Wont save settings


Limp Gawd
Sep 22, 2008
Hey everyone, my computer had a trojan attack a month ago that was fairly easy to get rid of. But like always there are some quirks left over from changed settings. I have one that is really bugging me and need to get it figured out.

It will not let me save icon positions on the desktop. They always go back to default after reboot. And any folder settings i may have in the view settings always revert back to default once you leave the folder.

If i could just figure out why it's not saving any of that stuff i would be eternally greatfull. Anybody have an idea what got changed thats not allowing me to save these things?
I went back and did a system restore which brought back my resolution and icons in the old places. Yippee!

But then, IE8 would crash every time i opened it. Damn. Did quite a few searches and couldn't find a fix that would work, so i restored it back to the way it was. At least it's usable now. I wonder what settings got changed?