WMP - Screen white (no video) but audio is fine


Supreme [H]ardness
Aug 21, 2007
Whenever I try to play a movie in WMP the screen is white but I get audio. So I need to somehow get video. What's odd is i've been playing movies for a while with WMP and i've even tried movies that I know are fine and i still have the issue.

Any idea?
Tried reinstalling any 3rd party codecs? I recommend the K-lite codec pack, some people recommend the CCC pack. Either way, that sounds like a codec issue.
Is there any particular file type that has the trouble or is it just video in general? Either way the above post is correct, you probably have corrupt codecs and should reinstall divx or whatever you use or try something new.
Do yourself a favor and download the CCP Insurgent tool. It will show all codecs that are installed, and then you can uninstall all those codecs.

CCP Insurgent

Then download the most current version of FFDshow. It has all the codecs you'll ever need, and is much better than CCP and the rest.