s dirt cheap over there.

I have also noted that computer parts are often cheaper here in Sweden then in the rest of the world even with our high taxes. Don´t really know why that is? I guess it´s in the UK case is the pound that is to highly rated or something.
i have a friend in sweden who has a 100mbit connection..It's shared throughout the neighborhood though. they pay like $20-$30 each a mmonth to cover the cost
Originally posted by ksanders2006
i have a friend in sweden who has a 100mbit connection..It's shared throughout the neighborhood though. they pay like $20-$30 each a mmonth to cover the cost

Yes that is how it works generally. You can get money from the EU to sponsor some of the cost but generally for each household you pay between 1500-3000$ + monthly fee so it´s not for free ;)

And you of course never get downloading speeds of 100 mb/s but it´s definiatly a bit faster than my 10 mb connection.
How did we (USA) become such losers in the broadband race??
Originally posted by Due
How did we (USA) become such losers in the broadband race??

Well you where behind already with the cell phones and it´s kind of related.

Also the waste distance of the US continent surely don´t help either. A lot of ditches to dig ;)
thats it, who's movin to sweden with me?

i'm thinkin colocation facilities in my house..

*door busts in* police: we suspect this house of growin drugs
us: wha?
police: your power bills and enormous, very typical of a house used to grow drugs.
us: *laff*
Originally posted by Due
How did we (USA) become such losers in the broadband race??

becuase we are all at the mercy of greedy bastards that want to give us the least possible service for the most possible money?
Originally posted by Due
How did we (USA) become such losers in the broadband race??

It's an irony of capitalistic free enterprise. Whenever you have free competition, companies will tend to compete on price until profit margins are extremely thin. Extremely thin profit margins means little cash to finance either research or infrastructure upgrades.

Contra-example: Microsoft has something like a 5 billion dollar a year research budget, financed by large profit margins throughout the past 20+ years of not having to compete on price.

- Qualm
Also, in a lot of areas, you have, in essence, been the guinea pigs of the world.
Television if my personal favorite example. The image quality of the US channels I get is usually appaling compared to the PAL-based (european) ones :D

My ISP just doubled my download from 1024 to 2048 kbps without changing the prize, btw.
(Although I would actually have been happier if they upped the download to 512, instead of staying with 256.)
Originally posted by HHunt
Also, in a lot of areas, you have, in essence, been the guinea pigs of the world.
Television if my personal favorite example. The image quality of the US channels I get is usually appaling compared to the PAL-based (european) ones :D

My ISP just doubled my download from 1024 to 2048 kbps without changing the prize, btw.
(Although I would actually have been happier if they upped the download to 512, instead of staying with 256.)
Comcast did that to a lot of their customers, 3Mbps download now...

Plus, TV sucks. It's all about HDTV/Satellite :)
yeah mediacom just doubled speed to 3mbit/256kbit now
and yeah. cable tv sux0rs. HDTV rocks my socks off:D
Originally posted by draconius
yeah mediacom just doubled speed to 3mbit/256kbit now
and yeah. cable tv sux0rs. HDTV rocks my socks off:D

Here in Sweden even the ground net with the public service channels will become digital this year :( Wonder what expensive equipment I need to buy for watching tv now :(
Originally posted by oqvist
Well you where behind already with the cell phones and it´s kind of related.

Also the waste distance of the US continent surely don´t help either. A lot of ditches to dig ;)
There you go...that's one of the main reasons.

It is more than politics that causes the US to be so far behind, it is also geography. The population density in the US is far lower than most European countries, or S. Korea, and not even close to Japan.

Having the population clustered closely together allowes telco's (or the government, if that applies) to run single utility trunks that serve a much greater number of households than where it is more spread out.

Some quick numbers I worked up with estimated 2003 population and national land area gives the following population densities:

South Korea 490 ppl/sq km
United Kingdom 245 ppl/sq km
Japan 336 ppl/sq km
United States 30 ppl/sq km

Now Sweden is a huge problem in this example since they have a popden of about 19 ppl/sq km. While I don't know, my guess is that the population is pretty clustered in cities rather than all spread out like in the US. By pure ubanization numbers they are fairly close those, 83% for Sweden and 77% for the US.

By the way, the low population density in the US also goes a very long way to explain the near total failure mass transit has had here, compared to Europe and Japan/S. Korea.

Can anyone tell I really don't feel like doing much work today?
Yes but then it´s really really strange that US was so late with cell phones. But they will make up for it it´s Japan and US who are leading the 3G race really. But that I think is because from what I have heard there is phone booths everywhere in the US so you don´t need cell phones.

About sweden it´s a political thing. The government contributes some also to give broadband to the public. And Scandinavia countries like Sweden and Finland has always been big computer consumers. I mean look at companies like Ericsson and Nokia. There is not a coincidence they originate from Finland and Sweden.