Wireless tools


Mar 25, 2002
Ok i have been lurking around the net for a long time during my day since out work load was very slow. I was not able to find any really great wireless LAN monitoring tools. If anyone has some links or wants to list some that would be awsome. ;)

WildPackets AiroPeek
AirSnort is okay to have some times as well.
NMAP - figure out exactly what type of AP they have....usually when I'm board.
Nessus - security audit tool

I know, NMAP & Nessus you are probably saying why?!? When I do a security audit I first see how easy it is to get on the wireless. NMAP doesn't get used as much anymore as Nessus runs my nmap scans anyway. Once I'm on I usually run Nessus to see what hosts are a security issue.

It's almost scary how unsecured most wireless stuff is. We did an audit for a place once, great security on all there incoming WAN connections, good setup on there Ethernet stuff. Wireless was wide open for anything and everything. The client was rather shaken.
niccoli said:

It's almost scary how unsecured most wireless stuff is. We did an audit for a place once, great security on all there incoming WAN connections, good setup on there Ethernet stuff. Wireless was wide open for anything and everything. The client was rather shaken.

How unsecure the wireless is does not suprise me a bit. Just go to a roof top in NY city and you can get into many big name places wireless side.
